
  1. 南京市鼓楼广场地区空间更新研究

    A Renewal Study of GU LOU District in NANJING

  2. 太原市鼓楼广场喷泉工程简介

    Introduction of fountain work in Taiyuan Drum Tower Square

  3. 其次,空气微生物总量方面,有林地(包括鼓楼广场)比无林地少23%。

    Second , total amount air microorganism of woodland ( including the Drum Building Square ) was lower than woodless land by 23 % .

  4. 在文章的最后结合西安市地铁建设的契机,提出了关于西安市两大城市广场&张家堡广场、以及钟鼓楼广场的地下空间立体化开发的建议。

    In the last part of the essay , I give some advice on how to develop the underground spaces of the two big city squares in Xi'an-Zhangjiabu Square & Clock-Drum Square .