
  • 网络respiratory reflex;respiration reflex;breathing reflex
  1. 颈动脉窦压力刺激引起兴奋性呼吸反应的反射路径的分析

    On the reflex pathway of respiratory excitatory response to pressure stimulation of the carotid sinus

  2. 呼吸运动的反射性调节。

    Reflex regulation of respiration .

  3. 呼吸和其他反射都消失了;没有意识;各种器官可以在心跳停止前取走以供移植。

    Respiration and other reflexes are absent ; consciousness is gone ; organs can be removed for transplantation before the heartbeat stops .

  4. 中毒家兔临死时四肢麻痹、呼吸减慢、角膜反射消失、交替出现强直性及阵挛性痉挛,最后因呼吸停止而死亡。

    The signs of acute poisoning in rabbits consisted of paralysis of limbs , respiratory depression , and convulsions .

  5. 目的观察肌梭传入对延髓呼吸相关神经元自发放电的影响,从呼吸中枢的途径探明肌梭传入是否对呼吸运动具有反射性调节作用。

    Objective Through studying the effects of muscle spindles on discharges of medullary respiratory neurons , to ascertain whether muscle spindle afferents had the regulating effects on respiratory movement by ways of the respiratory center .

  6. 呼吸的基本过程;肺通气的动力和阻力;气体交换的原理及其影响因素;肺容量、肺通气量和肺泡通气量;氧离曲线及其影响因素;呼吸运动的反射性调节。

    The basic process of respiration ; the power and resistance of pulmonary ventilation ; mechanisms of respiratory gases exchange and their influencing factors ; pulmonary capacity , pulmonary ventilation and alveolar ventilation ; oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve and it 's influencing factors ; reflex regulation of respiration .