
  • Winston Churchill;Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
  1. 我清楚地记得,当时和妹妹在白金汉宫阳台上与父母及丘吉尔首相一起目睹的欢庆场面。

    I vividly5 remember the jubilant scenes my sister and I witnessed with our parents and Winston Churchill from the balcony of Buckingham Palace .

  2. 1943年的今天,罗斯福总统和英国首相丘吉尔在卡萨布兰卡举行战时会议。

    1943-President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill opened a wartime conference in Casablanca .

  3. 丘吉尔立刻开始实施一项大胆的计划。

    Churchill immediately set into motion a daring plan .

  4. 丘吉尔给韦维尔发了封紧急电报。

    Churchill telegraphed an urgent message to Wavell

  5. 这是艾弗·罗伯茨-琼斯的作品,他还创作了议会广场上的丘吉尔塑像。

    It is the work of Ivor Roberts-Jones , who also produced the statue of Churchill in Parliament Square

  6. 丘吉尔是个雄辩的演说家。

    Churchill was an eloquent speaker .

  7. 短波电台里开始传出丘吉尔那抑扬顿挫的声调。

    Churchill 's cadences began to roll out of the shortwave radio .

  8. 因此,人们可以从渴望给人留下印象的角度介绍拿破仑,或者从孤独忧郁的角度介绍丘吉尔。

    One could therefore present Napoleon in terms of his desire to impress or Churchill in terms of his lonely melancholy .

  9. 除了我母亲的书之外,还有丘吉尔的著作《马尔堡:他的人生和时代》(Marlborough:HisLifeandTimes)。

    In addition to my mother 's book , Churchill 's Marlborough : His Life and Times .

  10. 对七十个以上区的袭击(b温斯顿S.丘吉尔)

    The onslaught of upwards of seventy divisions ( bWinston S.Churchill )

  11. 德国只等着贸易复苏以获取巨大的贸易优势(温斯顿S.丘吉尔)

    Germany only awaits trade revival to gain an immense mercantile ascendancy ( Winston S.Churchill )

  12. “我们期待着来自大西洋两岸的想品尝丘吉尔最喜爱雪茄的雪茄迷们的重大投标,”C。

    " We 're expecting significant bids from both sides of the Atlantic from aficionados who 'd love to taste Churchill 's favourite cigars ," C.

  13. 去年9月,在硅谷丘吉尔俱乐部(AnnualChurchillClub)的年度评奖中,格罗夫因“启发性的领导风格”而受到表彰。

    Mr Grove was honoured last September for " inspirational leadership " at the Annual Churchill Club awards in Silicon Valley .

  14. 执政的旧英国贵族让位给忠实而且富有的诺尔曼贵族(温斯顿S.丘吉尔)

    The old English nobility of office made way for the Norman nobility of faith and landed wealth ( Winston S.Churchill )

  15. 布朗送给奥巴马的礼物是稀丘吉尔传记首版,而对方的回礼却是一套DVD。

    Brown gave him a romantic antique biography of Churchill , and Obama gave him a DVD box set .

  16. 当大多数领导人保持着他们身份的威严,温斯顿•丘吉尔更多的是通过他标志性的V型手势以及冷静、轻松的笑容来鼓舞英国人民。

    While other leaders fling to their office , Winston Churchill inspired British people with his trademark V sign for victory in public with calm , relaxed smile .

  17. 任何记得战争年代的人,都会顷刻间回忆起温斯顿-丘吉尔迅速举起两个手指做V动作的形象。

    To anyone who remembers the war years , the image of Winston Churchill flashing the " V " gesture with his two fingers raised immediately comes to mind .

  18. 1911年,温斯顿•丘吉尔(WinstonChurchill)下令英国皇家海军将石油用作主要舰船燃料,此举开启了油价上升的进程。

    In1911 , Winston Churchill helped kick-start oil 's ascent by converting the Royal Navy to run on it .

  19. 丘吉尔(Churchill)是另一位豪气干云的健谈家,他也许还是20世纪最伟大的健谈家,但他常常是个糟糕的倾听者。

    Churchill was another magnificent talker , perhaps the greatest of the 20th century , but often a poor listener .

  20. 温斯顿•丘吉尔(WinstonChurchill)有句名言:美国总是在尝试了其它所有选择之后,去做正确的事情。

    Winston Churchill famously said that the United States invariably does the right thing , after having exhausted every other alternative .

  21. 美国研究人员日前称,美国总统竞选人巴拉克•奥巴马不仅是现任总统乔治•W•布什的远亲,而且与“二战”时期的英国首相温斯顿•丘吉尔还沾亲带故。

    US presidential hopeful Barack Obama turns out to be a distant relative not only of President George W.Bush but also of wartime British prime minister Winston Churchill , according to US researchers .

  22. 据写信人描述,当时他祖父无意中听到丘吉尔和美国将军德怀特•艾森豪威尔讨论这起UFO事件。

    The addresser described that his grandfather heard this accident form a discussion between Churchill and US general Dwhite Eisenhower accidentally .

  23. RR拍卖行的执行副总裁博比·利文斯通称该物品为“丘吉尔标志性造型的代名词”。

    Bobby Livingston , executive vice president at RR Auction , called the item " a synonymous piece from Churchill 's trademark look . "

  24. 他援引了其他一些例子,包括罗斯福总统(FranklinRoosevelt)和他女儿安娜(Anna),1945年,安娜曾陪同罗斯福赴雅尔塔,会晤丘吉尔(Churchill)和斯大林(Stalin)。

    He cites other examples , including Franklin Roosevelt and his daughter Anna , who accompanied him to Yalta in1945 to meet with Churchill and Stalin .

  25. 英国央行行长默文·金爵士(SirMervynKing)昨天在丘吉尔的故居查特韦尔(Chartwell)宣布了这款新纸币设计。

    Sir Mervyn King , governor of the Bank of England , announced the new note yesterday at Chartwell , Churchill 's former home .

  26. 但他并非在宣传自己对于欧洲、英国保守党或是他的新书的主题&温斯顿•丘吉尔(WinstonChurchill)的看法。

    He is not , however , promoting his ideas about Europe , the Conservative party or Winston Churchill , the subject of his latest book .

  27. 里夫斯:尼尔内是温斯顿•丘吉尔设立的一个叫做特别行动执行小组简称SOE组织中屈指可数的几位女特工之一。

    REEVES : Nearne was one of only a few dozen women spies in an organization set up by Winston Churchill , called the Special Operations Executive or SOE .

  28. 1999年,英国皇家空军一名军官的孙子曾就这起UFO事件致信英国国防部,这位军官曾是丘吉尔的私人保镖。

    The grandson of an RAF officer who was one of Churchill 's personal bodyguards wrote to Britain 's Ministry of Defence in1999 about the alleged incident .

  29. 66岁的温斯顿•丘吉尔(WinstonChurchill)曾表示:我所能奉献的只有血和汗、苦和泪,但21世纪的董事会或外交部大概不会聘用他吧。

    A 66-year - old Winston Churchill promising nothing but blood , toil , tears and sweat would not presumably be employable in the 21st-century boardroom or the Foreign Office .

  30. 借用一下温斯顿•丘吉尔(WinstonChurchill)爵士的名言:商业的任务,就是在遇到困难时多看看机遇,在遇到机遇时少看看困难。

    The task for business - to adapt Sir Winston Churchill 's words - is to look more at the opportunities in the difficulties and less at the difficulties in the opportunities .