
zhàn lüè ɡài niàn
  • strategical concept
  1. 论文首先对企业战略概念一般理论进行了综述,继而分析了国际、国内军工行业企业发展现状,并就C集团的发展历程和现状做了概括性描述。

    The paper firstly introduces the general theory about strategy management , and then reviews both the history and status quo of international and national defense industry including C group .

  2. 本文提出了基于ENTRESCALE量表的公司创业战略概念的跨文化研究假设,并运用因子分析的方法,对加拿大和中国公司的样本进行了比较研究。

    This article put forwards the cross-cultural hypothesis based on the ENTRESCALE , and compares the Canadian and the Chinese sample using the factor analysis .

  3. 到了近代,人们把战略概念引申到政治经济生活中,制定出指导政治、经济发展的全局性纲要和规划。

    Strategy is applied into politics and economy in modern times .

  4. 可持续安全战略概念涵盖传统安全和非传统安全两大安全领域。

    The concept of sustainable security strategy covers both traditional and non traditional security areas .

  5. 对地区主义战略概念及其特征进行了学术性界定与阐释。

    Academic demarcations and interpretations are presented as regards the concepts and characteristics of regionalist strategies .

  6. 关于我国开展地球系统研究战略概念模型的讨论

    A discussion on the conceptual model for the strategy of the earth system research in China

  7. 国际战略概念是战略概念从军事领域向国际政治和国际关系领域扩展的产物。科学的国际战略,应该是主权国家的对外战略谋划符合国际局势及其国际环境。

    The concept of international strategies is an extension from military areas to international politics and relationship .

  8. 预计,这一会议将是对北约新战略概念的最后一次公开讨论。

    The conference is expected to be the last public discussion of issues related to NATO 's new Strategic Concept .

  9. 在学术界,使用国际战略概念研究中国外交也已成为主流。

    In the academic community it has also become the mainstream to study the Chinese diplomacy with the international strategic concepts .

  10. 本研究创新性地基于资源基础观和制度基础观整合的视角构建多维度的政治战略概念。

    This study builds the multi-dimensional political strategy concept based on the integrative visual angle of Resource-based View and Institution-based View .

  11. 作者首先在对各种战略概念进行分析的基础上,对战略以及核战略的概念做出了一个明确的界定。

    Based on the analysis of various viewpoints of strategy , the author gives a clear definition to strategy and nuclear strategy .

  12. 作为一个战略概念,它是指通过不同层次的对外军事交往,实现国家外交和军事战略目标。

    As a strategic statement , military diplomacy converts the national diplomacy and military strategy aims into reality through different kinds of military contact .

  13. 公司创业战略概念的跨文化研究是用公司创业理论来检验中国公司创业实践的重要内容。

    The cross-cultural research on construct of corporate entrepreneurship strategy is an important issue of the corporate entrepreneurship theory in the entrepreneurial practice of the Chinese companies .

  14. 本文以此为切入点,以前两章的篇幅力求给出战略概念形成的历史渊源和时代背景。

    This article just begins with it , trying to analyze the historical origins and times setting of the New Strategic Concept in the former two chapters .

  15. 本文的结论是:在跨文化的比较中,公司创业战略概念具有一致的维度有效性,以及较高的、一致的聚敛有效性、差异有效性和可靠性。

    The conclusion is that the construct of corporate entrepreneurship strategy has consistent dimensional validity , and high congruence validity , discriminant validity , and reliability in cross-cultural study .

  16. 通过回顾制造战略概念界定、研究方法和研究内容的主要文献,较为全面评述制造战略的研究现状,指出制造战略今后的研究方向。

    This paper reviews the literature on the concept , research method and content of manufacturing strategy , and comments on the present research situation and points out future research direction .

  17. 她说,她最初对制定一项北约新战略概念文件很有热情,但随着进程的发展,她现在已经相信北约的28个成员国没有能力起草这样一份北约所需要的文件。麦克纳马拉说:

    But as the process has developed , she says she has come to believe that the alliance 's 28 nations will be unable to draft the kind of document they need .

  18. 拉斯穆森的话得到了与会的北约成员国和非成员国代表的审慎回应。非成员国与会者包括俄罗斯代表团,他们应邀参与有关北约新战略概念的讨论。

    His words brought a cautious response from both Nato members and non-members at the conference , including Russian delegates , who had been invited to debate a fresh strategic concept for the alliance .

  19. 本文分为五个主要部分:多元化战略概念及文献回顾,多元化经营战略的经济动因与风险分析,多元化经营战略的进入方式,多元化与企业绩效关系实证研究,结果讨论及建议。

    There are five parts in this thesis : diversification strategy and literature review , analysis on the risk of diversification , discussion about the entry mode , empirical study , discussion and proposal .

  20. 本文首先从投资战略概念角度阐述投资战略在整个公司战略中的重要性,随后对投资战略的模式进行了划分,并说明了投资战略模式的众多组合方式以及这些组合模式的具体操作方式。

    Firstly , describing the importance of investment strategy in main company strategy ; then classifying the investment strategy mode ; describing combinations of investment strategy mode and the operation of investment strategy mode .

  21. 新中国的领导者虽然针对不同的对象使用不同的战略概念,但多半是选择国际战略概念表达其对外交政策方针的思考。

    The leaders of New China use different strategic concepts for different objects in the Chinese revolution but , generally speaking , they use international strategic concepts to express their considerations over the diplomatic policy and principles .

  22. 应用演化博弈论的有限种群演化稳定战略概念,证明了有限种群的演化稳定战略产量分别等于两组(种群)企业的竞争产量。

    According to the concept of finite population evolutionarily stable strategy ( ESS ), we present the result that the finite population evolutionarily stable strategy output is equal to the competitive output in each group of the firms .

  23. 本文介绍名为21世纪海上力量的美国海军21世纪战略概念,阐述其各要素的内涵、现状和未来,并对21世纪海上力量做一些粗浅的分析。

    This paper presents " Sea Power 21 " & the U.S. Navy 's strategic concept for the 21st century , discusses content , status and future for elements of " Sea Power 21 ", and simply analyzes the U.S. Navy 's strategic concept for the 21st century .

  24. 敏捷制造(AgileManufacturing)是作为21世纪制造企业战略的概念提出来的,而敏捷制造的关键之一是企业的敏捷性(Agility),即企业被动地适应市场的能力和企业主动开拓市场的能力。

    Agile Manufacturing is a notion proposed as The 21st Century Strategy for Manufacturing Enterprises , a pivot of which is the agility of corporations , i.e. the ability to adapt to and exploit the market actively .

  25. 方法阐述品牌及品牌战略的概念,探讨OTC的品牌定位、管理与传播的方法。

    METHODS : The concepts of brands and brand strategy were explained , and the ways for the orientation , management and spreading of OTC brands were discussed .

  26. 其次,介绍军事战略等概念的含义及现代科技的内涵特征。

    Secondly , it introduces the meaning of military technology .

  27. 北约战略新概念与联合国的前途

    NATOs new strategic concept and UNS future

  28. 文章介绍了汽车平台战略的概念,并举例分析说明。

    This paper introduces the concept of auto platform strategy and cites example for analytical explanation .

  29. 通过对品牌战略的概念、意义、发展现状的分析,提出企业发展品牌战略经营的相应对策:要树立强烈的品牌战略意识;明确战略品牌定位;

    The concept , meaning and current situation of the development of brand strategy are analyzed .

  30. 以地缘战略相关概念的阐释为切入点,论述了地缘战略的研究内容和特点。

    Beginning with an interpretation of related concepts about geostrategy , it expounds the research topics and characteristics of geostrategy .