
  • 网络the fusion of horizons;horizontverschmelzung
  1. 语际翻译中文化意象的取代、转换与视界融合

    The Replacement or Transformation of Cultural Image in Interlingua Translation and Fusion of Horizons

  2. 视界融合和期待视野概念下译者地位的彰显

    A Translator 's Position under the Notions of Fusion of Horizons & Horizon of Expectation

  3. 本论文尝试运用了现代西方现象学与解释学理论的视界融合(Horizintverschmelzung)观点来解释社会现象,尽力做到历史的真实和历史理解的真实的统一。

    The literary theory of phenomenology and hermeneutics , especially the viewpoint of " horizintverschmelzung " is applied in the thesis to explain some social phenomena in order to combine the real history with the real historical understanding .

  4. 关于马克思主义与中国传统文化视界融合的思考

    Reflections on the Combination of Marxism and Chinese Traditional Culture

  5. 从视界融合看文学翻译的实质

    Horizon fusion and nature of literary translation

  6. 与文本对话,视界融合、超越、生成;

    Dialogue with the text means the fusion of field of vision , beyond and formation ;

  7. 传统文论诠释中的视界融合问题

    On the Merge of Perspectives in the Interpretation of the Classical Works of the Traditional Chinese Literary Theory

  8. 伽达默尔提出了“理解的历史性、视界融合和效果历史”等原则。

    Gadamer has proposed three principles of comprehension which contains historicity , fusion of horizons and effective history .

  9. 本文拟从哲学解释学中的视界融合概念和接受美学的期待视野概念入手,论述译者地位的彰显。

    This paper will discuss a translator 's position under the notions of fusion of horizons & horizons of expectation .

  10. 论述后现代建筑的形成和特征,引入哲学解释学关于“理解的历史性”和“视界融合”等概念及理论,对后现代建筑的历史文脉性和意义多元性特征进行解读。

    This paper studies the origin of the post-modern architecture and interprets its characteristics by the theories of philosophical hermeneutics .

  11. 只有达到了视界融合,才能使译文读者与原文读者达到基本相同的感受,进而达到翻译的最高标准。

    Only when the horizons of the author and the translator fuse together , can translation achieve the highest standard .

  12. 视界融合:语文课程理论的发展趋向

    Fusion of Horizons : Ddevelopmental Tendency of Chinese Curriculum Theory & pondering over the theory of Chinese curriculum and teaching

  13. 从阐释学视界融合理论看《离骚》的复译在对话中生存的译者&从共识性真理观的视角重新审视译者主体

    Hermeneutic Fusion of Horizon and Retranslation of Li Sao Existing through Conversing : Revisiting Translator Subject from Perspective of Consensus Theory of Truth

  14. 《红学通史》对文本意义阐释之绝对的相对主义立场,使它的某些视界融合陷入悖论。

    " Whole History on Redology " has absolute relativism on text explaining , so some of its viewpoints have fallen into contradictory .

  15. 同时,文章还试图通过主体间性和视界融合这两个概念来具体阐述译者文化主体性的实践途径,译者正是通过这两个相互紧密关联的途径实现了自身的文化主体性。

    In the third part , " intersubjectivity " and " fusion of horizons " will be employed to explain how translator 's cultural subjectivity is practiced .

  16. 哲学诠释学三大原则(理解的历史性、视界融合、效果历史原则)为这方面的研究提供了有效的视角。

    The three principles of philosophical hermeneutics ( Historical understanding , Horizon fusion , Effective history principle ) offer an effective point of view to the study in this field .

  17. 另一方面,他又将国际视野与本土追求融会贯通起来,进而在当代艺术探索中开拓出一条“中西视界融合”的新路。

    On the other hand , he digested international perspective with local pursue . A new contemporary art road of " fusion of Chinese and western " has been opened up .

  18. 从物质文化、制度文化、精神文化的视角研究环境教育,实现文化与环境的视界融合是本文要义所在。

    It is the purport of this text to study the environmental education from the angle of material culture , system culture and spiritual culture and to realize the integration of culture and environment .

  19. 翻译过程即是译者理解与阐释文本的过程,其过程是译者与原作以及作者的视界融合的过程;

    The process of translation is that of understanding and interpreting the text of the translator , which is the process of fusion of the translator 's horizon with that of the original text and the author .

  20. 发展至现代哲学阐释学,则强调解释者的主观能动性,以理解的历史性、视界融合、效果历史三大思想作为主要理论原则。

    In modern philosophical hermeneutics , it puts its emphasis on the translators ' subjective initiative , with three ideas , that is , historicity of understanding , fusion of horizons , and the effect of history , as its main theoretical principles .

  21. 本文运用历史与逻辑相统一的方法、比较的方法、分析与综合相统一的方法、系统方法和多学科视界融合的方法,对信用与理性关系进行了多层面的研究。

    This dissertation have a multi-layer research on the relationship between credit and rationality , using the method of the integrating of history and logic , the contrastive method , the method that integrates analysis and synthesis , the method that involves systematic and multi-disciplinary perspectives .

  22. 本文将中国新文学看成是新文化的生命之流,并运用视界融合的阐释学观点,从本体特征、阐释形态与当下语境对新文学的生命系统进行了动态考察。

    The thesis makes a dynamic inspect to the noumenal characteristic , explanatory form and instant context of the life system of the New Literature , which look on the New Literature as the life stream of the New Culture , and using the view of " horizon merge " .

  23. 第三章阐述了两种视界的融合。

    Chapter Three probes into the fusion of these two horizons .

  24. 试论翻译的文化视界能否融合的问题&从《红楼梦》英译谈起

    Problem on the cultural fusion horizon of translation & An analysis on English version of Hong Lou Meng

  25. 但在实践中,这种张力完全平衡是不可能的,因而存在一个张力度的问题,相应的,文本与译者两种视界的融合也存在一个度的问题。

    Since the balance of this tension is not feasible in practice , the fusion of the two horizons has a variety of degrees .

  26. 正是语言的这种既遮蔽又自我显示的特点,决定了对文学文本的理解最终要通过解释学循环的原则达到视界的融合,求得真正的理解。

    This nature of language to shadow and present determines the ultimate understanding of texts is only achieved with the integration of visions through the principles of hermeneutic cycle .

  27. 从康德的启蒙论文重新反思启蒙的辩证法视界的融合:对五四启蒙的再理解

    Reflections on the " Dialectics in Enlightenment ": A Review of Kant 's " An Answer to the Question : What is Enlightenment " Fusion of Horizon : Rethinking about the Enlightenment of the May Fourth Movement

  28. 文学翻译理解过程&文本视界与译者视界的融合

    Understanding in Literary Translation : The Fusion of the Horizon of the Text and That of the Translator

  29. 在文本与译者之间存在一种张力,翻译就是尽力在这种张力中寻求平衡。文本视界与译者视界的融合是历史的必然。

    There is a tension between the text and the translator , and translation is a process of seeking the fusion of the two horizons .

  30. 第二部分探讨了接受美学的主要理论观点。这一部分介绍了期待视界、召唤结构、视界融合等理论。第三部分论述了这些理论对中学语文阅读教学的启示。

    This section describes the theory of the " horizon of expectations ", " calls the structure "," fusion of horizons " . The third section discusses the revelation of these theories on the teaching of reading insecondary language .