
  • 网络video editor;Premiere;video edit;video Editing;Video
  1. MPEG-2音视频编辑软件的实现方案

    Implementation of MPEG-2 Audio and Video Edit Software

  2. 会声会影8.0是一个功能强大的视频编辑软件。

    Ulead video studio 8 . 0 is a strong functional video edit software .

  3. 因为我们的平台是Web,因此我们会看到直接基于浏览器到视频编辑工具主导视频内容的分发。

    The platform is the Web so we will see in-browser video editors dominate casual video content distribution .

  4. 我能想象到的是,一旦Ajax技术能力到达一定程度,人们就会最终创建出Ajax视频编辑工具。

    I imagine that people will eventually make Ajax video editing tools , once the technological capability is there .

  5. 比如视频编辑工具、转换不同图片格式的程序或者音频编码转换程序(如将mp3转换为ogg)等。

    Examples include movie editing tools , and programs to convert between different image types or between different sound encoding , such as mp3 to ogg .

  6. 其次,配备了视网膜显示屏的15寸MacBookPro是为摄影师、视频编辑、音乐家等以笔记本为工作中心的专业人士准备的。

    Then again , the new 15-inch MacBook Pro with retina display is intended for professionals & photographers , video editors , musicians and other people whose laptop is the heart of everyday work .

  7. Adobe公司曾帮助我解决PremierePro的问题,这使我对程序崩溃这门学问有了进一步的了解。PremierePro是个功能超乎想象的视频编辑软件,然而它崩溃的次数也超乎我的预料。

    Adobe allowed me to better understand bug-ology by helping me with problems with Premiere Pro , an amazingly powerful piece of video-editing software that , alas , seems to crash more than I had anticipated .

  8. 不同格式录像带的视频编辑技巧

    Video Editing Techniques on Different-Format Video Tapes in Editing Experimental Class

  9. 数字视频编辑初探

    The tentative probing into the edition of digital video frequency

  10. 数字视频编辑网络系统及其设计

    A Digital Video Editing Network System and Its Design

  11. 非线性视频编辑技术在多媒体课件制作中的处理与应用

    Nonlinearity Video Frequency Edits Technology Treatment and Application in Making in Multi-media Class

  12. 基于视频编辑模型的视频淡入、淡出和叠化的检测

    Fade and dissolve detection based on video editing model

  13. 较老的机器只是在如视频编辑等方面上没有优势而已。

    The older systems just aren 't as good at things like editing video .

  14. 视频编辑在计算机动画、电影电视技术中有着广泛的应用。

    Video Editing is widely used in computer animation , movie and television technology .

  15. 基于协同工作式的小型专业视频编辑网络的开发

    The Design of Small Network for Broadcasting Video Edition Based on the Cooperative Work

  16. 大多数视频编辑工具提供针对不同网络链接速度的视频设置。

    Most video editing tools offer automatic web video settings targeted at various Internet connection speeds .

  17. 提出一种视频编辑系统框架,以实现帧层次的交互式视频编辑。

    In this paper we present a framework for video editing to implement frame level editing .

  18. 使用免费的视频编辑软件:大多数新计算机都会配有免费视频编辑软件。

    Use free video editing software & Most new computers come with free video editing software .

  19. 用数字视频编辑软件将动态数字图像转换为逐帧存储的连续静态数字图像序列;

    Second convert dynamic numeral image to series static numeral image list using numeral video frequency soft .

  20. 我现在正在咖啡厅做我最爱做的事:视频编辑。

    Here I am sitting in a cafe , and indulging in my passion : video editing .

  21. 系统提供了射门事件探测、视频编辑、视频检索等功能。

    The system provides functions of shoot events detection , video edition , video retrieval and so on .

  22. 视频编辑工具中的关键帧也使用了状态的概念,他们的意思是一样的。

    States are often used in the same way that you might use key-frames in a video editing tool .

  23. 由于这些视频编辑软件在一定程度上的普及,大量经过处理和篡改的视频资源充斥着网络。

    Because of the popularity of these video editing software , the network is filled with a lot of tampering videos .

  24. 随着高质量的数字摄像机和功能复杂的视频编辑软件的出现,对视频进行恶意篡改已变得越来越容易;

    With the advent of high-quality digital cameras and sophisticated video editing software , it is becoming increasingly easier to tamper digital video .

  25. 因此,数字图像和视频编辑算法的研究成为相关领域的研究热点。

    Therefore , the research for editing techniques for digital image and video becomes a hotspot in the computer graphics and computer vision communities .

  26. 在数字多媒体时代,数码相机/摄像机以及先进的视频编辑软件都已经日益普及,这使得数字视频的篡改、伪造变得愈加容易。

    In the digital multimedia age , video forgery is getting easier and easier with the popularity of digital cameras and video editing softwares .

  27. 整个流水线生产过程涉及到视频编辑、拼接、剪辑与后处理;所有的软件工具都会基于一种标准化的格式。

    The pipeline production process involves much video editing , splicing , cutting and post-processing ; and the software tools all work on a standardised format .

  28. 数字抠像技术是图像、视频编辑的重要操作之一,用于从图像、视频等媒体文档中抠取出用户感兴趣的目标。

    Matting is one of the important edit operations for image / video , used for extracting the users ' interested objects from the media documents .

  29. 作为图像与视频编辑的关键技术,数字抠像与无缝融合已经得到了广泛的关注,成为当前研究的热点。

    As key technologies of image and video editing , digital matting and seamless composition receive a wide research , and become a hot research field .

  30. 这些视频编辑软件操作简单,效果显著,普通人即使没有良好的视频编解码基础和丰富的视频编辑经验也可以通过自学掌握。

    The operation of the video editing software is very simple and the effect is significant . The person without a rich experience in video codec and video editing can also do it .