
  • 网络Podcast;podcasting;Podcasts;Video;Blog
  1. 快船队的贾马尔-克劳福德近日做客我们BasketballInsiders的播客访谈。

    Jamal Crawford of the L.A. Clippers was recently a guest on the Basketball Insiders Podcast .

  2. 播客是发布录制的数据音频文件的数据提要(feed),可自动下载和复制到用户的便携式媒体设备上。

    A podcast is a data feed that distributes recorded digital audio files that are automatically downloaded and copied to a user 's portable media device .

  3. 2004年9月,在Google上搜索播客,只有20条。

    In September , 2004 , there are only 20 terms of boke in Google .

  4. 新闻,日历,信息渠道使用RSS提供和播客

    News , calendars , information channels using RSS feeds and podcasts

  5. 接下来看看Jason是如何使用播客的吧。

    So , let 's look at how Jason uses podcasts .

  6. 我有ESL播客公仔的全部收藏。

    I have the entire collection of ESL Podcast action figures .

  7. 您正在收听的是英国总领事馆英语在线播客栏目,我是Nina。

    Youre listening to British Councils English Online podcast and Im Nina .

  8. TalkUltra播客创建者伊恩科利斯(IanCorless)说,自己从铁人三项赛“升级”至了极限马拉松赛。

    Ian Corless , who produces the Talk Ultra podcast , says he graduated to ultra marathons from triathlons and Ironman races .

  9. 你也可以下载音频MP3格式或下载它作为一个播客。

    You can also download the audio in MP3 format or download it as a podcast .

  10. 过去这些年,我一直会把自己的专栏做成播客版本,但现在我遇到了激烈的竞争——来自实验机器人艾米(ExperimentalAmy)。

    For years I have been making podcast versions of my column , but now I am faced with stiff competition - in the shape of Experimental Amy .

  11. 我使用overcast播客播放器做好所有播客的准备。

    I use Overcast to keep all my podcasts at the ready .

  12. 在iTunes上找一些英语广播台或播客

    Find some English radio stations and podcasts in iTunes

  13. (幸运的是,目前有一些Ruby和rubyonrails的每周播客,这些播客会组织并呈现最新趋势以及分享最佳实践。)

    ( Luckily , a number of weekly Ruby and Ruby on Rails podcasts organize and present trends and best practices . )

  14. 是一个RIA平台,用来发布视频、播客、幻灯片等诸如此类的在线学习资料。

    Is a RIA platform for delivering online learning resources , such as videos , podcasts , slides , etc.

  15. 您也可以找到我们节目的采访稿、MP3和播客,包括我们的留学生系列。

    You can also find transcripts , MP3s and podcasts of our programs , including our Foreign Student Series .

  16. 哈斯商学院招生办公室主任彼得·约翰逊(PeterJohnson)表示,学校招聘播客受关注度之高令他惊讶不已。

    Peter Johnson , Haas ' director of admissions , says he was surprised at the amount of attention the school 's recruitment podcasts attracted .

  17. 这是一个正在进行的一序列的ESL播客涵盖整个面试过程。

    It is one of an ongoing sequence of ESL podcasts that covers the whole interview process .

  18. 我发现,在我个人播客网站中,五分之一的访问者宁愿通过电子邮件订阅,而不是RSS。

    I have found that one fifth of the visitors to my podcast would rather subscribe through e-mail over subscribing through RSS .

  19. 在今天的播客中,美国软件公司Adobe将关闭在华公司。

    In today 's podcast , the U.S. - based software company Adobe Systems will close its offices in China

  20. RSS代表ReallySimpleSyndication,通常是一种标准化的格式,用于共享频繁更新的数据,比如博客帖子、新闻标题或播客。

    RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is a mostly standardized format for sharing frequently updated data , such as blog posts , news headlines , or podcasts .

  21. 正如周三在“关键路线”(CriticalPath)播客中的承诺,德迪乌已开始着手对苹果公司(Apple)与其竞争对手进行系统对比,首先中选的是微软公司(Microsoft)。

    As promised on his critical path podcast Wednesday , dediu has begun comparing apple ( AAPL ) in a systematic way to some of its peers , starting with Microsoft ( MSFT ) .

  22. 现在谁还记得播客网站Odeo是Twitter的前身呢?

    After all , how many of us still remember odeo as the precursor to twitter ?

  23. 许多将资金投入视频播客的商学院都有着明确的目的,那就是利用自己的在线展示将浏览者转变为希望获得MBA项目完整体验的付费学生。

    Many are putting funds into video podcasting with the explicit aim of using their online presence to turn browsers into fee-paying students who want the full MBA experience .

  24. SCE客户端应用程序提供了丰富的多媒体以及良好的内容体验,包括文档、照片、视频以及播客(podcast)等。

    A SCE client application provides a rich multimedia and content experience , including documents , photos , videos and podcasts .

  25. 具体药物的安全信息,包括最新的药物安全表,FDA患者新闻发布,概况介绍,与药物安全有关的播客;

    Drug-specific safety information , including safety sheets with updated information about the drug , pertinent FDA news releases , fact sheets , and podcasts concerning drug safety ;

  26. 问:你这种关注文物的做法,让我想起了大英博物馆的尼尔·麦格雷戈(NeilMacGregor)推出的播客和他出版的《大英博物馆世界简史》(AHistoryoftheWorldin100Objects)。

    Q. Your method of focusing on objects reminds me of the podcasts and book published by Neil MacGregor of the British Museum , " A History of the World in 100 Objects . "

  27. 很明显不是在说所有的播客我想。Catherine这里在说那些不出名的,我想这才是作者的意思。

    Obviously there not talking about all podcasters I think , Catherine here is referring to the less popular podcasters , I think that 's what the script writer meant .

  28. 德迪欧一直以普及克里斯坦森的思想为己任,在他的博客Asymco、播客CriticalPath和Airshow上竭力传播颠覆性创新理论福音。

    Dediu has made a career of popularizing Christensen 's ideas , spreading the gospel of disruption in his Asymco blogs , his Critical Path podcasts and his Airshow padcasts .

  29. 雅虎第三季度员工人数增加了1200人,而迄今为止,杨致远决定关停的服务只有用户寥寥的雅虎播客(YahooPodcasts)和BillPay网站。它们于10月底关闭。

    Staff numbers increased by 1,200 in the third quarter and the only services being shut down by Mr Yang to date are the little-used Yahoo Podcasts and Bill Pay sites , which close next week .

  30. 随着Facebook、Twitter、Flickr​和新基于用户的媒介如博客、播客的日益发展,Web2.0已经成为主流。

    Since the increasing penetration of applications like Facebook , Twitter , Flickr as well as new user-based media like blogs or podcasts , the so-called Web2.0 has become state of the art .