
xián yuè
  • string music;stringed music;stringed instrument music
弦乐 [xián yuè]
  • (1) [stringed music]∶与弦乐器、弦乐器演奏者或弦乐器演奏的音乐有关的

  • 弦乐队

  • (2) [stringed]∶由弦产生的

  • 弦乐的闹声

弦乐[xián yuè]
  1. 弦乐合弦声信号时频特征的小波包分析

    Analysis of Time-frequency Domain Characteristics of String Music Chord Sound Based on Wavelet Packet Technique

  2. 1949&2009是中国弦乐史研究取得重要发展的六十年。

    The year 1949 to 2009 was of great importance to the development of research on China string music history .

  3. 他们随着弦乐四重奏乐曲跳舞。

    They danced to the music of a string quartet .

  4. 管弦乐编曲还要考虑其他因素。

    There were also other factors that entered into the orchestration .

  5. 曲终后紧接着就是他的弦乐独奏。

    The piece segues into his solo with the strings .

  6. 弦乐组为独奏乐章配上了动听的背景乐。

    The strings provided a melodic background to the passages played by the soloist

  7. 我在学生时代创作过很多管弦乐作品。

    I had written quite a lot of orchestral music in my student days

  8. 一个弦乐四重奏乐团为客人们献艺演奏。

    The guests were entertained by a string quartet .

  9. 有一个20人组成的弦乐器组。

    There was a 20-member string section .

  10. 有西洋管弦乐队常见的弦乐器,木管和铜管乐器,还有打击乐器

    There are the usual strings , woodwinds , brasses and percussions of western orchestra .

  11. 引子在弦乐的震音上竖琴奏出了琶音,一种迷人的音响。

    The introduction presents arpeggios on the harp against a string tremolo -- an enchanting sonority .

  12. 试论音乐结构中的二分性原则&以贝多芬《■B大调弦乐四重奏》之结构为例

    On the Dualism of Musical Structure as Reflected in Beethoven 's String Quartet in ' B

  13. 新英格兰青年乐团-教堂奏鸣曲第12章,小号E大调末乐章协奏曲,四提琴弦乐协奏曲。

    New England Youth Ensemble – Church Sonata No.12 , Finale from Trumpet Concerto in E Flat , Concerto for Four Violins and Strings .

  14. 他在自己最后的时刻听着收音机里的贝多芬F小调弦乐四重奏,他的妻子玛德莱纳在他身旁。

    He spent his final moments listening to Beethoven 's F Minor String Quartet emanating from a radio , his wife Madeleine by his side .

  15. 取消弦乐四重奏,找个DJ

    Oh , and cancel the string quartet . Let 's get a DJ .

  16. 这部作品是受新西兰弦乐四重奏团委约创作的,于2007年1月在新西兰亚当姆斯国际室内乐音乐节中首演,并出版成CD。

    The composing of this piece was commissioned by New Zealand String Quartet . It debuted during the New Zealand Adams International Indoor Music Festival and was published to CD .

  17. 在接下来的年头和专辑里面,从2005年激愤的《毕竟还是人类》(HumanAfterAll)到2010年激情澎湃、有管弦乐辅助的《创:战记》(Tron:Legacy)配乐,傻朋克的音乐在继续变异。

    Daft Punk 's music would continue to mutate over the coming years and albums , from the aggro Human After All ( 2005 ) to the swelling , orchestra-aided Tron : Legacy soundtrack ( 2010 ) .

  18. 韦伯恩《弦乐四重奏五章》OP.5第四乐章的结构分析

    Structural Analysis to 4 th Movement of Webern : String Quartet Op.5

  19. 2011年日本东北部遭遇地震和海啸灾难之后,为了鼓励孩子们一起演奏音乐,ElSistema推动成立了相马市儿童管弦乐与合唱团(SomaChildren'sOrchestraandChorus)。

    The Soma Children 's Orchestra and Chorus was established after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami ravaged the northeastern part of Japan , to encourage children there to make music communally .

  20. 佩钦科早年曾在柏林喜歌剧院(KomischeOper)担任音乐总监,并曾与芝加哥交响乐团(ChicagoSymphonyOrchestra)、克利夫兰管弦乐团(ClevelandOrchestra)等其他乐团有过合作,都受到盛赞。

    He received acclaim for his earlier run as music director of the Komische Oper in Berlin , as well as engagements with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra , Cleveland Orchestra and other ensembles .

  21. 南非多出杰出弦乐演奏家,而他们大都师从于现已82岁高龄的JackdeWet(他也是Bennell的老师);法国横笛大师SophieCherrier则令年轻笛手们都争相奔往法国。

    South Africa produces excellent string players , many of them taught by 82-year-old Jack de Wet ( who taught Ms Bennell ) , and Sophie Cherrier has made France the country to go to for young flautists .

  22. 佩钦科出生于西伯利亚(Siberia)鄂木斯克(Omsk)。18岁那年,由于身为小提琴家的父亲在奥地利(Austria)的地方管弦乐团谋了份差事,他们举家移民至奥地利。

    Mr. Petrenko was born in Omsk in Siberia and immigrated at the age of 18 with his family to Austria , where his father , a violinist , got a post with a provincial orchestra .

  23. 星期四晚上的演出中,布兰塔诺四重奏组(BrentanoQuartet)将演出他的弦乐四重奏2号(流水),该演出中还有纽约新音乐乐团和塔鲁琼乐团(Talujon)。

    On Thursday night 's program , the Brentano Quartet will perform his String Quartet No. 2 ( " Streams " ) in a program that also features the New York New Music Ensemble and Talujon .

  24. 曲中不乏伊诺式的悦耳魅力:低诉的弦乐与钟声般的键盘能将“死神和他所有朋友”都关在门外;而纯器乐曲《LifeinTechnicolor》的音色,则像从一个长金属管的末端中发出的绝响。

    There are Eno touches that catch the ear : the chattering strings and bell-like keyboards that close out " Death and All His Friends , " or the timbre of the instrumental " Life in Technicolor , " which sounds like it 's emanating from the end of a long metal tube .

  25. 本文通过对其《弦乐四重奏五章》OP.5第四乐章的分析,揭示出乐章创作的结构特征,为无调性音乐创作的结构方面提供了一个有趣而具体的参考实证。

    This article analyzes the fourth movement of String Quartet ( Op.5 ) to reveal its structural characteristics , and therefore provides an interesting and detailed case study of atonal music composition .

  26. 还有更怪的,我保持着自己用一把雅马哈(Yamaha)SV-200电子小提琴、一个超简单的USB音频接口(买小提琴时带的ApogeeJam96k)和一部iPhone录制弦乐二重奏和合奏,还有一些小提琴和民俗音乐的习惯。

    I also keep going more down the rabbit hole on recording string duets and ensembles , plus some fiddle and folk music , with myself using a Yamaha SV-200 electric violin , a supersimple USB audio interface ( the Apogee Jam 96k - it came with my violin when I bought it ) and an iPhone .

  27. 民族管弦乐的实践与开拓&有关中央民族乐团乐队改革与发展的思考

    Thoughts on the Reform and Development of Central Chinese Music Orchestra

  28. 带有三角形的身体和三根弦的弦乐器。

    A stringed instrument that has triangular body and three strings .

  29. 他是校管弦乐队弦乐部一员。

    He 's one of the strings in the school orchestra .

  30. 东京管弦乐队的管弦乐合奏,还有一些其他的好节目。

    String orchestra by Tokyo Orchestra and some other interesting items .