
  • 网络Yangming Stomach Channel of Foot;The Stomach Channel of Foot-Rangming;Stomach Meridian
  1. 方法:整理足阳明胃经的相关经典文献,分析足阳明胃经的循行部位、气血多寡、病候及腧穴主治规律与生理功能之间的关系。

    Methods : Unscramble the related classic literature of Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot , and analyze its channel courses and links , amount of qi and blood and the relationship between the manifestations of disease , main therapy rule of acupoints and the physiological function .

  2. 腧穴数量分布较集中的经脉依次为足阳明胃经、督脉、足太阳膀胱经、足太阴脾经。

    The points are distributed mainly in Stomach Meridian , Governor Vessel , Bladder Meridian and Spleen Meridian .

  3. 结果:电刺激足三里穴引起循足阳明胃经皮肤和结肠等相关内脏组织的P物质含量增高。

    Results Electroacupuncture could induce increases of SP contents in the skin along the Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangming and tissues of relative internal organs such as colon .

  4. 目的采用磁共振脑功能成像(fMRI)技术与针刺经络穴位相结合的方法来观察足阳明胃经上的足三里穴、下巨虚穴在大脑皮层功能区的分布位置。

    Objective To study the functional areas of Zusanli ( ST36 ) and Xiajuxu ( ST39 ) in the cerebral cortex with fMRI and acupuncture stimulation .

  5. 目的:为了比较针刺足阳明胃经、足少阳胆经穴对胃窦平滑肌及Oddi括约肌组织中缩胆囊素(cholecystokinin,CCK)受体基因表达的影响。

    AIM : To compare the changes of cholecystokinin ( CCK ) receptor genes expression of gastric antrum smooth muscle and Oddi 's sphincter by electro acupuncture in stomach channel of foot yangming and gall bladder channel of foot shaoyang respectively .

  6. 足阳明胃经生理功能解析

    Analysis on the Physiology Function of Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot

  7. 足阳明胃经脊髓脑干神经网络研究(二)&CB-HRP逆行跨神经节追踪观察

    Research on Neural Networks of Spinal Cord and Brain Stem of Foot Yangming Meridian ── Transganglionic CB-HRP Tracing

  8. 目的:总结足阳明胃经生理功能以丰富经络学说内容。

    Objective : To deduce the physiological function of Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot , enrich the content of channel theory .

  9. 大鼠足阳明胃经循经部位发现特异蛋白电泳条带的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Observation of Special Denaturing Protein Electrophoresis Band in the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming along the Meridian Course of Rat

  10. 足阳明胃经经为十二经脉之长,循行分布广泛,联系经络脏腑器官众多,气血充足,功用复杂,为全身经脉之根本。

    The Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming is the head of the twelve meridians . Its course and link are abroad . It connects many meridians and organs .

  11. 对照组热敏化腧穴主要分布经络为足阳明胃经34.3%、足太阳膀胱经14.3%、足太阴脾经14.3%、足少阳胆经11.4%、任脉8.6%等。

    The treatment group thermal acupoints are mainly distributed in the Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming , Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang , Ren Meridian and Spleen Meridian of Foot-taiyin .

  12. 足太阴脾经和足阳明胃经是十四经中非常重要的两条经脉。

    The Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming and the Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin are very important meridians of the Fourteen Meridians .

  13. 大鼠足厥阴肝经与足少阴肾经和足阳明胃经的形态学研究

    Morphologic Studies of the Liver Meridian Kidney Meridian and Stomach Meridian in Rats