
  • 网络ideological work
  1. 20世纪90年代党领导意识形态工作的历史经验

    Historical experience of the Party 's leading ideological work in 1990s

  2. 意识形态工作事关党和国家的兴衰成败,事关广大人民的幸福安康。

    Ideological work relates to wax and wane of party and state together with the happiness of the common people .

  3. 意识形态工作一向是党在高校的一项重要工作。

    Ideology has always been an important task of the party in college .

  4. 必须坚持马克思主义的指导地位&党的意识形态工作的历史经验

    Adhere to the Guiding Position of Marxism

  5. 提高党领导意识形态工作能力的核心和根本&坚持和巩固马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位

    Core of Boosting the Ability of CPC 's Leading Ideological Work & Upholding and Strengthening Marxism 's Leading Position in Ideological Sphere

  6. 主体意识的提升、共同体意识培育是高校意识形态工作的内在规定。

    Promoting the subject consciousness and cultivating the sense of community are all the definition of the ideological work of the universities in nature .

  7. 党的十七大报告指出,要主动做好意识形态工作,增强社会主义意识形态的吸引力和凝聚力。

    The party 's seventeenth congress report indicated that had to initiatively take up ideological work , and fortify the attractiveness and cohesiveness of the socialistic ideology .

  8. 按照新闻传播规律强化新闻产品的真实性、时效性,在提供具有新闻价值的传媒产品过程中有效传播主流思想,实现意识形态工作规律、传媒市场规律和新闻传播规律的有机统一。

    Improving the authenticity and timeliness of news products according to the rules of news communication , in the process of providing newsworthy media products , to spread the mainstream thought effectively .

  9. 在意识形态工作中,要以核心价值体系引领多样化社会思潮,使核心价值体系与多样化的社会思潮之间应保持一种合适的张力。

    In the ideological work , to the core value system to lead the diversification of social trends of thought so that the core value system and the diversification of the social trends of thought should maintain an appropriate tension .

  10. 对于与苏联同根同源的现存社会主义国家而言,苏共在意识形态工作上的经验教训至关重要,具有很强的警示和借鉴意义。

    For a current nation sharing the same ideological root with Soviet Union , lessons from the Communist Party of Soviet Union ( CPUS ) of ideological work is of utmost importance and great meaning as a warning and model significance .

  11. 党在新世纪意识形态领域工作的指针

    A Guiding Principle of Party 's Work in a New Century

  12. 理论要化为群众的实践,则需要意识形态宣传工作的内容创新和形式创新。

    Theories should be transferred into mass practice with innovations in both contents and form of ideological propaganda .

  13. 新时期,我国高校意识形态建设工作面临前所未有的挑战,面对多元文化和多元价值观的冲击,大学生意识形态领域出现了问题。

    New era , the ideological construction of College unprecedented challenges of the multicultural and pluralistic values , the impact of university students in the ideological field problems .

  14. 相应地,互联网的迅速发展给我国的主流意识形态建设工作带来了前所未有的新机遇,同时也给我国的传统的意识形态工作方法和内容提出了严峻的挑战。

    Accordingly , the rapid development of the Internet not only brings an unprecedented and new opportunity to the mainstream ideology of building work , but also challenges to the traditional working methods and contents severely .

  15. 我们应当摆脱以往的按照意识形态和宣传工作的需要来规划和发展新闻出版业的模式,树立产业化发展理念,把新闻出版业当成一个产业来支持、发展。

    We should cultivate ideal of industrialization , developing and planning press and publishing industry as a special industry instead of as demand of ideology and propaganda .

  16. 科研群体的意识形态与组织管理工作

    Ideology of the Science-Research Colony and the Task of Organizational Management

  17. 做好这篇文章,应不断创新党的意识形态内容,改进意识形态工作的方法和警惕西方非意识形态化的倾向。

    In order to finish this work well , we should innovate the contents of the ideology , improve the ideological working methods and watch out the non - ideological trend from the west world .

  18. 必须以创新的精神推进党的意识形态发展,积极探索党的意识形态工作的创新机制,努力建设一支高素质的意识形态工作队伍,高度重视对互联网等新型媒体的运用和管理。

    We should try hard to build a mechanism of innovation so as to promote the ideology of the CPC and build a contingent of high-caliber ideologists .

  19. 我们党要深刻认识全球化时代意识形态斗争的新特点,加强和改善意识形态工作。

    Our party must deeply understand the era of globalization ideological struggle of the new characteristics , and strengthening and improving ideological work .

  20. 论文的第三部分则是着重分析中国的意识形态安全问题,提出了五大应对措施:加强和改进影视传媒领域的意识形态工作;

    The third part of the thesis is to analyze the Chinese safe problem of ideology emphatically , has put forward five major counter-measures : Strengthen and improve the ideology work of the media field of movie & TV ;