
  1. 加强PSC考前培训辅导对真正意义上的普及和提高普通话有着重要的现实意义。

    It is of realistic significance to strengthen the training of PSC in order to popularize and improve Putonghua in an authentic sense .

  2. 环境态度的普及和提高,己成为现代文明进步的尺度。

    The popularity and increase environmental attitudes have become the yardstick of modern civilization .

  3. 什么是文艺工作中的普及和提高呢?

    What is meant by popularizing and by raising standards in works of literature and art ?

  4. 推动了群众体育的普及和提高。最后对全国运动会的理性回归的对未来的影响进行了预测。

    At last , the article predicts the impact that rationality regression of national games to future .

  5. 第三,养生文化的普及和提高过程采取了崭新的形式。

    Third , Health and Culture has taken a new form of popularity and improve the process .

  6. 不普及和提高教育,国家不可能强盛。

    A country cannot become strong and prosperous if it does not make education universal and improve its quality .

  7. 近十年来,随着影像学检查技术的普及和提高,胆道系统恶性肿瘤的发现率有明显增多的趋势。

    In recent ten years , with the improvement and development of imaging examinations , researchers found the increase of finding BMT .

  8. 随着机械化的不断普及和提高,生产过程将受到机器故障、停电等其他不可控制的因素的影响。

    With the rise of mechanized production , the production process can be affected by blackouts , machine error or other uncontrollable factors .

  9. 实践证明,体操术语是开展体操竞赛、宣传、普及和提高体操运动水平的有力保证。

    Practice has proved that the term is to carry out gymnastics gymnastics competition , publicity , popularity and raising the level gymnastics powerful guarantee .

  10. 光与照明是城市与建筑设计中的一个重要方面,而照明教育则担负着专业知识普及和提高的职责。

    Light and lighting is an important aspect of urban and architectural design . Lighting education is responsible for the popularization of the specialist knowledge .

  11. 普及和提高全民病人安全知识,是美国政府减少可预防的医疗差错的重要措施之一。

    To spread and improve patient 's safety knowledge among whole population is one of the important methods by USA government to reduce preventable medical error .

  12. 从一个国家来看,只有初等教育普及和提高了,中等教育、高等教育才能逐级普及和提高。

    From a national perspective , only primary education popularization and the enhancement , secondary education , higher education can spread and improve step by step .

  13. 加强对河北省市级业余体校篮球项目业余训练工作的研究,对促进河北省篮球运动的普及和提高有重要意义。

    So research on the basketball project training of municipal part-time sports training school is of importance for the promotion and popularity of basketball in Hebei Province .

  14. 随着计算机技术的普及和提高,以信息技术为依托的地理信息技术随之得到了迅猛发展。

    With the popularization and improving of the technology of the computer , the geographical information technology taking information technology as support has got swift and violent development .

  15. 周文作为文艺大众化运动的实践组织者和开拓者,对文艺大众化运动的普及和提高做出了巨大贡献。

    Zhou Wen as the popular movement of literature practice organizer and pioneers , to the popular movement of literature and enhance the popularity and made great contribution to .

  16. 培养高水平运动员既是创造学校社会效益的一种有效途径,也是实现学校体育工作普及和提高的积极措施。

    To cultivate higher level sportsmen is both an effective means of creating social profits for university and an positive measure of realizing the popularity of P. E work .

  17. 上世纪后期,由于各个领域对乒乓球运动的重视,及所有体育工作者的努力,乒乓球运动才得到很好的推广普及和提高。

    Since late last century , due to various fields of table tennis to attention , all sports worker effort , table tennis has very good popularization and improvement .

  18. 作者从科研和市场、普及和提高、目标和策略三方面着重剖析了主观因素的障碍和应采取的对策。

    On three aspects of research and market . popularizing and improving , target and strategy , this paper analyses the hindrance of subjective factors and measures to enhance are also proposed .

  19. 合理的体育竞赛体制不仅有利于推动体育运动的普及和提高,而且能充分调动人们参与体育竞赛的积极性。

    The system of reasonable athletic contest is advantageous to promote the popularity and improvement of sports . And it can bring people 's intiative of participating in athletic contest into full play .

  20. 她作为音乐教育中最具广泛性、群众参与性和社会性的独特艺术形式,在普及和提高学生的综合素质教育过程中,发挥着重要的作用。

    As a distinctive artistic form with widespread influence and mass participation , chorus as an art is now playing an important role in the process of developing and improving comprehensive qualities of students .

  21. 本文综述了若干微波新技术在卫星通信设备中的应用,它们对于卫星通信的进一步普及和提高具有十分重要的意义。

    In this paper the applications of several microwave new techniques in satellite communication equipments have been overviewed . These advanced devices and circuits have very important significance for further popularization and raising of satellite communication .

  22. 学校课余运动训练是实现学校体育目标的途径之一,也是促使学生身心全面发展,提高运动水平、培养体育骨干,推动学校体育普及和提高的一项重要战略措施。

    Outside class sports training at school is approach to fulfill the aims of school sports and an important strategic measure to help students develop in an . all - round way , to raise sports level , to cultivate key members and to popularize school sports .

  23. 近年来,制浆造纸生产过程的自动化技术正在普及和提高之中,而实现自动化控制的重要基础是应用一定的仪器仪表和测量控制方法。

    For the past few years , Automatics has been widely used in the process of pulp and paper making , which is also being enhanced day by day . However , the vital foundation to realize automatics in papermaking is to use certain instruments and control means .

  24. 但是,普及工作和提高工作是不能截然分开的。

    Nevertheless , no hard and fast line can be drawn between popularization and the raising of standards .

  25. 目前,为了进一步普及教育和提高国民素质,各国都把大力发展网络教育作为基本的教育发展策略。

    To make the education more popular and more powerful , many countries have taken the research and development of e-learning system as their basic strategy .

  26. 本文认为普及普通话和提高普通话水平是语文现代化的首要任务。文章在对广州师范学院学生学习普通话的调查情况的基础上,分析了学生运用普通话时存在的主要问题。

    This paper introduces the findings from an investigation of the students ' learning of putonghua in the Guangzhou Normal University , analyses the main problems in their using putonghua , and offers some suggestions for raising their putonghua level .

  27. 篮球运动在中国的普及、发展和提高经历了漫长的过程。

    It has been a long process that basketball becomes popular and developing .

  28. 篮球运动传入我国已经百年之久,经过几代人的共同努力,我国篮球运动得到了较大的普及、发展和提高,并拥有了广泛、深厚的群众基础。

    After several generations efforts , the basketball game has been popularized , developed and raised largely in our country , and have gotten extensive and deep-seated mass foundation .

  29. 我国师范教育经历了大约一百年的发展历程,师范院校为我国培养了数以千万计的教师,为我国普及义务教育和提高国民素质做出了巨大贡献。

    Normal education in China has experienced 100 years , and the normal institutes have trained millions of teachers who made tremendous contribution in elementary education and national quality improvement .

  30. 现行赛制应不改进和完善,从而吸引更多的排球运动员参与到赛事中,提高我国排球赛事的进一步普及和水平的提高。

    Existing competition system should not be improved and perfected in order to attract more athletes to participate in volleyball tournament , volleyball tournament in China to further enhance the popularity and level .