
  1. 意见强调,要加强宪法、民法典等普法宣传力度。

    It emphasized the need to boost the public 's familiarity with laws and regulations such as the Constitution and the Civil Code .

  2. 在我们的普法宣传中,什么口号用的最多?

    What kind of slogan have we used most in promoting knowledge of the laws ?

  3. 六是加强普法宣传。

    Strengthening the legal publicity .

  4. 第二要强化普法宣传教育,提高全民的法律意识;

    We should strengthen the popularization , publicity and education of the knowledge of law awareness ; ⅲ .

  5. 互联网因其突出的、令传统传媒望其项背的优势,已经成为普法宣传的新载体。

    Internet , because of its outstanding and unparalleled advantage , has already become the new media carriers in law popularization .

  6. 理论和实践证明,新闻报道能够起到震慑犯罪行为人、防范非法侵害和普法宣传的作用。

    Theory and practice has proved that the news report can awe criminal suspect , guard against illegal violation and propagandize the law .

  7. 营造我国社会的权利文化氛围,需要改造普法宣传、建构判例制度和强化法庭仪式。

    In order to construct social atmosphere of right , we need to reconstruct legal popularization , establish case system and intensify court 's ceremonial .

  8. 拥有广泛受众群的都市类报纸是普法宣传的重要途径,然而其犯罪新闻报道却常常受到人们的质疑,尤其是西部媒体遭受更多诟病。

    City newspaper which has a wide audience is an important way of law popularization . However , its crime news report is always questioned by people , especially the backward western media .

  9. 完善公民监督,应当加大普法宣传的力度,强化对公民监督的法律保障,完善公民监督的有效途径,实行政务活动公开化,完善听证制度。

    Perfecting citizen 's supervision should increase the law popularization , strengthen the legal guarantee of citizen 's supervision , perfect the effective way of citizen 's supervision , make the government 's activity open , perfect the public hearing .

  10. 在此平台上,不仅可以为农村中小学增加新的教育模式、也可以服务于免费示范生在职教育、农民普法宣传、农业科技远程培训和广大农村党员的先进性教育。

    This platform not only can help increase educational modes in rural primary schools , but also can be a new free service for in-service education , public expansion of laws for farmers , remote training for agricultural science and technology , education among party members .

  11. 我国目前已建立了较为完善的法律制度体系,并且在有计划地分阶段进行普法教育宣传,构建理想的法治国家。

    China has established a relatively sound legal system , and there are plans to promote legal education in phases to build the ideal rule of law .

  12. 为此,要在社区建设中开展礼仪教育,要在农民工中开展普法及礼仪宣传,要在全社会加强诚信文明建设。

    So , should develop proprieties education during community building , develop popularizing-law and proprieties propaganda among farmer works , enhance honesty civilization building in whole society .

  13. 事后管理方法为调查取证,追究法律责任;及时反思,总结经验教训;以案普法,加强法制宣传。

    After the management method for the investigation of evidence , the legal responsibilities shall be investigated ; timely reflection , sum up experience lesson ; in case law , strengthening the legal propaganda .