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  1. 从视野角度来探讨4mm直径Nd:YAG激光后囊膜切开术

    The study visual field on 4mm diameter Nd : YAG laser posterior capsulotomy

  2. 最后,本文从构建和谐视野角度出发,根据实证的结果提出了关于促进高等教育公平、改善居民收入分配八个方面的对策。

    Finally , the paper is from the harmonious vision , propose eight countermeasures on promoting higher education equity and improving income distribute according to the empirical results .

  3. 第四章从二维动画的制作方式上和观念的改进上,着重从笔者的视野角度出发,论述了二维动画发展的趋势和创新。

    Chapter four from 2D animation production methods and concepts to improve on the horizon , from the perspective of the author , discusses the development of 2D animation trends and innovations .

  4. 虽然我国的学术界,已有不少研究《土生子》的成果问世,但是鲜有学者从接受美学中读者的期待视野角度来挖掘为什么这么多年来《土生子》会受到人们的普遍认可和高度评价。

    Although in our academic circles , there are many study achievement in Native Son , few scholars choose the view of the aesthetics of readers to consider why Native Son recognized universally in so many years .

  5. 要真正理解非洲、认知非洲、做好非洲研究,应该有人类学的视野与角度。

    To know Africa , perceive Africa and do research on Africa well , the view and perspective of anthropology is needed .

  6. 借鉴西方美学理论对岑参边塞诗进行再认识,拓宽了诗歌研究的视野和角度。

    The author recognizes Cen Cans frontier fortress poems by borrowing the west aesthetics theory , thereby widening the view and the angle of poesy research .

  7. 实验心理学的应试者可能被问到为什么人类有两只眼睛这个话题,而考官们可能希望他们从三维视野的角度来谈谈原因。

    Applicants for experimental psychology who are asked why humans have two eyes might be expected to discuss the reasons in terms of three dimensional vision .

  8. 本文以我国地方科研院所作为研究对象,利用实证研究的方法,从管理科学的视野和角度深入探索了地方科研院所体制改革之路。

    Focused on LOSRI , style running by studying real examples and some counter , this article probes paths and approaches for LOSRI from the angle of management science .

  9. 针对太原市公厕建设的现状,从城市宜居、和谐视野等角度分析了其存在问题,并围绕其展开论述,提出一些解决措施。

    According to present situation of public toilet construction in Taiyan , this paper analyzes existing problems from views of pleasant and harmonious city for living and provides some solution .

  10. 他对“民间”理论的建构为新文学批评开拓了新的视野和角度。

    His unique experiences laid a solid foundation for his academic values and his construction of " Folk " theory opened up a new horizon for new vernacular literature criticism .

  11. 而高校高层次人才步队建设的国际比拟可以提供更开阔的研讨视野和思考角度。

    The international comparison of the construction of high-level faculty of universities can provide a broader perspective and a point view for consideration .

  12. 从文化历史角度探讨高等教育管理体制的特点更具有合理性,试从历史文化视野和研究角度分析美法两国高等教育管理体制的特点及其影响。

    This article discusses the characteristics and influences in the systems of higher educational management between the USA and France in a historical culture view .

  13. 但目前的研究在学科视野、研究角度、对象、理论、方法等方面还存在不足。

    The present study , however , has some shortcomings in the field of the subject , view of study , objective , theory and method .

  14. 本文用复杂性科学的发展来审视传统文化,力图寻找探索研究传统文化的新视野、新角度。

    This text examines the traditional culture with the development of complexity science , we should looks for to investigate the traditional cultural with new visual field , new angle in research .

  15. 然而,近年来,随着语言学理论的兴起、发展和壮大,尤其是语用学的逐渐成熟,我们今天对幽默的研究有了更宽的视野和更新的角度。

    In recent years , with the emergence , development and prosperity of linguistic theories , especially pragmatics , we have a wider horizon and a newer perspective in humor studies .

  16. 第二章从解释学和视野融合两个角度探讨了误译产生的原因,发现误读是引发误译的重要原因,并在此基础上给出了误译的定义。

    Chapter two investigates the reasons of the mistranslation from the perspectives of Hermeneutics and fusion of horizon theory and defines the mistranslation on the finding that misreading is the main reason of mistranslation .