
  • 网络Michurin;Gennadi Michurin;I.V.Michurin;IvanVladimirovichMichurin;Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin
  1. 米丘林学说在中国(1949-1956):苏联的影响

    Michurinism in China ( 1949-1956 ): The Influence of the Soviet Union

  2. 可是看看米丘林(么干来着?)位科学家她是非常崇拜的,他的像还挂在她的床上呢。

    But look at Michurin , the scientist whom she so deeply revered and whose picture she had hanging over her bed .

  3. 这不仅为米丘林嫁接蒙导法提供了一个新的证据,而且在果树遗传育种中也具有重要意义。

    This not only provide a new evidence for graft mentor method but also have profound significance in genetic research and breeding of fruit plants .