
bō yīn shì
  • broadcasting studio;broadcast studio;studio;broadcasting room
播音室 [bō yīn shì]
  • [broadcasting room] 广播电台等播送广播节目等的特设房间

播音室[bō yīn shì]
  1. 在播音室里还有“男人的健康”杂志的编辑PeterMoore。

    And here in studio , Peter Moore , editor of " Man 's Health " magazine .

  2. 那名下属的妻子被邀请到一个电视播音室。

    The subordinate 's wife was invited to a television studio .

  3. 播音室、电视制作室及/或电影制作室

    " broadcasting , television and / or film studio "

  4. 低频短混响时间播音室的设计和测量

    Design and Measurement of short Reverberation Times at low Frequencies in Talks Studios

  5. 现在我们把大家带回电视播音室。

    We are now returning you to the studio .

  6. 他坐在播音室里,等候发出让他开口说语的信号。

    He sat in the studio and waited for the signal to speak .

  7. 播音室专门为一个电影公司工作,

    studio jobs working exclusively for one film company ,

  8. 有一系列电子控制装置的播音室

    A studio with an array of electronic controls

  9. 这个播音室正在安装音响设备用的电线。

    The studio is being wired for sound .

  10. 丽水市广播电视总台播音室的声学处理

    Acoustic Treatment of Lishui Radio and Television Studio

  11. 在轮到你唱时,播音室经理会提示你。

    The studio manager will cue you in when it 's your turn to sing .

  12. 有线广播播音室声学性能分析

    An Analysis of Acoustics of Wired Broadcasting

  13. 我认为他们刚恢复这里后面的播音室。

    I think that 's just that they are renovating the studio right behind here .

  14. 电视导演及批评家伊恩詹斯顿正和我一起在这儿播音室里。

    The television director and critic , Iain johnstone , is here in the studio with me .

  15. 这种紧凑型话筒是在电台播音室,录音室同样在家中。

    This compact mic is equally at home in the radio studio and in the recording room .

  16. 在一个播音室里,一位好心的女士告诉我,大的广播之声是不会冒险雇佣没经验的新手的。

    In one studio , a kind lady told me that big stations couldn 't risk hiring an inexperienced person .

  17. 诺里斯:你这会儿还给我们在旧金山的播音室带来了这套“动物农庄磁铁乐”玩具。

    Now , you 've brought the Fridge Farm Magnetic Animal Set there with you into the studio in San Francisco .

  18. 在一个播音室里,一位好心的女士告诉我,大的广播电台是不会冒险雇佣没经验的新手的。

    In one studio , a kind lady told me that big stations couldn 't risk hiring an 6 ) inexperienced person .

  19. 在母亲节那天,他们邀请了几位母亲到播音室做客。他们在节目中咒骂,说很露骨的话,并用脏话称呼她们。

    On Mother 's Day , they invited several mothers to be in-studio guests for a segment . They cursed them , said sexually explicit things , and called them obscene names .

  20. 大卫·史普利(《纽约时报》编辑):我刚才,你也知道,我们刚刚谈到我从《纽约时报》大楼步行到全国公共电台的播音室。

    David Shipley ( NY Times Editor ): And I was , you know , we were talking earlier about my walk over from the New York Times building to the NPR studios .

  21. 刚开始的时候,莱斯的工作是为那些不能离开播音室的主持人们取咖啡或者是去买午餐和晚餐。汽笛响了,工人们停工午餐。

    At first , he fetched coffee or picked up lunches and dinner for the deejays who could not leave the studio . The whistle went and the man knocked off for lunch .

  22. 在一个播音室里,一位好心的女士告诉我,大的广播电台是不会冒险雇用没经验的新手的。“去乡下找一家给你机会的小电台吧,”她说。

    In one studio , a kind lady told me that big stations couldn 't risk hiring inexperienced person - " Go out in the sticks and find a small station that 'll give you a chance , " she said .

  23. 尤其是夜间行车时,列车播音室停止播音,有的旅客直接向列车员询问到站情况,列车到站时列车员才报站名等情况,给旅客出行带来诸多不便。

    Especially at night , the train goes off the air . Some of the passengers inquire train attendant the situation of the destination directly , or the train attendant just offers the name of station when the train gets to the station .