
  • 网络song cycle;Liederkreis
  1. 《致远方的爱人》(AndieferneGeliebte,Op.98)是贝多芬创作的唯一一部声乐套曲,也是欧洲音乐史上第一部真正意义的声乐套曲。

    As the only Song Cycle created by Beethoven , An die ferne Geliebte , OP. 98 is also the first real Song Cycle in the musical history of Europe .

  2. 他的创作涉猎广泛,包含有:舞台作品、合唱作品、管弦乐作品、钢琴作品、歌曲、声乐套曲以及一些改编曲目。

    His works covered a wide range includes : the stage works , choral works , orchestral works , piano works , songs , song cycle , as well as some adaptation tracks .

  3. 这两张唱片还包含了布里顿两首不甚知名的声乐套曲。

    The two discs also contain two of Britten 's lesser-known song-cycles .

  4. 贝多芬声乐套曲《致远方的爱人》音乐分析

    A Musical Analysis of Beethoven 's " To the Distant Beloved "

  5. 通过以上分析让大家对这4部声乐套曲能有一个清晰完整的认识。

    It will bring a clear and complete understanding of these four vocal music divertimentos .

  6. 而《美丽的磨坊姑娘》是舒伯特的重要代表作之一,舒伯特不仅赋予了这套声乐套曲以优美的旋律,更是为它注入了灵魂。

    Schubert important not only gives the divertimento with the melodies , for it into the soul .

  7. 声乐套曲中的各首歌曲通过其内容和音乐风格,使它们之间相互联系在一起。

    Different songs in the vocal divertimento connect with one another through the content and music style .

  8. 随之阐述这部声乐套曲的产生背景,其中包含了文学背景,音乐背景。

    Then it explains the production background of the vocal music divertimento including literature and music background .

  9. 其中,包括七部声乐套曲,共43首之多,占到了近一半的数量。

    And , including seven vocal music divertimentos , altogether 43 songs , accounted for near half quantity .

  10. 在这一时期众多的艺术歌曲作品中,以舒伯特和舒曼的歌曲作品最具代表性,特别是声乐套曲,这种创作方式对后来的许多作曲家都产生了深渊的影响。

    Especially the vocal song-cycle works of Schubert and Schumann , which influence the subsequent composers ' creations .

  11. 三组声乐套曲是穆索尔斯基作品创新作曲技法的声乐代表作品。

    Three groups of vocal music divertimento is innovative composer Mussorgsky technique works on behalf of the vocal works .

  12. 此外,还探讨了艺术歌曲以及这部声乐套曲在演唱上的特点和要求;

    Furthermore , the thesis discusses the singing features and requirements for art song and " Die Schone M Ullerin " .

  13. 因此,对这部优秀声乐套曲做深入细致的研究是一件非常有意义和价值的工作。

    Therefore , it is a very meaningful and valuable work to make in-depth and meticulous research of this excellent vocal divertimento .

  14. 浅谈舒伯特声乐套曲《美丽磨坊女》的钢琴伴奏及音乐表现意义

    An Approach to the Piano Accompaniment and the Music as Well as the Performance Significance of Schubert ′ s Vocal Music Divertimento " Die Schone Mullerin "

  15. 本论题以柏辽兹的声乐套曲《夏夜》为研究对象,通过深入分析该作品的创作背景、音乐语言、艺术风格,最终解读该作品的真正价值并为其作准确的定位。

    Through in-depth analysis of background , music language and artistic style , we finally interpreted the true value of this works and made an accurate positioning .

  16. 在这部声乐套曲里,作曲家以自然景色为背景,以德国民间音乐为素材,用独特的音乐小说的形式展开了一个青年磨工的生活、恋爱和痛苦的经历。

    With the natural landscape as the background and German fork music as the source material , the vocal suit is thus regarded as an outstanding music novel .

  17. 本文通过对法国印象派作曲家德彪西声乐套曲《被遗忘的抒情歌曲》六首的研究,进一步论证了艺术歌曲的独特魅力。

    It further demonstrated the unique charm of art songs by analyzing the six songs from 《 Ariettes Oubliees 》 composed by Claude Debussy , the French impressionist composer .

  18. 文章以舒伯特的声乐套曲《冬之旅》为研究对象,探究其钢琴声部艺术特色以及在演奏方面的处理手法。

    The writer chose Schubert 's Liedercyclus Winterreise as an example , to research the musical character of piano part and the way of performance the piano part in vocal music .

  19. 《长征组歌》作为一部具有鲜明民族性的声乐套曲,长期广泛流传于世。

    As a vocal suite characterized by distinctive Chinese ethnic groups ' style , Suite of Songs on the Long March has been widely known for a long time in China .

  20. 第二章声乐套曲《祖国四季》,主要对声乐套曲的形成以及中西声乐套曲之间的差异进行比较。

    The second chapter " Vocal divertimento " motherland Four Seasons , "", mainly the formation of vocal divertimento divertimento , as well as the difference between Chinese and Western vocal comparison .

  21. 充分了解穆索尔斯基的三组声乐套曲的创作在十九世纪音乐创作中的重要作用,充分肯定其音乐创作技法对于现代音乐创作的价值。

    Fully aware of the three groups of vocal Mussorgsky divertimento creative music in the nineteenth century to the important role of , and fully affirmed their musical skills for the value of modern music .

  22. 舒伯特创作的声乐套曲《冬之旅》取材深刻,结构紧密,把作曲家天才的灵感和成熟的技巧与作曲家特有的创作心理高度地融合在了一起。

    Winterreise , one of his vocal cycles , drew from profound sources and was of a close-knit structure , which integrated the genius and mature skills of the composer and his peculiar composition psychology .

  23. 舒曼于1840年根据诗人夏米索的八首诗歌谱曲而成声乐套曲《妇女的爱情与生活》,描写了一位女性从初识意中人到热恋、结婚、生育、死别的感情历程。

    Was produced in 1840 based on 8 poems of Chamisso and it was a suit of lieds which described a woman 's love and life , from her first love to her husband 's death .

  24. 这便是诗歌与音乐结合孕育的艺术史上最美丽的女儿一艺术歌曲。如果把艺术歌曲比喻成花朵,那么声乐套曲就好比是花环。

    This is music with poetry and art history as a result of the " most beautiful daughter-the art song " . If the art songs compared to flower and the vocal cycle as a wreath .

  25. 第三章创作特征分析,通过对声乐套曲《祖国四季》的旋律、语言、曲式、伴奏特点的细致分析,进一步了解作品的创作特征。

    Chapter III " creative feature analysis ", through vocal divertimento " motherland Four Seasons " melody , language , musical form , accompanied by careful analysis of the characteristics to better understand the creation of works of features .

  26. 被誉为音乐诗人的舒曼,其声乐套曲有着很高的文学性,对于训练学生的艺术审美能力,提高学生的音乐修养和文学修养等都有着举足轻重的作用。

    Schumann has been known as a musical poet , whose song cycles contain very high literary factors , and would play an important role in training the aesthetic capacity of students , bettering their musical and literary learning .

  27. 通过对三组声乐套曲的分析,使笔者能比较细致地把握穆索尔斯基作品的创作特点与风格特征,形象地感悟到作曲家赋予作品的情感表达,深刻地体会到作曲家创作的心路历程。

    Three groups by analysis of divertimento vocalists , people can grasp the Mussorgsky work detail the characteristics and style of the creative features of the composer felt the image of the work given to emotional expression , profoundly appreciate the mentality of creative composer .

  28. 冼星海的《黄河大合唱》是一部具有完整内容和音乐布局的大型声乐合唱套曲,作品由几个在内容、主题和表演形式等相对独立,又相互联系的乐章构成。

    The Yellow River Chorus by Xian Xinghai is a group of chorus songs that are independent and at the same time connective each other in content , theme and performance .

  29. 舒曼声乐作品反映出的情感论音乐美学思想研究&以声乐套曲《妇女爱情与生活》为例

    On Research of Music Aesthetics Idea From the Sensibility in R. Schumann Vocal Works