
yì shí mó hu
  • confusion;disturbance of consciousness;blurring of consciousness
  1. 印尼黑果的中毒症状包括昏迷、头痛、呼吸急促、头晕、意识模糊和虚弱。

    Some of the symptoms of pangium edule fruit poisoning include coma , headache , shortness of breath , dizziness , confusion and weakness .

  2. 究其原因,主要有以下几个:教师的学科知识薄弱;学科意识模糊;自我意识浓厚;学生意识缺失等等。

    The reason is mainly the following : teachers ' subject knowledge is weak ; confusion of subjects ; strong self-awareness ; lack of student awareness .

  3. 公民法律意识模糊等问题。因此,我国应作出相应的法律规定,以适应社会发展需要。

    The relevant law shall be made to adapt to social development .

  4. 人们发现他有轻度的意识模糊。

    He was found slightly confused .

  5. 贵州麻山地区居民的资源环境意识模糊综合评价

    A fuzzy comprehensive analysis of the resource environment consciousness of the people in Mashan region of Guizhou Province

  6. 这时候,患者会变得意识模糊,无法清晰地思考问题。有些人甚至会任性地脱去衣物。

    At this point , the sufferer will be unable to think clearly and may even irrationally remove clothing .

  7. 结果本组患者临床表现呈多样化,包括舞蹈病、快速进展性痴呆、肌阵挛、抽搐、意识模糊、嗜睡和昏迷等。

    Results : Manifestations included confusion , chorea , rapidly progressive dementia , myoclonus , convulsions , and coma .

  8. 在古鲁·帕尔医院,一位妇女躺在过道,意识模糊,正等着接受治疗。

    Rupar in the old hospital , a woman lying on the aisle , fuzzy sense , are waiting for treatment .

  9. 在谋杀案当晚由于服用了鸡尾酒与处方止痛药而神志不清意识模糊“

    was under the influence of a mind-erasing cocktail of prescription pain pills and champagne the night of the murder . "

  10. 有新研究表明,人到中年以后若坚持适量运动则可以减缓甚至扭转老年时记忆力减退和意识模糊。

    New studies show that moderate exercise in midlife and later can arrest and even reverse the memory loss and fuzzy thinking that comes with age .

  11. 但是现实中这两者之间却存在主体意识模糊、社会评价单一和自主性缺乏的悖论。

    But in reality there exists a paradox of " confusion of QA subject consciousness , singularity of social QA and lack of QA independence " .

  12. 一般来说,这时候会出现更明显的疾病体征和症状:行为改变、意识模糊、感觉障碍和动作协调性差。

    In general this is when more obvious signs and symptoms of the disease appear : changes of behaviour , confusion , sensory disturbances and poor coordination .

  13. 克莱恩-莱文综合症的特征就是患者在嗜睡症发作期间行为异常,比如暴饮暴食、具有攻击性、意识模糊、出现幻觉和性欲亢进。

    Kleine-Levin Syndrome is marked by hypersomnia with odd behavior during the attacks , such as binge eating , aggression , confusion , hallucinations , and hypersexuality .

  14. 每组各有4名平均经15分23秒发生了意识模糊或丧失(通称意识障碍)。

    In both groups , 4 subjects each developed consciousness disturbances ( consciousness obscurity and loss of consciousness ) after 15 minutes and 23 seconds in average .

  15. 向吞咽困难患者(可能由于意识模糊,昏迷或其他情况)口腔内滴几滴高浓度吗啡可以很快缓解疼痛。

    It allows caregivers to rapidly relieve pain by placing just a few drops in the mouth of a person who has trouble swallowing , perhaps because of confusion , lethargy or other conditions .

  16. 导致此类现象的原因有教师职业倦怠,教育评价不完善,教师的课程意识模糊,教师培训中可持续发展教育相关内容缺失等。

    What causes such phenomena are the teaching profession due to burnout , inadequate evaluation of education , teachers ' vague sense of the curriculum , teacher training and education for sustainable development in the lack of relevant content and so on .

  17. 身心发展不平衡,对角色转换不适应,自我意识模糊,人格不健全、不稳定,缺乏坚定的信念、远大的理想等是造成大学新生心理障碍的内在原因;

    There are many reasons for the psychological obstacles of freshmen such as unbalance of body and mind , maladjustment of the role transition , unclear self-awareness , unhealthy and unsteady personality , lack of firm faith and long-range ideal , and so on .

  18. 乡镇企业经营管理者环境意识的模糊AHP评价

    Evaluation for the Environmental Awareness of Enterprise Managers in Town Based Upon Fuzzy AHP Theory

  19. 本文选用比较符合人们判断意识的模糊层次分析法(FAHP)来解决仓库中库房选择问题。

    Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process ( FAHP ) which fits people 's judging consciousness is applied to solve the storehouse decision-making in depot .

  20. 朱奈德上校告诉父亲,我的情况恶化了:我的意识开始模糊,也再次开始吐血。

    The doctor told him I had started to deteriorate ; my consciousness was fading , and I had again been vomiting blood .

  21. 学前期也是儿童自我中心与去自我中心的分离阶段,公平道德意识还较模糊。

    Preschool is also a stage of egotism and separation , which makes their fair moral consciousness fuzzy .

  22. 莫德姑婆那时年纪已经很大了,意识有点模糊,我想或许她已经忘记了。

    I think Aunt Maud , who was old by then and somewhat vague , may simply have forgotten ;

  23. 渐渐地,阿恩尔感到意识越来越模糊,好象小孩玩的汽球飘上了明朗的天空。

    Gradually , Arnel felt his consciousness fade , and he floated like a child 's balloon into a bright sky .

  24. 对于智力和社会经验还不成熟的青少年来说,法律意识更是模糊,对于法治环境下的利益取得和权利维护缺乏认知。

    For the intellectual and social experience also teenagers do not mature , legal consciousness is fuzzy , the rule of law environment and safeguard the rights of the lack of cognitive interests .

  25. 他有时意识清醒,有时模糊。

    He flashes in and out of consciousness .

  26. 创作过程中,创作者难以明确意识和控制的模糊性的因素及设计过程中受各种因素影响的变化性与不确定性。

    Creates in the process , the creator is clear about consciousness and in with difficulty the control fuzziness factor and the design process each kind of factor influence mobility and the uncertainty .

  27. 虽然这种女性自我意识和群体意识是模糊的、自发的、有限的低级形态,没有形成政治力量,基本上是一种文化现象,是一种追求自由、平等的女性意识。

    Not forming the politics strength , self-awareness and awareness of this group of women is ambiguous , spontaneous , limited low-level forms . It is basically a cultural phenomenon , which is a pursuit of freedom , equality of female consciousness .

  28. 摘要高校国有资产管理现状堪忧,主要表现在管理意识淡薄,管理体系不完善,资产使用效率低下及产权意识模糊等。

    The present situation of state-owned property management at colleges and universities is so worrying that it can mainly reflect as follows : light management consciousness , imperfect management systems , ineffective property utilization and faint rights consciousness .

  29. 他们的意识不知不觉又睡著了,一切又都恢复以前的样子&在一种意识模糊而且没有控制注意力的状态当中。

    Their consciousness unknowingly falls asleep again and everything goes on as before & in a state of dim awareness and uncontrolled attention .