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  • equal right
  1. 男女应该享有平等权利。

    Men and women should enjoy equal right .

  2. 1963年金会见肯尼迪总统,要求通过新的民权法,给黑人以平等权利。

    In1963 King met President Kennedy and asked for new civil rights laws to give blacks equal right .

  3. 他们为了获得平等权利已经进行了顽强的斗争。

    They had fought hard for equal rights .

  4. 那家俱乐部最终还是让了步,现在赋予女性以平等权利。

    The club eventually capitulated and now grants equal rights to women

  5. 我们将要求享有工作中应得的平等权利。

    We will be justly demanding equal rights at work .

  6. 他把目前政府提倡平等权利的举措称为“彻头彻尾的伪善”。

    He called it ' rank hypocrisy ' that the government was now promoting equal rights .

  7. 妇女必须坚持斗争,直至取得平等权利。

    Women must battle on until they have gained equality .

  8. 现在美国绝大多数人都支持赋予LGBT群体所有的平等权利

    Now an absolute majority of the American people are fully supportive of extending all rights to the LGBT community .

  9. 随着联合国开始以法律形式承诺和尊重LGBT人士的平等权利,全世界可为所有的人提供更安全、更受到尊重、更人性化的环境。

    As the United Nations begins to codify and enshrine the promise of equality for LGBT persons , the world becomes a safer , more respectful , and more humane place for all people .

  10. 至于抽象的平等权利的特征,德沃金认为它是任何具体权利的基础。

    Abstract equality right is the foundation of any specific rights .

  11. 美国的黑人想要得到平等权利。

    Black people in the USA wanted to get equal rights .

  12. 在经济领域中的平等权利与重要作用

    Chapter III Equal Rights and Important Role In Economic Sphere

  13. 他加大力度让人民实现平等权利。

    He also took vigorous action in the cause of equal rights .

  14. 他们来华盛顿是为黑人争取平等权利。

    They came to Washington to demand equal rights for black people .

  15. 她们中80%的人支持给予跨性别人士平等权利。

    Eighty per cent of them support equal rights for transgender people .

  16. 试论美国平等权利修正案的曲折历程

    The complications in the failure of the Equal Rights Amendment of United States

  17. 第二部分,追求平等权利的思想;

    The second is on the idea of going in for equal rights ;

  18. 我们在参加争取妇女平等权利的运动。

    We are campaigning for equal rights for women .

  19. 为妇女争取平等权利的运动。

    The movement aimed at equal rights for women .

  20. 他为平等权利奋斗一生。

    He struggled for equal rights all his life .

  21. 她许多年以来一直献身于争取妇女平等权利的事业。

    She has been committed to equal rights for women for many years .

  22. 我们伯明翰的黑人要求平等权利。

    We black people of Birmingham want equal rights .

  23. 少数民族的平等权利和特殊保护

    Equal Rights and Special Protection for Ethnic Minorities

  24. 女权主义本质上仅仅意味着相信女性的平等权利。

    At its heart , feminism just means believing in equal rights for women .

  25. 各民族享有平等权利与自决权之原则

    Principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples

  26. 我们的目标是实现全人类在一切领域的平等权利。

    Our view is for equal rights of all human beings in all aspects .

  27. 第三部分阐述了争取平等权利修正案的运动给美国社会带来的影响。

    The third part elaborates on the impact of the ERA on American society .

  28. 妇女参政运动为争取英国和美国妇女投票权而斗争。参与争取少数民族平等权利的运动。

    The suffragette movement campaigned for votes for women in Britain and the US .

  29. 解放运动是指试图获得平等权利和地位的行为或过程。

    Liberation is the act or process of trying to achieve equal rights and status .

  30. 职场中为女性争取平等权利的运动随之发起

    the movement for equality for women in the workplace certainly came out of that .