
shēnɡ yīn sī yǎ
  • hoarsely
  • hoarseness
  1. 看在上帝份上,把我拉上去吧,他声音嘶哑地叫道。

    " Pull me up , for God 's sake ," he called hoarsely .

  2. 2例发生C5神经根麻痹,2例出现一过性声音嘶哑,均未出现感染、脑脊液漏等并发症。

    Cases of C5 nerve root palsy , 2 patients had transient hoarseness , no infection , cerebrospinal fluid leak complications .

  3. 他因欲火攻心而声音嘶哑。

    His voice was husky with longing .

  4. “那么你认为如何?”她声音嘶哑地悄声问道。

    ' So what do you think ? ' she said in a hoarse whisper

  5. 他声音嘶哑,有时失声。

    He has hoarse and has lost his voice sometimes .

  6. 对于反复晕厥发作、或不明原因的声音嘶哑者,应做进一步检查,以排除不典型的AD。

    The patients who had recurrent syncope or cerchnus with unknown reason should be further examined to exclude untypical AD.

  7. 结果3例术后24h出现声音嘶哑,间接喉镜检查证实单侧声带运动较弱。

    Results There were 3 cases of hoarseness occurred at 24 h after operation . Under indirect laryngoscopy , the unilateral vocal cord was found immobile .

  8. 连续不停地说了两个小时后,她的声音嘶哑了。

    After talking non-stop for two hours , her voice failed .

  9. 但是,声音嘶哑也可以是坏的东西迹象。

    But hoarseness can also be a sign of something worse .

  10. 术后吞咽、呼吸功能恢复好,但有声音嘶哑。

    Functions of respiration and deglutition are good but existent hoarseness .

  11. 为临床提供声音嘶哑的客观指标。

    Normal of the hoarseness were provided for clinical measurement .

  12. 他喉咙痛,而且声音嘶哑。

    He has a sore throat and a hoarse voice .

  13. 声音嘶哑是其主要言语特征。

    Introduced the major speech features of parkinson 's disease .

  14. 她声音嘶哑,但是没错是她的声音。

    She sounded hoarse , but there was no mistaking her voice .

  15. 除1例有术后声音嘶哑外,无其他的并发症。

    There were no complications except for1 case with recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis .

  16. 11437名幼儿和儿童声音嘶哑等嗓音疾病的调查分析

    The Investigation and Analysis on Hoarseness and Other Voice Diseases in 11437 Children

  17. 纤维喉镜检查在声音嘶哑疾病诊断中的应用

    Fiberoptic laryngoscope is used in the diagnosis of hoarseness

  18. 有时,喉返神经受累引起声音嘶哑。

    Occasionally , recurrent laryngeal nerve involvement causes hoarseness .

  19. adj.嘶哑的一个患重感冒的人经常声音嘶哑。

    hoarse A person with a bad cold usually has a hoarse voice .

  20. 结果:声音嘶哑5例,发生率1.4%;

    Results : Hoarseness was found in 5 cases ( 1 . 4 % );

  21. 最常见的体征和症状是声音嘶哑和可触及的下颌下肿块。

    The most common signs and symptoms are hoarseness and a palpable submandibular mass .

  22. 他的声音嘶哑,加上他那副蓬头垢面的样子,听起来很可怕。

    His voice was hoarse and his unkempt head only added to its grewsome quality .

  23. 因为在看足球比赛时大喊,她声音嘶哑了。

    She has a hoarse voice because she yelled so loud at the football game .

  24. 声音嘶哑65次(12.3%);

    Hoarseness 65 times ( 12.3 % );

  25. 警方说他的目光迷离,说话声音嘶哑,走路摇摆不定。

    Police said his eyes were glassy , his speech thick and his walk unsure .

  26. 没有感冒,却出现持续性的咽喉痛,咳嗽或声音嘶哑。

    There is no cold , there was persistent sore throat , cough or hoarseness .

  27. 延髓麻痹,亦称球麻痹,为声音嘶哑,吞咽困难和饮水反呛的一组证候群。

    Bulbar paralysis is mainly manifested as difficulty in swallowing , horse voice and gastric reflex .

  28. 所有患者术后均未发生气管狭窄,除2例无声音嘶哑外,余5例均有不同程度声音嘶哑。

    No tracheal stenosis occurred except for presence of hoarseness in5 and absence of hoarseness in2 .

  29. 派蒂不断地吸烟,致使他声音嘶哑,双手发黄。

    Paddy smoked so incessantly that he had a hoarse voice and his hands were yellow .

  30. “难道我真爱上了波丽,”他说着,声音嘶哑。

    " It isn 't as though I was in love with polly ," he said thickly .