
  1. 第二部分是论文的主体部分,通过纪昀的诗、文等作品分析了亲民思想在文学创作中的体现。

    The second part is the main part of this essay .

  2. 论纪昀的诗学观与诗歌批评

    A Study on Ji Yun 's Poetic Thoughts and Poetry Criticism

  3. 第二章写纪昀构建狐世界的叙事手法。

    Chapter Two mainly probes into the narrative devices in constructing the Fox World .

  4. 在中国学术批评史上,纪昀是足可称为屈指可数的批评大师。

    In the history of Chinese science criticism , Ji Yun can be well called a great critic .

  5. 《笔记》的劝惩主旨体现了纪昀寻求社会改良出路的努力。

    Bi Ji 's primary intention of urges to punish manifests JiYun 's endeavor to seek the outlet to improve the society .

  6. 纪昀用一个诗人的心去感受江南的风物,并将其用诗歌的形式记录下来。

    Ji Yun with a poet ' sheart to feel the scenery of Jiangnan , and poetry in the form of recorded .

  7. 该书集中地体现了他的文献学思想。正确评价《四库全书总目》,有助于研究纪昀的文献学理论与实践活动。

    A correct evaluation of General Catalogue will be helpful in the study of Ji Yun 's practice and theory in the study of documentation .

  8. 清代诗论家纪昀的《玉台新咏》研究即带有转型的特色,能够代表正统文人对艳体文学创作的态度。

    Researches of Yu Tai Xin Yong had a turn till Ji Yun , a poetic critic of the Qing dynasty , who represented the attitude of orthodox scholars toward literature of love .

  9. 造成鲁迅与纪昀巨大差异的深层原因,在于二者幼年在不同的文化背景之下的生活经历以及在受困的现实状况下自觉地回归生命本真的体验。

    The basic reason for their differences lied in their life experiences under different cultural background in their childhood and their experience of automatic returning to life essence when they were in trouble .

  10. 纪昀的西域谪戍生涯及《阅微草堂笔记》反映西域风土人情的特点《离骚》奠定了我国迁谪文学的审美基调

    Ji Yun 's Exile to the Western Regions and Characteristics of the Conditions and Customs Reflected in His Sketches of Yue-Wei Humble Cottage LI SAO : THE AESTHETIC KEYNOTE OF CHINESE EXILE LITERATURE

  11. 《笔记》劝惩的内容表明劝惩并不意味着冷冰冰的说教,而是体现了纪昀寻求社会进步的思想以及对生活的热爱。

    Bi Ji 's content of urges to punish indicates that urges to punish does not mean icy rigid theorizing , but manifests the thoughts to improve the society as well as the deep love to the life .

  12. 同样的作品还有蒲松龄的短篇小说集《聊斋志异》、袁枚的《子不语》、纪昀的《阅微草堂笔记》等。

    Likewise are the short story collections like Pu Songling 44 Strange Accounts from , the Leisure Study , Yuan Mei ^ u What Confucius did not Say f , , and Ji Yun u Essays from the Short Grass Hall " ?