
zhàn fàn
  • war criminal
战犯 [zhàn fàn]
  • [war criminal] 发动非正义战争或在战争中犯严重罪行的人

战犯[zhàn fàn]
  1. 美国当局最近认定他为战犯。

    The US administration recently branded him a war criminal .

  2. AribertHeim详细记录了自己的罪行,而且,他是唯一一个记录了自己所有的行为和所有的谋杀罪行的人。所以,今天相关部门最想找到的二战战犯就是他。

    Fully documented by Aribert Heim himself , by the way , he is the one who recorded all the operations that he carried out , and all the murders that he committed , and that 's what makes him the most wanted Nazi war criminal in the world today .

  3. 战犯求和。

    The war criminals sue for peace .

  4. 在这部惊悚片中,劳伦斯奥利弗(LaurenceOlivier)饰演的牙医曾是一名战犯,他用牙钻钻动着达斯汀霍夫曼(DustinHoffman)的牙神经,却不给他使用麻药。

    In this cult-thriller , Laurence Olivier plays a war criminal turned dentist who tortures Dustin Hoffman by drilling through his dental nerves without anaesthetic .

  5. Mejia医生称,这个项目由美国运作,而德国纳粹的医生利用战犯来进行斑疹伤寒症和疟疾的实验。

    Doctor Mejia said the US ran the programme while German Nazi doctors were being tried for experimenting with typhus and malaria on prisoners of war .

  6. 这张令人毛骨悚然的照片出自于摄影师G.B.史密斯教授之手,他曾以绘制美国内战时期战犯的肖像画而闻名于世。

    The photographer who snapped the creepy pic , Professor G.B. Smith , was famous for his portraits of confederate Civil War prisoners of war .

  7. 1945年日本战败后,东条英机和Kishi作为甲级战犯被人们唾弃,然而Kishi却因某种原因避开了恐吓&也许是因为他那在战争中能够摧毁民族的利用价值。

    After Japans defeat in1945 , both Tojo and Kishi were found guilty as Class-A war criminals , but Kishi evaded the gallows for reasons unknown & probably his usefulness to a war-ravaged nation .

  8. 他太老了,身心衰弱以至无法作为战犯接受审讯。

    He was too senile to stand trial as war criminal .

  9. 战犯被递交给俄国人。

    The prisoners of war were handed over to the russians .

  10. 他同其他的战犯一起被审判。

    He was placed on trial with the other military ieaders .

  11. 你知道审判战犯的法庭是什么样的么?

    Do you know what a war crimes tribunal looks like ?

  12. 第二次世界大战后许多战犯被提起公诉。

    Many war criminals were proceeded against following World War II .

  13. 纳粹战犯因其灭绝人性的罪行而被判刑。

    The Nazi war criminals were condemned for crimes against humanity .

  14. 这个战犯畏罪自杀了。

    The war criminal laid hands on himself to escape punishment .

  15. 拷打战犯以得知敌方计划。

    To torrure a prisoner-of-war to find out enemy plans .

  16. 抚顺因有战犯监狱博物馆而闻名。

    Fushun is known for the was criminal prison museum .

  17. 像这里一样的地方曾是战犯的监禁中心。

    Places like this were detention centres for war criminals .

  18. 一个二战战犯之类的脏词。

    Yasukuni Shrine – a dirty word linked with WII war criminals .

  19. 我们被一个战犯抓住了!

    We are being held by a war criminal !

  20. 叫你们逮捕,是怕战犯们跑掉。

    We instructed you to arrest them for fear that they would escape .

  21. 她在起诉那些逃亡海外的伊拉克战犯。

    She was prosecuting war criminals hiding outside iraq .

  22. 许多战犯仍用假名字住在南非。

    Many war criminals are still living in South Africa under false names .

  23. 新中国对日本战犯的改造和审判

    Remaking and Trying of Japanese War Criminals in China

  24. 本文论述新式武器对生态安全的巨大破坏,提出完善21世纪战争法规则,追究主要战犯的战争罪、种族灭绝罪、破坏生态安全罪。作者对修改战争法规则提出八点建议和构想。

    The author raises eight suggestions to revise the rules of War laws .

  25. 论新中国对日本战犯的审理

    Brief Discussion on the Trial of the Japanese War Criminals by New China

  26. 山西太原对日本战犯的两次审判(上)

    Two Trials of Japanese War Criminals in Taiyuan , Shanxi ( Part one );

  27. 这个老战犯终於被人从他在国外的藏匿处查获

    The old war criminal was at last smoked out from his hiding place abroad

  28. 参加屠杀的人必须被作为战犯绳之以法。

    The perpetrators of the massacre must be brought to justice as war criminals .

  29. 要记得那些人可是战犯啊。

    These guys were war criminals , remember .

  30. 他不以战犯为荣,并且决不同游就馆来往。

    He does not honour the criminals and has no truck with the museum .