
  • 网络balance;g.cm;balancing capacity
  1. 你现在服用的药物可能会影响身体的平衡能力。

    The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance .

  2. 提出一种具有负载平衡能力的adhoc网络路由协议(LBHR)。

    A hybrid routing protocol for ad hoc network , which is capable of load balance , is proposed in this article .

  3. 使用CCD摄像仪测定人体直立时的身体动摇和对人平衡能力的评价

    Measurement of Postural Sway on Upright Stance Using CCD Video Camera System and Postural Stability Evaluation

  4. 结论优度法(GM)的平衡能力最强,建议取代目前广为应用的极差法和方差法。

    Conclusion Goodness method ( GM ) is encouraged to put into practice to replace popular range method and variance method .

  5. 波士顿动力公司生产的机器人以极佳的平衡能力而闻名。在那段Spot的视频中,工作人员踢了它一脚,试图把它踹倒。

    Boston Dynamics ' robots are renowned for their incredible balance . In the video of Spot , company employees can be seen kicking the robotic dog , trying to topple it over .

  6. 作为Agent系统,它是智能化的一元化体系,兼有Agent系统的一切机制和功能特征,例如滞后绑定,结构再造,最优负载平衡能力,自主存活和扩展能力等。

    As an agent system , it is a unique factoral architecture featuring with all the mechanisms and functions of an agent system , such as lag-binding , restructure , optimal load balancing capability , self-surviving and expansible abilities etc.

  7. 最后通过建立一个订单流程管理系统重点论证了zope/openflow系统强大的异常处理能力、动态重配置性和可扩展及负载平衡能力。

    At last we validate capability of the zope / openflow by building an order management systems .

  8. 在新系统中,采用MIDAS技术作为应用开发引擎,同时结合了COM+技术,建立了一个具有容错及负载平衡能力,稳固可靠的分布式应用系统。

    MIDAS and COM + technology is used in the new system to set up a firm distributed application with fault tolerance and load balancing .

  9. 方法对42例较年轻的严重脑卒中偏瘫患者采用一系列的强化训练对策,平均训练3个月后观察运动功能、平衡能力、步行情况和日常生活活动(ADL)改变情况。

    Methods The paper observed the results of intensive training for42 relative younger severe stroke patients based on the measurements of motor function , balance , walk and ADL .

  10. 它对患者的体位转换、平衡能力、日常生活活动能力(ADL)及有效的上肢功能活动均产生不同程度的抑制。

    In position of patients with conversion , balance , activities of daily living ( ADL ) and effective upper limb functional activities of both , it causes different degrees of inhibition .

  11. 结论胚胎期母体暴露FEN可加速中年CD-1小鼠焦虑行为、自发探索能力、感觉运动平衡能力损害以及年龄相关性空间学习记忆能力的提前减退。

    Conclusion Embryo exposure to FEN can accelerate anxiety behavior and spontaneous ability to explore , sensorimotor ability damage and age-related spatial learning and memory decline in the middle-aged CD-1 mice .

  12. 构建中国男性青少年人体静态平衡能力的软件评价平台

    Establishment of a static balance ability software platform for male adolescents

  13. 波士顿动力公司生产的机器人以极佳的平衡能力而闻名。

    Boston Dynamics " robots are renowned for their incredible balance .

  14. 老年人跌倒与平衡能力下降的相关测试指标

    The correlation between the balance function of the elderly and their falls

  15. 全身振动对绝经后妇女平衡能力的影响

    The effects of whole body vibration on balance ability in postmenopausal women

  16. 容错和负载平衡能力在分布式系统中的应用

    Application of Tolerance Error and Loading & Balancing Capability in Distributed System

  17. 玛丽希望借舞蹈课能够改善她的体态和平衡能力。

    Mary hoped the dance lessons would improve her poise and balance .

  18. 分别测定两组药物对患者平衡能力和脑电地形图的影响。

    Balance ability and brain electrical activity mapping were observed .

  19. 老年人平衡能力的测试方法(综述)

    Test Methods of Balance Ability in Old People ( A Summary )

  20. 体操练习对学前儿童平衡能力发展的影响

    Influence of Gymnastics on Development of Pre school Children 's Balance Capacity

  21. 闭眼单脚站立反映人体平衡能力。

    One-leg standing with eye-closed showed the ability of body-balance .

  22. 老年人平衡能力的性别特征

    The Characteristics of the Balance Function of the Male and Female elderly

  23. 降低重心可以改善平衡能力。

    Lowering your center of gravity will improve your balance .

  24. 视力残疾学生与普通学生平衡能力比较研究

    Comparative Study of the Balancing Capacity of Children with and without Visual Impairment

  25. 太极拳运动对老年平衡能力的影响

    Research on Impacts of Taijiquan on the Balance Ability of the Aged People

  26. 偏瘫患者站立位平衡能力定量研究

    Evaluation of balance ability in standing persons with hemiplegia

  27. 要想当一名得力的非执行董事,需要有非凡的平衡能力。

    It takes an extraordinary balancing act to be an effective non-executive director .

  28. 老年平衡能力测试方法的研究

    Research on the Method in Testing the Balance Function of the Old People

  29. 某些耳疾会影响人的平衡能力。

    Certain ear diseases can affect one 's equilibrium .

  30. 不安全环境,尤其对平衡能力差和视力不好的人而言。

    Unsafe environments , particularly for those with poor balance and limited vision .