
  • 网络rupture of ear drum
  1. 鼓膜破裂的患者发生冲击性颅脑损伤的可能性增加至三倍。

    Those with ruptured eardrums had a nearly threefold greater risk of concussive brain injury .

  2. 除了会危及人的生命,也会造成鼓膜破裂、耳鸣,在某些情况下会完全失聪。

    Besides endangering lives , they also cause burst eardrums , tinnitus and in some cases total deafness .

  3. 结果这其中,有35%是鼓膜破裂,而36%昏迷,两者的比例非常相近。

    Of those , 35 percent had ruptures and36 percent had lost consciousness ; the two were closely linked .