
jì lǜ jiǎn chá
  • discipline inspection
  1. 大会充分肯定了中央纪律检查委员会的工作。

    It fully affirms the work of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection .

  2. 中央纪律检查委员会在北京。

    Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is in Beijing .

  3. 听取和审查中央纪律检查委员会的报告;

    To hear and examine the reports of the Central Committee ;

  4. 其实,纪律检查工作与行政监察工作既有分工,又有合作,是协调统一的有机整体。

    In fact , both of them are co-operative , coordinated and unified system .

  5. 党的总支部委员会和支部委员会设纪律检查委员。

    The committees of general Party branches and Party branches shall have discipline inspection commissioners .

  6. 因此,党的纪律检查机关实际上行使着一种准司法职能。

    Therefore , CDIC in fact is exercising one kind of " quasi-judicial " function .

  7. 从创新纪律检查体制入手强化党内监督

    On Strengthening The supervision Over Inner-Party by Starting With the Innovative System of Inspecting Discipline

  8. 第八章党的纪律检查机关

    Party Organs for Discipline Inspection

  9. 改革和完善党的纪律检查体制,建立和完善巡视制度。

    We should reform and improve the system of Party Discipline Inspection and introduce and improve the system of inspection tours .

  10. 这种准司法职能效率直接关系到纪律检查机关的反腐效能,关系到党内监督的成效。

    The efficiency of the " quasi-judicial " function is directly related to the effectiveness of anti-corruption of CDIC and inner-party supervision .

  11. 今天公布的官方数字表明,纪律检查部门共受理了15万余起公众举报案件。

    Official figures released today show disciplinary inspection organs launched investigations into more than 150-thousand cases based on tip-offs from the public .

  12. 这些信息被提交给县纪律检查委员会,并于周二将数据公布在其网站上。

    The information was submitted to the prefecture 's discipline inspection commission , which on Tuesday posted the data on its website .

  13. 强化党内监督意识,完善纪律检查体制,健全党内监督制度、法规,加大党内监督力度;

    Strengthen the consciousness of inner-Party supervision , perfect disciplinary system , consummate laws and regulations of inner-Party supervision , intensify inner-Party supervision ;

  14. 如果所要改变的该下级纪律检查委员会的决定,已经得到它的同级党的委员会的批准,这种改变必须经过它的上一级党的委员会批准。

    The local commissions for discipline inspection at all levels and primary commissions for discipline inspection shall also present such reports to the higher commissions .

  15. 中央纪律检查委员会委员列席会议。教师允许有一名学生列席他们的会议。

    Members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection ( CCDI ) were also present . The teachers allowed a pupil to sit in on their meeting .

  16. 党的纪律检查委员会、国家行政监察体制、听证制度的确立使公民监督权利行使有了制度保障。

    The establishment of the Discipline Committee of CPC , the National Administrative Supervision System and the Hearing System help the people to implement supervision right at institutional level .

  17. 在推进反腐败工作和党的作风建设过程中,党的纪律检查和行政监察工作发挥着特殊的重要作用。

    The discipline inspection and administration of the party working to give play to special important function , in the course of advancing the anti-corruption work and style construction of the party .

  18. 党的纪律检查机关与行政监察机关的合署办公,是我国党政监察体制的一项重大改革,是党的纪律检查工作正确处理同行政监察工作之间关系的一个合理有效的形式。

    Co-operative work of Party 's departments of inspecting discipline and administrative supervise is a great reform in inspecting system of Party , and a reasonable , effective form for correctly solving the relation between administration and inspection .

  19. 据《北京青年报》的报道,中国中央纪律检查委员在2015年和国家新闻出版广电总局进行讨论时,就强调了反腐题材的电视剧。

    In 2015 , the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection ( CCDI ) discussed TV series addressing corruption-related themes with the State Administration of Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television ( SAPPRFT ) , the Beijing Youth Daily reported .

  20. 在逮捕肖天之前,2015年4月,因涉嫌贪污,中央纪律检查委员会逮捕了自行车击剑中心副主任,前中国马术协会副主席沈利红。

    Prior to Xiao 's detention , the latest arrest occurred in April of 2015 , when Shen Lihong , the vice director for the Cycling and Fencing Sports Administration , as well as the vice president of the China Equestrian Association , was taken in by the CCDI for suspected bribery and corruption charges .

  21. 谁要违反这一点,谁就要受到党的纪律的处分。党的纪律检查工作要把这一点作为当前的重点。

    The Party should take disciplinary measures against anyone violating this principle , and this should be the focus of its discipline inspection work at present .