
zhàn dòu bù duì
  • fighting forces;combat forces;combat forces/troops/units
  1. 今天有新迹象表明,美国战斗部队可能再次被派往伊拉克战场。

    New hints today that American combat forces could once again be sent to the battlefield in Iraq .

  2. 北大西洋公约组织表示,北约掌握了俄罗斯战斗部队参与乌克兰境内军事行动的卫星图片。

    NATO says it has satellite imagery showing Russian combat forces are now engaged in military operations inside Ukraine .

  3. 4,000名士兵被重组成为一支战斗部队。

    Four thousand troops have been reorganized into a fighting force

  4. 将军不喜欢非战斗部队人员靠近战场。

    The General does not like non-combatant personnel near a scene of action .

  5. 胜利只是表面的,可这丝毫无损于战斗部队的勇气和技术。

    The victory looks rather hollow . That takes nothing away from the courage and skill of the fighting forces .

  6. 装甲部队部署装甲车辆的战斗部队,如坦克。

    The combat arm that deploys armored vehicles , such as tanks .

  7. 这支受过高度训练的战斗部队?

    This army of highly-trained combat specialists ?

  8. 他重新组织了日军的兵力,把他们分成若干强有力的千人战斗部队。

    Reorganizing the Japanese forces , he divided them into powerful striking units of 1000 men .

  9. 战斗部队目前人数保持着在增兵前同样的水平,但是辅助部队人数的增加仍然继续。

    Combat units are at pre-surge levels , though the elevated number of support troops remains .

  10. 军官,指挥军官:武装部队中受任命军官,被派到战斗部队执行任务。

    A commissioned officer in the armed forces who is assigned to the line for duty .

  11. 总统已经派遣战斗部队

    The President has dispatched battle groups

  12. 奥巴马总结又一次承诺今后八月底将所有的美国战斗部队从伊拉克撤回。

    President Obama again promised to remove all American combat troops from Iraq by the end of August .

  13. 他们服役的时候,没有这个国家通常给予战斗部队的道义支持。

    And they served without the full moral support that this Nation has usually given to its fighting forces .

  14. 朝鲜义勇军是在特殊的历史环境下建立的既有国际性又有民族性的战斗部队。

    The Korea Volunteers were set up under the special historical circumstance , it had both international and national character .

  15. 美国军队正改变政策让女性在战斗部队中服役。

    Here is the short version , the U.S military is changing its policy to let women serve in combat units .

  16. 战斗部队远不是最容易遭伤亡的,而外交官却面临着风险。

    Combat troops are far and away the most likely to be killed or wounded , but diplomats face risks as well .

  17. 大部分广西战斗部队授命远征华东(第三和第五战区)。

    The bulk of Kwangsi combat troops received orders to march to eastern China ( the Third and Fifth War Zones ) .

  18. 美国已宣布明年将向阿富汗增兵21000人,包括之前宣布的17000战斗部队。

    He already had ordered the deployment of 21000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan next year and that includes 17000 combat forces .

  19. 他们的撤离是在一项要求美国战斗部队在2011年底撤离伊拉克的一份安全协议下进行的。

    They withdrew under a security agreement that calls for American combat forces to leave Iraq by the end of two thousand eleven .

  20. 基本上按这个要求,更新我们的干部,特别是战斗部队的干部。

    The ranks of our cadres , and particularly those of the combat forces , should be renewed basically according to these requirements .

  21. 这支军队是如此不同凡响,它的声望也许超过中国四千年历史上任何一只战斗部队。

    So extraordinary was this army that it was probably better known than any fighting force in four thousand years of Chinese history .

  22. 当前的第三阶段,则是以正规部队化零为整开始,旨在建立一支强大的战斗部队。

    Now the third stage began with the concentration of regulars into larger groups with the intention of building up a sizable striking force .

  23. 左边口袋上面佩带着步兵战斗部队徽章(严格说,他并没有资格戴这种徽章)

    Over the left-hand pocket he was wearing the Combat Infantryman 's badge ( Which , technically , he wasn 't authorized to wear )

  24. 以及加拿大、澳大利亚、罗马尼亚、挪威和瑞典这些国家都允许女性出现在战斗部队。

    The arm forces in all those countries , plus Canada , Australia , Romania , Norway and Sweden allow women in combat units .

  25. 1973年3月29日,美国最后一批战斗部队离开南越,结束美国的在越南战争中的直接军事介。

    On March 29 , 1973 , the last U.S. combat troops left South Vietnam , ending America 's direct military involvement in the Vietnam War .

  26. 两周前,美国最后一支战斗部队美军第二步兵师第4斯特赖克旅在黎明前的黑暗中,踏上了回家的路。

    Two weeks ago , America 's final combat brigade in Iraq - the Army 's Fourth Stryker Brigade - journeyed home in the pre-dawn darkness .

  27. 这项协议没有具体规定美国驻军人数,但保证美国在国际战斗部队撤离阿富汗的至少10年内为阿富汗提供援助。

    It does not specify any specific troop presence , but pledges American aid for Afghanistan for at least a decade after international combat troops leave the country .

  28. 在德怀尔营,盖茨部长说,如果他作决定,毫无疑问他肯定是在最后才撤出战斗部队。

    At Camp Dwyer , Gates said if the decision were up to him , it would be a " no brainer " that he withdraw combat troops last .

  29. 第二十三支部队的一千八百人,可以伪装成一师师的军队,这样,战斗部队转移阵地或进击,德军都不会知道,还以为对方还在原地。

    To enable a combat unit to change positions or to attack while the Germans thought it had not moved at all , the1800 men of the23rd impersonated entire divisions .

  30. 澳大利亚政府最近证实,将在今年中从伊拉克撤出575名澳大利亚战斗部队军人,占澳大利亚驻伊拉克及周边地区驻军的三分之一。

    Canberra recently confirmed that it will withdraw its 575 combat troops by the middle of this year , around one-third of its total military contingent in and around Iraq .