
  • 网络YLI
  1. 这个问题我曾经在《意林》的某一篇文章中看到过。

    I have ever met this issue when reading a famous magazine .

  2. 包括《意林》杂志发展的初创期、定型期、成熟期和现状。(2)《意林》杂志的特色分析。

    Including the start-up period , finalize the design period , maturity and status . ( 2 ) Characteristics analysis of Yi Lin magazine .

  3. 通过这几个方面,大家就能比较系统地了解《意林》。本文采用了综合分析的方法,论文的主体包括引言、正文和结语三个部分。

    Through these aspects , we can be more systematic understanding of the Yi Lin. This paper uses a method of comprehensive analysis . the subject of the thesis is divided into three parts : introduction , text and conclusion .