
  • 网络equality
  1. 马克思主义视野中麦克弗森的平等观

    Investigation of MacPherson 's View on Equality from the Marxist Perspective

  2. 佛教平等观的包容精神及其伦理意义

    Buddhist Accommodate the Spirit of Equality and its Ethical Significance

  3. 欧洲启蒙思潮中的两大派别之比较&以自由平等观为例

    Comparison between two sects of European Enlightenment & Case study of Liberty-Equality sense

  4. 立足于马克思主义平等观考察和谐社会问题

    Study of the Issue of Harmonious Society Based upon Marxist View on Equality

  5. 平均主义是人们的平等观在经济上的要求。

    Egalitarianism reflects people 's need for economic equality .

  6. 论恩格斯平等观的新发展

    On the New Development of Equality by Friedrich Engels

  7. 女权主义法学的性别平等观对中国立法的启示

    Viewing China 's Legislation from the Perspective of Gender Equality in Feminist Jurisprudence

  8. 论卢梭的抽象自由平等观

    Rousseau 's Abstract Theory of Freedom and Equality

  9. 树立市场经济的平等观

    Setting up the Equality Outlook of Market Economy

  10. 从《1844年经济学哲学手稿》解读马克思的平等观

    On Interpreting Marx 's View of Equality from Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts in 1844

  11. 阿玛蒂亚·森的能力平等观与公共服务均等化

    Amartya K. Sen 's Views on Equality of Capabilities and Equality of Public Services

  12. 罗尔斯的平等观是形式平等与实质平等的统一。

    The equality concept of Rawls is the unity of formal equality and essential equality .

  13. 现代平等观的基本特点

    The Basic Characteristics of Modern Equality Viewpoints

  14. 第三,平等观。

    Third , a concept of equality .

  15. 环境伦理学视野下的平等观探析

    The Research of Equality under Environmental Ethnics

  16. 传统民本思想探讨论列宁的平等观

    The Ideas on Equality of Lenin

  17. 论马克思主义平等观

    On Marxist Concept of Equality

  18. 两种民事平等观之我见二、末日意识

    On Two Civil Equality View

  19. 第三部分,笔者将勒鲁的平等观与马克思主义平等观作了比较。

    Part Three is the comparision of the theory on equality between Leroux ' and Marx ' .

  20. 郑观应既有民族优越观,又有民族平等观,二者的对立,在他资本主义商业民族观中又得到统一。

    ZhengGuan-ying 's nationality superiority view and nationality equality view are unified in his capitalism merchandise nationality view .

  21. 鉴此,有必要把章太炎的平等观作为一个整体进行系统地研究。

    For that reason , it is necessary to study Zhang 's view of equality wholly and systematically .

  22. 麦克在打算命热线。马克思主义视野中麦克弗森的平等观

    Mike is calling a fortune telling hotline . Investigation of MacPherson 's View on Equality from the Marxist Perspective

  23. 积极方面如法家的平等观,历史观等,维护国家统一,反对权贵等。

    Positive aspects such as legalism equal view , history view , safeguard national unity , against the powerful etc. .

  24. 当代中国国企工人平等观辨析&以中南地区某国企为中心的考察

    Analysis of the Equality of Workers in Modern Chinese State-Enterprises & On the Investigation in a State-Enterprise in Mid-South China

  25. 剔除其偏激的矫枉过正之弊,后现代主义有可取之处:活用逆向发散和游变的思维,崇尚多元异质平等观,倡导关怀伦理观。

    Despite of its extreme opinions , Postmodernism has such advantages as flexible thinking , multi-equality evaluating and caring ethic .

  26. 他们的平等观、竞争观、风险观及进取意识、自主意识、开放意识标志着一种新的现代性农民文化品格的开创。

    The views on equality , competition , risk and aggression , self-independence and opening-up characterize a breakage of modern peasants .

  27. 优化体育分层分组教学应树立教学平等观,引导学生正确认知、评价自我,提倡学生间分组合作。

    The optimization of group division teaching should foster the sense of teaching equality , guide them correctly evaluate themselves and advocate them cooperate .

  28. 一方面,我国传统的平均式的平等观促使着人们在死亡赔偿中对平等权的孜孜不倦的追求。

    On the one hand , average concept of equality is our traditional value which spur on tireless of pursuit of equality in death compensation .

  29. 批判了封建伦理观,树立起阶级观,批判了男尊女卑,树立起男女平等观。

    It criticized feudal ethicses and established class view , and criticized men are superior to women , established equality of men and women view .

  30. 并从哲学范式、世界观、价值观、平等观四个方面揭示了深生态学对传统的人类中心主义所实现的超越之维

    Announce from philosophy type , world outlook , values , equal view four aspects deep ecology that what doctrine realize surmount to link to traditional anthropocentrism