
  • 网络strategic steps;strategie step
  1. 实现农业第二个飞跃是我国未来农业发展的重要战略步骤。

    To realize agricultural second leap is an important strategic steps on Chinese agricultural development .

  2. 进一步论证了我国刑事政策调整的战略步骤。

    The thesis demonstrates further the strategic steps of the adjustment of the criminal policy in China .

  3. 加入WTO是我国当前适应经济全球化最具时代意义的战略步骤。

    Chinese accession to WTO is a times-meaningful and strategic step to adapt to the current economic globalization .

  4. 结果,AOL十年来日见凋敝,且实施了许多错误战略步骤。

    As a result , AOL has languished for the past decade and made a number of strategic missteps .

  5. 英国石油公司时任CEO布朗勋爵声称,这份协议是“一个重大的战略步骤,英国石油公司将由此进入一个石油和天然气储量丰富、拥有巨大增长潜力的国家。”

    Lord Browne , then CEO of BP , called the deal " a major strategic step into a country with massive oil and gas reserves and immense potential for future growth . "

  6. 有线电视发展战略步骤和网络技术体制的思考

    Some Ideas on the Stategy of CATV Development and Technical System for CATV Network

  7. 中国社会主义现代化发展战略步骤嬗变及启示

    A Revelation about the Changes of China 's Development Strategy Steps for Socialist Modernization

  8. 现代化建设的根本就是目标模式、战略步骤和动力来源。

    The basic factors of the modernization are goal pattern , strategic procedure and power resources .

  9. 将是创造新的发展模式、促进高质量发展的一项战略步骤。

    will be a strategic step in creating a new development paradigm and promoting high-quality development .

  10. 总体上,建议河南省采取三步走的战略步骤,实现战略性新兴产业的有序推进。

    The thesis suggested that Henan province take three step to develop strategic emerging industries in general .

  11. 我国正在向全面小康社会逐步迈进,全面小康是我国重要的战略步骤之一。

    China has been gradually realizing an a well-off society which is one of its greatest strategic steps .

  12. 本文着重于构建一套有章可循、循之有序的战略步骤,以供房地产企业参考和借鉴。

    In this paper , the paper want to set up the strategy steps orderly for reference to real estate enterprises .

  13. 摘要建设和谐社区,是构建和谐社会发展的一个重要战略步骤,也是一项系统全而的发展要求。

    Construction harmonious community is to found an important strategic step of harmonious social development is also a systematic overall development requirement .

  14. 研究结果对于现阶段省级报纸具体竞争战略步骤的实施具有重要的理论和实践价值。

    The findings at provincial level for the strategy for the implementation of specific steps has an important theoretical and practical value .

  15. 还对生态农业发展的战略步骤以及生态规模经济和区域经济问题进行了分析。

    It also discusses the strategic phases or stages of the eco-agricultural development processes with an in-depth analysis in relevant issues on scale-economics and regional-economies .

  16. 第六章省医保公司产权制度改革的战略步骤,提出生存股份制改造发展壮大三大战略步骤,将省医保的生存发展和产权制度改革结合起来。

    Chapter Six brings forwards the three-step strategy of " survival - system reform-expansion ", with combination - of system reform and survival of the company .

  17. 本文通过分析循环经济的功能,论证了青海省实施循环经济的必要性,同时提出了青海省推行循环经济的战略步骤和具体措施。

    This dissertation testified the necessity of implementing circular economy in Qinghai province by analyzing its function , meanwhile offers strategic procedure and specific measures for it .

  18. 第四章提出了推进农村教育城镇化战略步骤和对策建议,说明如何走好农村教育城镇化之路。

    Chapter IV puts forward strategy and steps to promote the urbanization of rural education , and how to take the road of urbanization of rural education .

  19. 第四层面是进行市场细分,确定目标市场,确定营销战略步骤。

    The Fourth chapter include the market segmentation , the selection of target market , and make out the marketing strategy , the Marketing tactics about Mending Mountain .

  20. 要实现社会主义现代化战略步骤,就必须实施依法治国和以德治国的治国方略。

    To speed up the realization of the strategic procedures of socialist modernization , the road to rule the country by both law and virtue should be undertaken .

  21. 天然气汽车具有良好的低排放性和经济性,其开发已经成为我国节能环保战略步骤的重要一步。

    Natural gas vehicle has a better low-emission and economy , the development of the vehicle has become an important step in the strategic steps of energy saving and environmental protection .

  22. 设立经济技术开发区本来就是加快沿海城市开放的战略步骤,后来逐步向中西部中心城市扩展。

    The establishment of development zones started from the coastal areas as a strategy of opening-up , and then spread into central cities in the middle and western part of China .

  23. 论文首先阐释城市和城市化的基本概念,介绍推进城市化进程的不同理论模式、战略步骤;介绍中心城市的集聚效应。

    Firstly this paper explains the basic ideas of city and urbanization , introduces several different theory models , strategic steps of urbanization , and illustrates the centralization effect of central city .

  24. 战略步骤主要是分三步走,即分别在2005年前、2005-2010年间以及2010-2020年间实现相应的战略目标。

    The strategy are primarily divided into 3 steps : before 2005 , from 2005 to 2010 , from 2010 to 2020 and the goals planning to be achieved during every corresponding stage .

  25. 本章对国内企业渠道冲突管理目标、在管理过程所必须把握的基本原则以及渠道冲突管理的战略步骤进行了深入的探讨,在此基础上提出了国内企业渠道冲突管理过程中可采用的基本策略。

    Chapter 3 deals with the strategy of channel conflict management of the local enterprise . It discusses the goals , the basic principles and the steps of channel conflict management of the local enterprise .

  26. 振兴东北是我国现阶段发展经济的主要战略步骤,在此前提下,锦州经济振兴中旅游业的发展显得尤为重要。

    " Revitalizing the Northeast " is that our country develops the economic main strategic step at the present stage . On the premise of this , the development of tourist industry seems particularly important for the economy of Jinzhou .

  27. 接着,按照企业、行业、市场特点,针对性的设计了一系列领导者竞争战略步骤,以期对企业的未来发展有所指导。

    Then , in accordance with the features of the enterprise , industry and market , the research designs a series of strategic steps , which guiding and targeting the leadership to compete with a view to the future development of enterprises .

  28. 中国科技部副部长王志刚表示,建设创新型国家是中国的一个重要战略步骤。

    Wang Zhigang , vice Minister of Science and Technology , says building an innovative country is a crucial strategic measure for China . S the construction of an innovative country is significant to China 's aim to move into a modernized power .

  29. 为促进我国旅游业科学有序地发展,搞好县城旅游规划是非常重要的战略步骤,认真解决县域旅游规划实践中的问题,将会给我国旅游事业带来巨大的效益。

    It 's an extremely important strategy to attain perfect county tourism planning in order to promote the scientific and orderly development of Chinese tourism . Full solution to problems in county tourism planning will bring about tremendous benefits to China 's tourism .

  30. 第五,从战略实施步骤、实施重点、保障措施,以及战略实施的评价与控制等四个方面阐述了甘肃J公司发展战略实施的管控措施。

    Fifth , from a strategic implementation procedures and implement key , safeguard measures , strategic evaluation and control elaborated the development strategy of Gansu J company on the implementation of control measures .