
  • 网络Underground mine
  1. Windows环境下的地下矿山设计软件系统

    A Software " Underground mine design " for Windows

  2. 采用面向对象技术,借助VisualC++集成开发环境,成功地开发出Windows环境下简便易用的地下矿山设计软件系统。

    With VisualC + + IDE and Object Oriented technology , the author successfully developed the Underground Mine 's Design for Windows .

  3. 基于BP神经网络的非煤地下矿山安全评价模型

    Safety Assessment Model of Underground Non-coal Mine Based on BP Neural Network

  4. 本文介绍了地下矿山自行设备,如铲运机、卡车(时速15km/h)的障碍物探测系统。

    This Paper describes an obstacle detection device for autonomous vehicles , such as LHDs and trucks , navigating in mine drifts at sPeeds of about 15 km / h.

  5. 本次设计的产品为CA-20地下矿山自卸汽车的差速器设计。

    The product of this design is CA-20 underground mining dump truck .

  6. 但国营铜企智利国家铜业公司(Corporaci口nNacionaldelCobre)拥有的世界最大地下矿山ElTeniente在周日较晚时候恢复了运营,不过该公司的Andina矿山仍然关闭。

    State-run copper concern Corporaci ó n Nacional del Cobre , however , reopened El Teniente , the world 's biggest underground mine , late Sunday , though its Andina mine remained closed .

  7. 浅部易采的矿产资源日趋枯竭,地下矿山向深部开采是必然趋势。从20世纪80年代起,煤矿的开采深度已经达到1300m。随着深度的增加,遇到的难题也逐渐出现。

    Easy shallow mining of mineral resources are depleting and underground mining to deep mining is an inevitable trend.80 years from the 20th century , the coal mining depth has reached 1300m . As the depth increases , the problems encountered are also gradually emerged .

  8. 邯邢冶金地下矿山灾害性事故预防研究

    Prevention of disastrous accidents in Handan and Xingtai metallurgical underground mine

  9. 地下矿山无废开采和灾害控制技术的现状与发展对策

    Current Situation and Development Countermeasures of Underground Mine Mining Without Waste

  10. 我国地下矿山采矿方法的进展及发展趋势

    Advance in China 's Underground Mining Methods and Its Development Trend

  11. 地下矿山压缩空气系统节能探讨

    Discussions on Energy-saving in the Air Compress System of Underground Mining

  12. 地下矿山开采系统的岩石力学优化方法及其应用

    A geomechanical optimization method of underground mining system and its application

  13. 地下矿山采掘计划神经网络专家系统研究

    Expert System of Neural Network for Mining Scheduling of Underground Mine

  14. 地下矿山采空区处理方法的评价与优选

    Evaluation and optimization of disposal methods for gob in underground mine

  15. 铲运机在地下矿山的应用现状与前景

    Current Situation and Prospects for Application of Scrapers in Underground Mines

  16. 地下矿山生产矿量的计算与管理

    The account and management of total ore reserves in underground mine

  17. 岩金地下矿山安全管理评述

    A review of safety management of underground rock gold mine

  18. 论地下矿山噪声污染的危害与防治

    The Harm and Prevention of Noise Pollution of Underground Mine

  19. 白银有色金属公司地下矿山技术改造与展望

    Technical reform of underground mines and outlook in Baiyin Nonferrous Metals Co

  20. 遗传算法优化地下矿山开采顺序的应用研究

    Optimization of stoping sequence in underground mine by using genetic algorithm method

  21. 基于可持续发展观的地下矿山阶段开采新模式

    Sustainable Development Concept-based New Stage Mining Mode for Underground Mines

  22. 地下矿山岩石工程设计机理路径分析方法

    Mechanism Pathway Analysis Method for the Rock Engineering Design of Underground Mines

  23. 硬岩地下矿山优化决策的新途径

    A new approach to making optimum decision for underground mine

  24. 地下矿山无轨辅助车辆及其通用底盘概述

    An introduction to underground trackless service vehicle and its general purpose chassis

  25. 地温梯度对地下矿山地应力计算的影响

    Influence of Earth Temperature Gradient on Ground Stress Calculation in Underground Mines

  26. 地下矿山采场顶板厚度数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation of Artificial Roof Thickness of Underground Mine Stope

  27. 高效机械化湿喷混凝土技术及其在地下矿山的应用

    High-Efficient Wet Shotcreting Technology and Its Application in Underground Mines

  28. 浅论岩金地下矿山采矿方法的二次选择

    Second-selection of mining method of rock gold underground mine

  29. 微利地下矿山延深工程的设计与实施

    Design and practice of extension project of underground me age r profit mines

  30. 水隔离浆体泵在岩金地下矿山采场充填的应用

    Application of water-isolated slurry pump in stope filling of underground rock gold mine