
  • 网络War Memoirs;War and Remembrance
  1. 曾在2001至2003年担任美国国务院政策规划办公室主任,著有《必要之战、选择之战:两场伊拉克战争回忆录》一书。

    The director of policy and planning at the State Department from 2001 to 2003 , he is the author of War of Necessity , War of Choice : A Memoir of Two Iraq Wars .

  2. 假使有人,在那同一时期,读了各种战争回忆录、各种传记、《通报》和大军战报,他就会被一个不时出现的名字所打动,那名字是乔治彭眉胥。

    Any one who had , at the same time , read military memoirs , biographies , the moniteur , and the bulletins of the Grand Army , would have been struck by a name which occurs there with tolerable frequency , the name of Georges pontmercy .

  3. 南北战争军事回忆录

    Military Reminiscences of the Civil War

  4. 在《职责:战争部长回忆录》一书中,盖茨称奥巴马怀疑美国政府的阿富汗政策是否能够取得成功。

    In Duty : Memoirs of a Secretary of War , Mr Gates says that the president was sceptical that his administration 's Afghan strategy would succeed .