
zhàn dòu duì
  • combat team;fighting force
  1. 就是在全国胜利以后,在国内没有消灭阶级和世界上存在着帝国主义制度的历史时期内,我们的军队还是一个战斗队。

    Even after country-wide victory , our army will remain a fighting force during the historical period in which classes have not been abolished in our country and the imperialist system still exists in the world .

  2. 驻韩国第2步兵师第2旅战斗队的“斯特耐克”排排长和助理旅火力支援军官;

    Stryker Platoon Leader and Assistant Brigade Fire Support Officer , 2nd Brigade Combat Team , 2nd Infantry Division , Republic of Korea ;

  3. 一个高度机动的小战斗队。

    A small , highly mobile force of fighting men .

  4. 她警告厄立特里亚停止其对控制索马里的战斗队的支持。

    She warned Eritrea to end its support for groups fighting to control Somalia .

  5. 该剑是第一轮的这类型发射的士兵来自第25步兵师的第二斯瑞克旅战斗队,第11场炮兵团。

    The Excalibur was the first round of this type fired by soldiers from the25th Infantry Division's2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team , 11th Field Artillery Regiment .

  6. 然后,最聪明及最有希望的候选人被邀请加入“战斗”队,制定方案并在活动日当天向公司主管组成的评审团做三分钟的演示。

    The brightest and most promising candidates are then invited to join a " battle " team that crafts and presents a three-minute pitch to a jury of company executives on the day of the event .

  7. 其他城镇的校队,例如葡萄园战斗氏族队、米尔威尔霹雳队、大陆小野马队与大西洋城海盗队,每年都把目标盯着圣灵高中的球队,但在大多数的年份都未达目标。

    The Fighting Clan of Vineland , the Millville Thunderbolts , the Mustangs of Mainland and the Vikings of Atlantic City all took aim each year at the HSHS team , and most years they missed the mark .

  8. 然而,这却是一个明确的战术执行。乔丹拿球解决战斗是公牛队“复杂”的三角进攻战术的一部分。

    However , that is an actual " play , " as it is part of the " complicated " triangle offense .

  9. 当艾伦在纽约等待回国的时候,大西洋上发生了激烈的战斗,护航队损失惨重。码头上挤满了死里逃生的幸存者,这是艾伦回国后首先布入眼帘的影像。

    And the ports were sheltering the survivors of what had been the most damaging convoy battle of the war , fought in mid-Atlantic while Alan had waited in New York .