
  • 网络conscious change;conscious modification
  1. 20世纪末朝鲜族小说意识变化研究

    The Study on Conscious Change of Korean Novel in the Late 20th Century

  2. 目的比较丙泊酚或复合芬太尼行麻醉诱导时,脑电双频指数(BIS)与听觉诱发电位指数(AAI)监测意识变化的敏感性。

    Objective To compare the performance of bispectral index ( BIS ) and the auditory evoked response index ( AAI ) in detecting transitions in consciousness during anesthesia induction with propofol alone or propofol plus fentanyl .

  3. 第三,低保制度实践与农民社会福利意识变化的之间的关系是什么?

    In third , the minimum system practice and farmer social welfare consciousness change what is the relationship between ?

  4. 从义务主体到权利主体&当代大学生权利意识变化的法学审视

    Shift From The Subject Of Obligations To The Subject Of Rights & Legal Perspective on modern college students conceptual shift on their rights and obligations

  5. 通过居民对环境的评价、居民对环境的认知与行为,分析居民的环境意识变化,并做出初步结论。

    Throughout residents ' environment evaluation and the knowledge and action we can analyze the changes of residents ' environment awareness and give a first conclusion .

  6. 同时对患者进行心率、血压及24小时尿量监测,对血清钠异常者每天检测肾功能,动态监测意识变化。

    Meanwhile we monitored heart rate , blood pressure and urine volume in 24 hours of all patients . If sodium was abnormal , we also continuously monitored consciousness .

  7. 丹尼尔·贝尔对当代资本主义社会的研究中既有对社会发展新时代的预见,又有对社会意识变化的洞察,还有对社会现状问题的批判。

    Daniel Bell predicts the new age of social development , penetrating the changes of social consciousness and criticizes the social problems in his research of modern capitalism society .

  8. 当代中国公民法律意识变化的途径因年龄、文化程度、职业等方面的不同而显现出一定的差异和不平衡。

    Since the reform and the open-door policy of China , the law consciousness of the Chinese citizens has gradually changed from the traditional type into the modern type .

  9. 这是疏导教育法本身发展的要求,也是方法适应教育对象思想意识变化,在新的历史条件下不断增强思想政治教育效果的要求。

    This is the demand of the development of Dredging Education Method itself . And this is also the demand of suiting people 's ideology changing and improving the education results .

  10. 定量脑电图监测全麻状态下意识的变化

    A Study of qEEG during Monitoring of Consciousness under General Anesthesia

  11. 社会意识的变化折射出社会文化的流变。

    Changes of social conception reflect the change of social culture .

  12. RE对于意识状态变化的反应更为敏感。

    RE is more sensitive to the changes in the level of sedation .

  13. 5年间老年患者口腔保健意识的变化

    Changes of oral hygiene awareness in elderly patients in the past five years

  14. 论中国公民权力与责任意识的变化

    On the Change of Idea in the Chinese Citizens on Rights and Duties

  15. 第三,大众审美意识的变化。

    Third , the mass change of aesthetic consciousness .

  16. 麻醉过程中意识记忆变化的脑电非线性分析监测

    A prospective study of monitoring changes of consciousness and memory during anesthesia with EEG nonlinear analysis

  17. 但在宫廷内部,人们已渐渐意识到变化将至。

    Within palace circles , however , there is a dawning realisation that change is coming .

  18. 而苏联各族群族群意识的变化最终导致了苏联的解体。

    And the change of ethnic consciousness finally resulted in the disintegration of the former Soviet Union .

  19. 这些转换与当时反思思潮的盛行与诗人家国意识的变化有关。

    These conversions with the change of the reflection Prevalence and poet awareness of home and country .

  20. 又有企业员工意识的变化、改善创新能力的提高以及团队精神的树立等无形效果。

    The mind of employees changed , innovate improved , team spirit built , and other intangible effects .

  21. 为更多的业务授权打开了局面,员工担当责任的自主意识发生变化。

    Flexibilities win over the chance of more operation authorization and workers'self-determination of holding the responsibilities are improved .

  22. 三,现代海外作家文化心理、思维模式、审美意识的变化,将对中国文学现代化的发生产生怎样的影响。

    Third , how the writers ' culture psychology , the thought pattern and the esthetic consciousness change the Chinese literature .

  23. 他们也是有意识的变化的程序不应该是温和的,允许构想拙劣的而且匆忙地通过了改善。

    They were also conscious that the process of change should not be facile , permitting ill-conceived and hastily passed amendments .

  24. 正确把握李东阳仕宦意识之变化,有助于对其做出实事求是的评价。

    Being aware of the changes of Li Dong-yang 's consciousness will be beneficial to our practical and realistic evaluation to him .

  25. 本文主要论述了意识倾向变化中的民族寻根意识、人性意识、平民意识、女性意识。

    In this article , the author focuses on the consciousnesses of root seeking , humanity consciousness , populace consciousness and womenfolk consciousness .

  26. 王安忆小说意识的变化是非常自觉的,并且有其深刻的背景原因,为此,她进行了大量的阐述。

    The change of Wang 's novel consciousness is rather conscientious and arises from profound causes , about which Wang has dwelt much upon .

  27. 二,西方的生活经历、学习感受怎样影响了现代海外作家的文化思想、审美意识的变化;

    Second , how the western life experience , the study experience and the cultural tradition change the writers ' cultural thought and the esthetic consciousness ;

  28. 目的:探讨经过拓展训练的儿童自我意识的变化程度,为更有效的优化少年儿童自我意识提供一些理论参考。

    AIM : To explore how children 's self-consciousness would change after outward bound training in order to provide a theoretical reference for effectively optimized children 's self-consciousness .

  29. 对存在问题的研究一要注重分析普世价值对大学生爱国主义教育的渗透影响以及所带来的大学生主权和民族意识的变化。

    Firstly , we should pay attention to analysis of college students ' patriotism universal value , which brings about college students ' change of sovereignty and national awareness .

  30. 中国居民可自由支配的收入和闲暇时间的增多以及消费意识的变化,促使国内旅游出现快速发展的局面。

    The increasing freely controlled income and leisure time of the Chinese residents and the change of their sense of consumption lead to the fast development of China ′ s domestic tourism .