
shēnɡ yīn yì chánɡ
  • Abnormal sound;heterophonia
  1. 声音异常嘈杂。

    There was an incredible din

  2. 她声音异常沉着,好把嗓子里的震颤压下去。

    Her voice was pitched unusually low to suppress the quaver .

  3. 申屠医师说,闻/听到病人的口腔异味和声音异常也能揭示疾病所在。

    Strong breath or abnormal voice of the patient also reveal the illness , the doctor says .

  4. 症状包括在许多领域,包括社会交往技能的差异和障碍,运动技能,有时知识技能以及感觉输入,如对光线和声音的异常感觉,或感觉的渴望异常。

    Symptoms include differences and disabilities in many areas including social communication skills , motor skills , and sometimes intellectual skills as well as unusual responses to sensory input such as unusual sensitivity to light and sound , or sensory cravings .

  5. 他拉过她的胳膊,说:事情还远没有过去呢。他的声音突然变得异常温柔和亲切。

    He took her arm and held her there . " It 's far from over . " he said , and his voice was suddenly gentle .

  6. 海上的孤单寂寞使他对每种景象、声音以及触觉都异常敏感。

    The solitude of the sea had made him keenly sensitive to every sight , sound and touch .

  7. 风吹来外面鼓乐手的唢呐和笛子的声音,也显得异常悲凉,像是替中国的丝织业奏哀乐。

    The sound of the trumpets and flutes of the band outside drifted in on the wind , so melancholy that it might have been a dirge for the Chinese silk industry .