
bō zhǒng jī
  • seeder;planter;sower;grain drill;seed planting machine
播种机 [bō zhǒng jī]
  • [seed planting machine;seeder] 用以播种的农业机械

播种机[bō zhǒng jī]
  1. JOHN·DEERE7000型精密播种机的导种管分析

    Analysis of seed spout of John Deere 7000 precision seeder

  2. 2BFD7型手扶悬挂式施肥播种机的设计与计算2BT2小型垄作播种机的研制

    Design and Calculation on the Mounted Fertilizing Seeder ( 2BFD-7 ) for Walking Fractor Design and Manufactory of 2BT & 2 Model Ridge Culture Seeder

  3. 基于GPS的变量施肥播种机的试验研究

    Experiment Research of Variable Rate Seeding Machine Based on GPS

  4. 基于ADAMS的播种机仿形机构运动仿真

    Motion Simulation of Profiling Mechanism of a Planter Based on ADAMS

  5. 体外模拟试验发现抗S.免耕播种机新型锯切防堵装置的试验研究

    Anti - S. Experimental Study on Sawtooth Anti - blocking Mechanism for No-tillage Planter

  6. JohnDeere1590型小麦免耕播种机不适合于在直立秸秆情况下进行播种,适于大面积地块作业。

    JOHN DEERE 1590 No-Tillage Drill could not plant under the condition of the corn stalks standing in the field .

  7. CacheProfiling技术播种机仿形机构仿形轮配置的研究

    Cache Profiling Studies on the Arrangement of Profiling Wheel in the Profiling Mechanism of a Planter

  8. 基于SolidWorks的新型玉米播种机虚拟设计

    Virtual Design of New Corn Planter Based on SolidWorks

  9. 该播种机由变量控制器控制机械式无级变速器,根据GPS的位置信号,完成处方图设计的播种施肥作业。

    It could be accomplished sowing work prescribing by the application maps based on the GPS signal under the control of mechanical variable speed unit .

  10. 在对铲式玉米精密播种机的结构和特点进行分析的基础上,利用ANSYS对分种勺盘和打穴铲两零件进行了应力分析。

    Based on structure and characteristic analysis of spade punch precision planter for maize , its stress analysis has been conducted with ANSYS .

  11. 利用Pro/E建模和装配,对铲式播种机进行了虚拟设计,并采用ADAMS对其工作过程进行了动态仿真。

    Virtual reality design for spade punch planter was carried out by model building and assembly with Pro / E , and working procedure of the planter was simulated with ADAMS .

  12. 该系统采用软硬件相结合的设计思想,在Windows环境下,采用VC++和Matlab开发了相关软件,实现对试验数据的自动采集与处理,解决播种机实时监测问题。

    This paper introduced the idea of combining the software and hardware , based on the Windows environment and implemented with tool VC + + and Matlab , the automatic test and analysis system for sampling data , solving the real time monitoring problems of precision drill .

  13. 本系统采用MCS-51单片机实现了精密播种机排种性能监测。

    MCS 51 single chip microprocessor was adopted in this system to detect the precision drill 's seeding and to sound the alarm in different sonic and light ways for re seeding or miss seeding .

  14. 由此证明SN-1-130气吸式精密播种机的环道气室符合气吸式排种器的流场结构要求。

    It showed the loop air dome of the SN-1-130 ASD was satisfactory of the air field of ASD .

  15. 我们运用飞机生流场总体设计理论,改进原来常规的设计方法,设计出了FB-85型飞机播种机,经试验证明:应用全流场总体设计理论所设计的飞机播种机,主要性能指标有很大的提高。

    The conventional design method was improved by applying the theory of whole-flow-field general design method . The FB-85 airplane seeder was constructed with this theory . Through testing , it was shown that the main performance indices of the airplane seeder designed with the above mentioned were distinctly improved .

  16. 小杂粮浅松播种机的设计与试验研究

    Design and experimental study on surface-tillage planter for small seed crops

  17. Pro/E在精密播种机设计中的应用

    Application of Pro / Engineer in the Design of Precision Planter

  18. 小麦免耕播种机中几个结构参数的设计计算

    Design and Calculation of Several Structural Parameters of No-tillage Wheat Drill

  19. 小动力施肥播种机设计的若干问题

    Questions on the designing of low power seed and fertilizer drill

  20. 精密播种机监控系统的发展现状及创新研究

    Innovation Study and Development Status of Detection-control System of Precision Seeder

  21. 精密播种机导种筒的理论分析与设计计算

    Theoretical analysis and design of seed spout of the precision drill

  22. 玉米免耕覆盖播种机作业质量评价与检测

    Appraisal and Check on Quality of No-till and Cover Maine Seeder

  23. 地膜播种机螺旋覆土滚筒的参数优化

    Parametric optimization of the spiral cylinder of a plastic-film mulch seeder

  24. 水稻育苗精量播种机振动试验的模糊分析

    Fuzzy Analysis on Vibration Test of the Rice Seedling Precision Machine

  25. 精密播种机田间植株分布动态仿真

    Study on Dynamic Simulation of Field Plant Distribution of Precision Planter

  26. 气吸式水稻播种机泥浆铺土装置的设计研究

    Study on the Mud Bedding Device Used on the Rice Seeders

  27. 免耕播种机试验与应用研究

    Study on the Test and Application of No - Till Seeder

  28. 铲式玉米精密播种机仿真及虚拟设计研究

    Simulation and Virtual Reality Design for Spade Punch Planter of Corn

  29. 磁吸式穴盘精密播种机的研制及试验

    Development and test of the magnetic precision seeder for plug seedlings

  30. 免耕播种机开沟圆盘材质与加工工艺的研究

    Analysis of Materials of Different Disc Opener for No-tillage Planter