
  • 网络local financing platform;local government-backed investment units
  1. 地方融资平台债务总体规模增长势头仍在持续,同时各种债务结构不尽合理。

    The scale of local financing platform of debt growth momentum continues , and the debt structure is irrational .

  2. 但债务风险也随着规模的膨胀而日益累积,尤其是以地方融资平台形式的举债,更是成为需要重点监管的领域。

    But debt risk also with the scale of expansion and increasingly accumulated , especially with local financing platform form of debt , it is to become more important regulatory field .

  3. 在严格控制的背景下,地方融资平台仍面临着严峻的信贷政策环境。

    In the strict control environment , local government financing platform faced a severe credit policy environment .

  4. 2010年,国家有关部门相继出台调控政策,对各地方融资平台提出了清理和规范的要求。

    Abstract : In2010 , the relevant state department has issued regulation policies , putting forward the requirement of clearance and specification .

  5. 然而由于管理、运作不够规范,地方融资平台出现了严重的债务风险问题,政界已逐渐意识到其问题的严重性并采取了相关防范风险的措施。

    However , due to operation failed , financing platform suffered into great debt risks , politics had gradually realized the serious problem and began to take appropriate action against risk .

  6. 另外,作为非正规的融资途径,地方融资平台这种话题还很敏感,还有很多问题说不清楚,因此国内学者对此的研究相对较少。

    In addition , as a non-formal channel of financing , local financing platform is still very sensitive , there are still many unanswered problems and domestic scholars study was relatively few .

  7. 由此,我们也要注意宏观审慎监管,其自然也包括政策,但最主要的任务还在于规则的制定和法律体系的构建,以期为地方融资平台搭建一个长远,可靠,稳定的监管保障。

    And we should still pay attention to the supervision in its macro sense , that is , to make rules and construct a complete legal system for a long-term , reliable and stable regulatory protection .

  8. 但目前旧城改造资金主要来源于财政投资和基于地方融资平台的债券以及银行贷款,给地方政府带来了巨大的债务压力。

    But at present , the funds of urban renewal mainly come from fiscal investment and bonds which based on the local financing platform and bank loans , which have brought huge debt pressure to local government .

  9. 在此基础上,本文对X省地方政府融资平台的基本情况和风险现状进行了分析。

    From researching on current situation and data , this paper does the practical study of the financing platform of local government in a sample province . After the general description of the situation and loan of platforms , the paper analyzed the risk of platform .

  10. 第六章为地方政府融资平台举债风险分析。

    The sixth chapter is local government financing platform debt risks analysis .

  11. 本文是对地方政府融资平台公司的一次创新性研究。

    This paper is a innovative research for Local Government-backed Investment Units .

  12. 第二部分是地方政府融资平台贷款概述。

    Overview of the second part is the local government financing loans .

  13. 地方政府融资平台的建设日渐突起。

    The construction of financing platform of local government is raised rapidly .

  14. 上海的一个信托业高管说:房地产和地方政府融资平台的风险正在上升。

    The risk in real estate and local government financing platforms is increasing .

  15. 第二章分析地方政府融资平台公司的法律地位。

    The second partis analysis of the legal status of local government financing platform company .

  16. 在我国,地方政府融资平台的快速发展,也同样引起了各方专家、学者的广泛关注。

    In our country , the prosperous development of local government financing platform arouse wide attention .

  17. 另一个令人关切的领域是向地方政府融资平台发放贷款的大幅增长。

    Another area of concern is the boom in lending to the funding vehicles of local governments .

  18. 第五部分是规范鄂尔多斯市地方政府融资平台贷款的建议及风险的化解。

    Part five is the standard er recommendations of the local government financing loans and risk solution .

  19. 地方政府融资平台风险转移是指融资平台风险的转嫁升级。

    The risk transfer of local government financing platform is the risk passed on financing platform upgrade .

  20. 第六章,商业银行与地方政府融资平台风险管控。

    The sixth chapter explores commercial banks and local government financing plat-form loans ' risk management and control .

  21. 金融危机之后,地方政府融资平台风险被进一步关注。

    After the financial crisis , the local government is further concerned about the risk of financing platform .

  22. 但与此同时,地方政府融资平台背后隐藏的风险也越来凸现出来。

    But at the same time , the underlying risk of the local government financial platform began to emerge .

  23. 过去两年大量的信贷扩张都是通过地方政府融资平台进行的。

    A great deal of the credit expansion over the last two years had been funneled through the aforementioned LGFVs .

  24. 第四章以上海市普陀区为例,对地方政府融资平台风险管理问题进行实证分析。

    The fourth chapter uses district Putuo as an example to illustrate the risk management of the local government financing platform .

  25. 第二章研究我国地方政府融资平台的历史沿革和发展现状。

    In the second chapter , the history and the development of the local government financing platform in China are provided .

  26. 本文的最后一部分以该省地方政府融资平台风险情况为依据,对融资平台的管理以及配套制度措施提出了一些改进建议。

    In the last part of this paper , we give some suggestion on the operation of the government financing platform .

  27. 地方政府融资平台正是在地方政府对资金需求和地方政府资金供给不匹配的矛盾下产生的。

    Local government financing platform is in the local government demand for funds and local government funding supply matching contradiction arising under the .

  28. 为避免此类贷款最终引发金融问题甚至财政问题,评估、预警、防范、解决地方政府融资平台贷款的风险成为商业银行当前亟待解决的问题。

    How to evaluate and prevent beforehand risk in Local government financing loans is a problem that needs to be resolved by the commercial banks .

  29. 地方政府融资平台在促进地方经济发展,以及筹集地方基础设施建设所需的资金方面发挥了重要的作用。

    Local government financing platform to promote local economic development , as well as raise funds for local infrastructure required to play an important role .

  30. 地方政府融资平台在推动城市化基础设施建设、促进产业化发展和拉动内需等方面均发挥着重要的作用。

    Local government financing platform in promoting urban infrastructure construction , promote industrial development , expanding domestic demand and other aspects play an important role .