
  • 网络vocal music
  1. 第三章多媒体在声乐课中的运用。

    The students are very happy in the vocal music lesson .

  2. 声乐课学生自检能力的培养

    Development of students ' self-evaluation in vocal Music Classes

  3. 她在上声乐课。

    She 's having singing lessons .

  4. 她要做的事情包括:高阶历史课和英语课、声乐课、模拟审判比赛、学生会副主席、爵士乐团、SAT预备课、划船,还有一个男朋友。

    These include advanced-placement history and English , voice lessons , mock trial competition , vice president of student council , jazz ensemble , an SAT preparation course , crew and a boyfriend .

  5. 然后,我得步行去上声乐课。

    Then , I have to walk to my singing class .

  6. 你和那上声乐课的孩子谈过了?

    You spoke to the kid who was having a singing lesson ?

  7. 声乐课是一门科学性与实践性很强的课程,又是很抽象的学科。

    The course of vocal music lays emphasis on practice and its scientific base .

  8. 我上过5年的声乐课。

    I took five years of voice lessons .

  9. 朱丽叶8岁时开始跟LillianStiles-Allen太太学习声乐课。

    Julie began singing lessons with Madame Lillian Stiles-Allen at the age of 8 .

  10. 是时候要开始上一些声乐课了。

    Time to start some singing lessons .

  11. 略论声乐课教学中语言与嗓音的训练

    On the Training of the Language and Voice in the Lesson Teaching of Vocal Music

  12. 成人声乐课的教学模式探索

    The Exploration on Vocality Teaching for Adults

  13. 因此,在课程设置上,无论是专科还是本科,声乐课一般是贯穿始终的。

    Therefore , in the curriculum , whether specialist or undergraduate , vocal lessons are generally consistent throughout .

  14. 噢,是的。是的,我会唱歌。我上过5年的声乐课。

    Oh , yeah , Yes , I can sing . I took five years of voice lessons .

  15. 声乐课是高师院校音乐教育专业一门重要的专业基础课。

    Vocal music course is an important basic professional subject of musical educational specialty of normal institutions of higher learning .

  16. 你可以在家教授私人声乐课,也可以租个音乐棚用于工作。

    You can give private voice or music lessons in your home or rent a studio and work from there .

  17. 运用有限的语言表达,灵活多变的教学方法,将每一节声乐课上好,是每位教师永远追求的目标。

    Using the limited language performance and flexible teaching methods to pursue the perfect teaching is every teacher 's ever-lasting goal .

  18. 高师传统声乐课教学已不能适应客观现状发展的要求。

    In teachers ' colleges , the traditional method of teaching vocal music is quite incompetent in the present situation of social development .

  19. 函授声乐课教学必须切合实际对象特点,确定教学重点;

    The determination of the focal points of the correspondence teaching of vocal music must gear to the features of the practical target .

  20. 总结河北省高师院校音乐教育专业声乐课教学现状,并总结了教学中存在的问题。

    Second , summarizes music education professional teachers ' colleges in Hebei province vocal music teaching situation , and the analysis on the existing problems .

  21. 高师声乐课是我国高等师范院校音乐专业的一门重要基础课程,也是音乐专业学生知识结构和个人素质的重要组成部分。

    Vocal music lesson is a basic course which plays an important role in colleges and is an important part Of professional knowledge structure and personal qualitieS .

  22. 为了促进音乐教师专业发展,培养高素质的音乐教师,高师音乐专业声乐课必须改革。

    In order to improve the development of music teacher major , train high level music teacher , high college 's music major vocal music lesson must be reformed .

  23. 高师声乐课如何突出师范性高师声乐课教学模式改革试探


  24. 从多个方面探讨了河北省高师院校音乐教育专业声乐课改革的策略,为推动高师音乐教育专业声乐教学改革提出合理化建议。

    Fifth , from many ways discussed music education in normal universities in Hebei province vocal music reform ideas , and to promote music education specialized vocal music teachers teaching reform put forward rational Suggestions .

  25. 而作为古典歌唱家的妻子则负责照顾两个孩子(一个14岁,一个12岁),在孩子的学校做义工,通过教授声乐课和写文章赚点儿外快。

    Meanwhile , my wife , a classical singer , looks after our two children , 14 and12 years old , volunteers at their schools and brings in some extra money by giving voice lessons and writing .

  26. 加强音乐学科建设,培养跨世纪高水平音乐人才。近些年来很多师范院校根据师范特点,对声乐课教学进行了多方面的改革,如在个别课的基础上又增设了大课形式。

    In order to strengthen the construction of the music discipline and train the music talents for the 21st century , many normal universities have carried on the various reforms of the vocal music class teaching according to their own characteristics .

  27. 本科音乐教育专业声乐课长期以来都是采取一对一的单独教学授课模式。而本科音乐院校应该以培养全方面教育素质人才为目标。

    Undergraduate music education has long been a professional voice lessons to take " one to one " single teaching mode of delivery , and undergraduate music colleges of education should be to foster all aspects of the quality of talent is the goal .

  28. 声乐课是高等师范院校音乐教育专业的必修课程之一,声乐表演具有很强的实用性和实践性,因此,学好声乐对从事音乐教育有着极大的现实意义。

    The vocal music class is one of compulsory courses in the music education speciality of higher pedagogical college . The vocal music performance has the very strong usability and practicality , therefore learning it well has enormous practical significance to engaging in the music education .

  29. 析幼师学生的声乐集体课教学

    On the Teaching of Group Singing of Students in Lower Normal School

  30. 声乐小组课上学生歌唱焦虑情绪的调控

    The Control of Students ' Anxiety about Singing in Vocal Group Lessons