
  1. 目前,真正意义上的地方国库现金管理在我国尚未开展,地方国库现金管理对于很多人来说是一个全新事物,也是一个新型课题。

    At present , the true sense of the treasury cash management has not yet been undertaken in our country .

  2. 第四,结合前面所作的分析,总结归纳出现阶段地方国库现金管理工作的原则和初步运作方式。

    Fourthly , through the above analysis , the author summarizes the principle and original operational procedures of local treasury cash management .

  3. 最后,从制度建设等方面提出完善地方国库现金管理工作中亟待解决的问题及相关建议,以降低地方政府运作国库现金的风险。

    At the end , the author raises the solution to integrate the treasury cash management and reduce the risk of operating treasury cash by local department of finance .

  4. 不足之处在于,收集的数据资料有限,理论观点数据支持不够,对地方国库现金管理改革体系建设具体操作问题的研究尚待深入。

    The downside is , the limited data collected , not enough data to support theoretical point of view , the reform of the local treasury cash management system specific operational problems yet in-depth research .

  5. 总结归纳出现阶段地方国库现金管理的原则和初期的操作方式,对构建地方国库现金管理的机制提出了自己的见解。

    Then sums up the principle and operation model of carrying out the local treasury cash management at the present stage and puts forward the own views on the construction of mechanism of local treasury cash management .

  6. 国库集中收付是财政国库管理制度改革重要内容,会计集中核算向国库集中收付转轨是财政部深化地方财政国库管理制度改革的要求。

    Unified Treasury Collection System is the important content of the reform of treasury administration system . Centralized Accounting shifting to the Unified Treasury Collection is the requirement of deepening the reform of local financial treasury administration system of Ministry of Finance .

  7. 地方经济的发展和地方国库现金余额的逐年增长,也使得地方政府对实施地方国库现金管理表现出积极的态度。

    Because of the rising level of the economic development and the local treasury cash balances ' increasing year by year , more and more local governments show the great interests and positive attitude about the implementation of the local treasury management .

  8. 同时,随着中央国库现金管理改革的推行,地方开展现金管理的条件也趋于成熟,积极稳妥地推进地方国库现金管理改革,已经成为当务之急。

    Meanwhile , with the central treasury cash management reform implementation , the local treasury cash management to carry out the conditions mature , actively and steadily promote the reform of the local treasury cash management , has become urgent .