
  • 网络balance;the balance sheet
  1. 生意的好坏都会在收支平衡表和财政结算表中有所反映。

    The health of a business is reflected in its balance sheet and financial statement .

  2. 我们意识到生活的质量并不完全取决于一张收支平衡表。

    We realize that quality of life is not entirely determined by a balance sheet .

  3. 用Excel与Word联合处理动力煤选煤厂洗选产品数量、质量平衡表

    Processing the quantity and quality balance sheet of wash products of steam coal preparation plant with Excel and Word

  4. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)就银行资产收支平衡表和收益表,征收新税的提议,旨在避免未来再出现大规模政府援助。

    The IMF proposed a scheme for co-ordinated global taxes on banks'balance-sheets and profits to help pay for the cost of bail-outs .

  5. 总结出FDI对国际收支结构的影响机制,主要是通过贸易流动和资本流动渠道影响国际收支平衡表中经常项目和资本与金融项目。

    Then the author concluded that FDI affected the current account and the capital and financial account of balance of payments statement mainly by trade flow and capital flow .

  6. 中国国际收支平衡表中净误差与遗漏项目一直处于非正常状况,而近几年又由很高的负值转为很高的正值,对其分析和研究已成必然。NET实现Web服务的方式。

    The net errors and omissions item in China 's balance of payments statement is in an abnormal state all along and has turned into high plus from minus in recent years , so it is necessary to research in this field .

  7. Dick和Jeana已经在和坏天气和群山的搏斗中手忙脚乱,以至于他们居然忘记了去看油料平衡表。

    Dick and Jeana had been so busy trying to fly around bad weather and mountains that they had forgotten to watch the oil level .

  8. 对于GPPS聚合过程,利用工业装置采集的数据、专利商提供的模拟数据、物料平衡表数据等多方面进行考核、验证,计算所得的转化率和平均分子量及分布与其吻合。

    On the one hand , the simulation results of conversion , average molecular weight and molecular weight distribution are in good agreement with industrial data , with simulation values provided by the supplier , and with the data of material balance sheets for a variety of GPPS grades .

  9. 氨醇联产全厂气体平衡表编制的商榷

    Discussion at Editing Gas Balance Table for Ammonia - Methanol plant

  10. 关于能源平衡表动力计算办法改进的探讨

    A discussion on improving power calculation methods in energy balance table

  11. 平衡表上借贷数必须相等。

    The debts must equal the credits on the balance sheet .

  12. 国民经济平衡表体系的基本原则

    Basic Principles of the System of Balances of the National Economy

  13. 基于能源平衡表的中国能流图

    China 's Energy Flow Chart Based on Energy Balance Sheet

  14. 我们如何编制收支平衡表?

    How do we compile a balance of payments statements ?

  15. 国际收支平衡表中的数据有许多用途。

    Balance of payments data are useful in a number of ways .

  16. 国际收支平衡表摘要记录所有的经济交易。

    The balance of payments is a summary of all economic transactions .

  17. 国际收支平衡表的这一定义是相当明确的。

    This definition of the balance of payments account is straightforward enough .

  18. 对于一个公司的资金平衡表它,就像循环系统一样。这样,知识以图像的方式快速的储存在右脑中,记忆东西也变得简单了。

    The balance sheet for a corporation can be like the circulatory system .

  19. 利用能源平衡表校准投入产出表的方法与应用

    Methodology and Case Study of Calibrating the Input-Output Table with Energy Balance Sheet

  20. 为了深入探讨这个问题,本文首先运用国际收支平衡表和国际资本流动的基本理论,对我国的国际收支及国际资本流动的状况进行了分析;

    International capital movement has affected the balance of payments of China profoundly .

  21. 中国国际收支平衡表历年对比分析(1982-2007年)

    The Contrastive Analysis on China 's International Balance of Payment ( 1982-2007 )

  22. 基于供求平衡表的大豆市场预警分析及模拟

    The Pre-warning Analysis and Simulation of Soybean Market Based on Supply-Demand Balance Sheet

  23. 解读2005年中国国际收支平衡表

    Tables 11 . To Explain the Chinese Balance Form of International Payments in 2005

  24. 国民经济统计平衡表体系

    System of Statistical Balance of the National Economy

  25. 未调整的试算平衡表和调整后的试算平衡表已经讨论过。

    A third trial balance usually is taken after the closing entries have been posted .

  26. 他们对收支平衡表和资产负债表间的因果关系知之甚少。

    They had difficulty grasping the relationship between their Income Statement and their Balance Sheet .

  27. 磨矿分级作业金回收实践与金属平衡表的编制

    Practice of recovering gold by grinding grading operation and working out of metal balance sheet

  28. 编制钢铁企业能源平衡表应注意的一些问题

    Some problems for attention in working out the energy balance table of iron steel enterprises

  29. 银行现在发现这些风险飞速回到他们的帐目平衡表中。

    Banks are now finding that these risks are coming racing back onto their balance-sheets .

  30. 在国际收支平衡表中我们如何将这些交易归类?

    How do we group the international transactions in the balance of international payments statements ?