
  • 网络middletown;Middleton
  1. 位于康涅狄格州米德尔敦的卫斯理安大学(WesleyanUniversity)拥有一个新的就业中心,坐落在校园中很显眼的位置;

    Wesleyan University in Middletown , Conn. , has a new career center prominently located on campus ;

  2. 位于康涅狄格州米德尔敦的卫斯理安大学(WesleyanUniversity)拥有一个新的就业中心,坐落在校园中很显眼的位置;它的网站鼓励新生们去那里逛逛,开展他们的四年计划。

    Wesleyan University in Middletown , Conn. , has a new career center prominently located on campus ; its Web site urges freshmen to stop by and start their four-year plan .

  3. 米德尔敦的消防队副队长AlSantostefano拒绝就爆炸起因置评,不过他在一份声明中说,市长向公众保证公共健康没有受到威胁。

    Al Santostefano , Middletown 's deputy fire marshal , declined to comment on the cause of the explosion , but in a statement he said the mayor'assures the public that there is no public health threat . '