
  • 网络General audience
  1. 除了内容本身的深奥,远离普通观众的视野之外,叙事方式存在的问题才是关键所在。

    In addition to the content of their own profound , far away from the general audience perspective , the narrative mode of existence is the key question .

  2. 但是要想在Twitter上针对那些喜欢情景喜剧和电视剧的普通观众打广告的话,很大程度上可能会成为一种浪费。

    Trying to reach the couch-floppers who prefer mass-market sitcoms and dramas , though , might be largely a wasted effort .

  3. 鲁契亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂是当代美声唱法(belcanto)的领军人物,他是20世纪最炽手可热的古典巨星,他将歌剧带给亿万普通观众,收获最热烈的拥护和爱戴。

    Luciano Pavarotti is the leader of contemporary bel canto and the most incandescent classical superstar of the 20th century . He let common audiences enjoy the opera and received the warmest support and love .

  4. 普通观众每人十美元。

    They are ten dollars each for the general public .

  5. 这个节目给普通观众提供了一个发表意见的机会。

    This programme gives ordinary viewers a chance to make their voice heard .

  6. 精英和普通观众也往往会通过行为表明其属于哪一类。

    The elite and general audiences also tend to sort themselves out by behaviour .

  7. 导演邓肯富有创造力的故事线,让非玩家的普通观众也能感受到游戏虚拟人物的真情实感。

    Duncan 's creative storytelling enables regular moviegoers to feel that the game 's virtual characters have hearts .

  8. 电视节目可以让普通观众有机会逃离平庸的现实生活的琐碎。

    TV programs allow the ordinary viewer a chance to step outside the " normal " daily routines in life .

  9. 不仅表现在现场观众的互动,而且表现在普通观众直接作为主角参与到节目之中。

    Not only in audience interaction , but in general the audience directly as a leading part in the program are .

  10. 即便生下女儿特露时,39岁的女演员乔莉·费希尔也没有担心自己会从演员变成普通观众。

    Actress Fisher , 39 , wasn 't afraid of an audience – even when giving birth to daughter True Harlow .

  11. 正如罗森教授所言,普通观众不那么可能立即扑向信息,因此会有一个简单的判断。

    As Prof Rosen says , the latter group is less likely to rush immediately to the news , so there is rough justice .

  12. 虽然该剧的语言大都是医学术语,但普通观众都能明白。

    Although the language of the series is heavily steeped in medical terminology , the show is by no means inaccessible to the average viewer .

  13. 然而支持会展蓬勃发展的一个重要主体&普通观众,却没有被足够的重视。

    However , the general visitors , one of the most important parts supporting the whole industry , have not been put into enough attentions .

  14. 在细节上它包含了诸多令其仰慕者着迷及令普通观众(无论他们的思想距离有多遥远)潸然泪下的特质。

    It contains in miniature a great many of the qualities that enchant his admirers and move audiences , no matter how distant , to tears .

  15. 对于已经31岁的哈蒙来说,在参加世界上最大的体育盛事和做一个普通观众之间选择,是非常简单的事。

    When it became a choice between participating in the world 's greatest sporting event and watching from the sidelines , it was easy for 31-year-old Hammon .

  16. 一个充满活力的王朝用来吸引那些只想看到伟大的普通观众,一个超级引人注目的休赛期和耐人寻味的常规赛用来吸引四种的观众。

    A dynamite dynasty to attract the casual viewers who only want to see greatness , a super-compelling offseason and intriguing regular season to keep the die-hards engaged .

  17. 但一如既往,在野火与巨龙齐飞的史诗级场景中,还有些普通观众可能错过的小小细节与指涉。

    But - as usual - among the epic scenes of dragons and wildfire there were small details and references that the average viewer may have missed . 1 .

  18. 早前,共同社还引用知情人士的消息称,已基本确定今年夏天举办的东京奥运会和残奥会将不会接纳来自海外的普通观众。

    Earlier , Kyodo News agency reported that Japan has decided to stage this summer 's Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics without overseas spectators , citing officials with knowledge of the matter .

  19. 上周,一名8岁的美国男孩出席了中国一家互联网巨头公司的年度会议。这对普通观众来说,也许有点不可思议。

    To the casual observer , the attendance by an eight-year-old American boy at a yearly conference for one of China 's biggest internet companies last week might have been an unlikely sight .

  20. 即使也有一些负面影评认为该片将大阵容和密集的情节放在短短两个小时里太过填鸭,但实际上,就算是普通观众仍旧可以看懂影片的主旨。

    Though critics panned Warcraft , saying it crammed a large cast and a dense plot into two short hours , even casual viewers are still able to get the gist of the story .

  21. 问题有一部分在于其中的腐败(最臭名昭著的是拳击)和国家偏向,也有一部分是对选手表现的评分如此不透明,以至于普通观众难以理解。

    Partly the problem is down to their corruption ( boxing most notoriously ) and national biases , but also their assessments of performances are so opaque as to be incomprehensible to the average spectator .

  22. 借助颁奖季的喧闹是选择上映时间的一个重要策略,电影公司可以同时向普通观众和奥斯卡投票人做宣传,这就是很多电影在年底上映的原因。

    Riding the awards season buzz is a key part of release date strategies - a studio can promote to general audiences and Oscar voters at once - which is why so many films come out at year 's end .

  23. 电影的历史和现状说明:真正能够赢得观众的是有故事情节的电影,先锋电影有其重大贡献但难以获得普通观众的认可;

    The film 's history and status quo prove that a film that can really win audience is one that is interesting and has a plot . Pioneer films have made their own important contributions , but cannot win the approval from the audience .

  24. 此外,这些信号是由卫星发射,因此普通电视观众收看不到。

    Moreover , they are broadcast by satellites and are therefore not available to regular television viewers .

  25. 于是,我拿这则商业广告对一些不关注科技的普通电视观众进行了测试,例如我妻子。

    So I tested the commercial on an unscientific sample of typical TV viewers ( i.e. my wife ) .

  26. 江:普通的观众在欣赏你的作品时,你希望他从哪个角度切入你的作品?

    Jiang : When the common audience is appreciating your works , from what perspective do you hope they enter into your art ?

  27. 此外,这些信号是由卫星日本已有一颗在轨道上运行,欧洲也快有了发射,因此普通电视观众收看不到。

    Moreover , they are broadcast by satellites Japan has one in orbit and Europe will soon and are therefore not available to regular television viewers .

  28. 不过,如果你问全世界普通电视观众“中国上周发生了什么事情”,他们会告诉你那里的江面漂满了死猪。

    But ask the average global television viewer what happened in China last week and they will tell you that the rivers were full of pigs .

  29. 和普通电视观众一样,盗版电视节目的观众在2014年也观赏了阴谋、杀戮、超级英雄、龙、僵尸和一些没必要的裸体,但他们就是不想为之付费。

    Like the general television viewing audience , viewers of pirated programming spent 2014 enjoying intrigue , bloodshed , superheroes , dragons , zombies and a bit of gratuitous nudity - they just didn 't feel like paying for it .

  30. 对中国电视剧在俄罗斯传播做出了巨大贡献的一家业余字幕翻译网站表示,无需额外的推广,亚洲系列电视剧正吸引着越来越多的没有学习东方语言的普通俄罗斯观众。

    Without extra promotion , Asian series are attracting a rising number of ordinary Russian viewers who are not studying the oriental languages , said amateur subtitle translators in Russia , who have made a great contribution to the spread of Chinese TV series in Russia .