
yì xiàng
  • image;imagery;imago
意象 [yì xiàng]
  • [image;imaggery] 客观形象与主观心灵融合成的带有某种意蕴与情调的东西

意象[yì xiàng]
  1. 文学意象抹除那些感官的懒惰意象

    A literary image erases the more indolent images of perception .

  2. 解读D·H·劳伦斯小说中的火车意象

    Interpretation of the Train Image in D.H.Lawrence 's Novels

  3. 这是一部气势恢宏、引人入胜的电影,充满了动人心魄的瑰丽意象。

    This is an ambitious and intriguing movie , full of striking imagery .

  4. 诗中的意象都是从现实生活中提取的。

    The imagery is drawn from the actual life .

  5. 我不愿意象个懒人一样待在家里,游手好闲地把我的青春消磨掉。

    I will not , like a sluggard , wear out my youth in idleness at home .

  6. 西方理论语境中的意象(image)概念

    The Conception " Yixiang " ( Image ) In Western Academic Context

  7. 生命的百合&试析《百合花》的符号学意象低的1/f噪声;

    The Lily in Life low cost .

  8. 依据分析结果数据,产生2D或3D的意象尺度图,便于设计师把握各种产品的感性意象信息。

    2D or 3D image scale graph is achieved . More convenient for designers to comprehend the product Kansei image information .

  9. 屈原诗歌意象新探

    A New Probe into the Images of Qu Yuan 's Poems

  10. 对文学作品中女性意象的心理机质探究

    A Psycho - analysis of the Women Images in Literary Works

  11. 雁,是中国古代文学中常见的意象之一。

    Wild goose is an usual image in acient Chinese literature .

  12. 工笔人物画创作中的意象造形

    Imagery Mould in the Creation of Traditional Chinese Realistic Figure Painting

  13. 惠特曼诗中明月意象的内在意蕴

    The Internalized Meaning of the Moony Imagery in Whitman 's Poetry

  14. 山地城市街道意象及景观特色塑造

    The Image and Landscape Characteristic Creation of Mountainous Cities ' Streets

  15. 诗词中地名意象的英译

    Translation of the Geographic Name in the Classic Poetry and Ci

  16. 异质文化中的艺术借鉴&英美意象派诗歌与中国古典诗歌比较

    Artistic Absorption of the Anglo-American Imagist Poetry From Chinese Classical Poetry

  17. 杨丽萍舞蹈作品中民间文化意象的阐释

    Interpretation of Folk Cultural Images in Yang Liping 's Dance Works

  18. 《红楼梦》中的文化意象翻译策略初探

    On the Strategies for Cultural Image Translation in Hong Lou Meng

  19. 从符号学的角度看意象派诗

    Understanding Images : Read Imagist Poetry from the Approach of Semiology

  20. 村庄是诸多文学意象中十分重要的一个。

    Village is one of the extremely important types of images .

  21. 它是内心意象和现实世界的融合。

    It is the inner image and real world fusion .

  22. 意象即人,人即语言(文本)。

    Image is man , and man is language ( text ) .

  23. 他的诗歌有很多美丽的意象,但缺少内涵。

    His poetry contains many beautiful images , but it lacks soul .

  24. 邓恩爱情诗圆形意象的隐喻意义

    The Metaphorical Meaning of Circle Imagery in the Love Poems by Donne

  25. 温庭筠诗的意象与词的意象比较

    Comparison of Images between WEN Ting-yun 's Poems and Ci-verses

  26. 典故意象是别一种意义上的比喻意象。

    The image of allusion is a figurative image of another kind .

  27. 物化苍凉&张爱玲意象技巧初探

    A Tentative Study on Zhang Ailing 's Techniques of Imagery

  28. 现代住区意象及规划对策研究旧酒厂区的改造和利用

    Research on the Image of the Modern Residential District and Planning Countermeasures

  29. 第三章:西方戏剧中的阳台意象。

    The third chapter discourses upon the image of " balcony " .

  30. 鲁迅《呐喊》中辫子意象的文化解读

    The Cultural Interpretation of Plait Image in Lu Xun 's Cry out