
  1. 阿斯加德人,你去发动战争吧

    You will have your war , Asgardian .

  2. 把它称作比基尼战争吧。

    Call it a bikini war .

  3. “你不会看见的,”奥雷连诺上校说。“穿上你的鞋子,帮助我结束这种讨厌的战争吧。”

    " Nothing of the sort ," the colonel said . " They 're things that a person writes to himself . "

  4. 但如果双方都不退却,吼叫也吓不走对方,那就让战争开打吧!

    But if neither submits and roars don 't scare off the opposition , let battle commence !

  5. 让我们为结束战争而努力吧。

    Let 's work out to make an end of the war .

  6. 大伙,和真正战争英雄握手吧。

    Boys , shake hands with some real war heroes .

  7. 看看人类强加于彼此的战争和死亡吧。

    Look at all the war and death that humans inflict on each other .

  8. 这是一款非常经典的策略游戏,用你的战术技能在这个特殊的海洋战争中战斗吧!

    Ready to fight in extraordinary ocean battles and test your tactical skills in this classic strategy game that is now more exciting than ever !

  9. 学学关于战争的一些东西吧,你的无知真的让我很难受。

    Learn something about the conflict , your ignorance is actually painful to me .

  10. 或许这是一场酒瓶战争?准备开战吧,波尔多和勃艮第!

    The battle for the bottle , perhaps ? Aux armes , Bordeaux and Burgundy !

  11. 该死的战争,让这次战争见鬼去吧!

    Curse this war ; God damn this war !