
  • 网络pixar
  1. 皮克斯动画制片公司:故事的设计(Pixar:TheDesignofStory)


  2. 他把自己在Next和皮克斯积累下的经验用在了苹果公司的运作上

    He taught the company what he learned when he was at Next and Pixar ,

  3. 那天早上,代表团里的老手对皮克斯塔芙小姐都敬而远之。

    More experienced hands in the Mission had given Miss Pickerstaff a wide berth that morning

  4. Price先生把皮克斯丢进了米老鼠和它的伙伴们的怀里,假想一切都会顺理成章。

    Mr Price leaves Pixar and its animators in the arms of Mickey Mouse and friends , and assumes that all will be well .

  5. 这之后,他先后创立了苹果、NeXT电脑公司和皮克斯动画制作公司,成为影响现代文化版图的重要力量。

    He would go on to eventually found Apple , NeXT Computer and Pixar , becoming an instrumental force in shaping the landscape of modern culture .

  6. 麦金塔电脑,皮克斯还有ipodandtheiphone,ipad.

    The macintosh , and pixar iPod , iPhone , iPad

  7. 为何你出任CEO并修补与皮克斯的关系如此重要?

    Why was it important for you to come in and kind of patch up this relationship with Pixar .

  8. 除去《神偷奶爸》和《怪物史瑞克》,另外三部票房成绩不菲的动画电影是冰川时代(IceAge),《马达加斯加》(Madagascar)和皮克斯动画工厂出品的系列动画《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)。

    The other three highest-grossing animated franchises below Despicable Me and Shrek is Ice Age , Madagascar and Pixar series Toy Story .

  9. 在经营过皮克斯(电影制作室),NeXT(计算机制造商)之后,他已经成为一个更加成熟的管理者,虽然,不是很慈祥的那种。

    He hadbecome a more mature manager , if not quite a mellow one , after running , with mixedsuccess , Pixar , a film studio , and NeXT , a computer maker .

  10. 皮克斯九年以来第一次全年没有发行电影,而是让《恐龙当家》(TheGoodDinosaur)重新开始。

    Pixar , for the first time in nine years , did not release a movie , sending The Good Dinosaur back to the drawing board .

  11. 2011年时他告诉网站鸟类频道(BirdChannel),我想拍摄有关最稀有的鸟类的故事,斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉的确就是最稀有的。

    I wanted [ to feature ] the rarest bird , he told the website Bird Channel in 2011 . The Spix 's macaw truly is the rarest .

  12. 与此同时,他也在经营NeXT,而且他同时也拥有从乔治·卢卡斯(GeorgeLucas)手中购买的动画工作室皮克斯(Pixar)。

    At the same time he was running NeXT , Jobs also owned Pixar , the animation studio he bought from George Lucas .

  13. 2010年,乔布斯在推广iPad时,展示了皮克斯公司制作的电影“飞屋环游记”。

    Steve Jobs shows a scene from " Up ", a Pixar film , during his speech introducing the iPad in2010 .

  14. 甚至他的“副业”皮克斯(pixar)都取得了令人瞩目的成就。

    Even his side project , Pixar , was an astounding achievement .

  15. 史蒂夫.乔布斯(SteveJobs)执掌皮克斯动画工作室(Pixar)期间,对总部大楼做了一项令人瞩目的设计:把洗手间从分散转为集中,促使全公司的员工在几个中央洗手间里碰面。

    Steve Jobs famously designed the Pixar headquarters with central bathrooms so that people from around the company would run into each other .

  16. 乔布斯1985年夏天在中年危机中度过,但在他离开苹果的日子里,他联合创立了电脑公司NeXT,它后来被苹果收购,并成立皮克斯动画工作室。

    Jobs spent the summer of 1985 in a midlife crisis , but during his time away from Apple , Jobs co-founded computer company NeXT , which was later acquired by Apple , and launched Pixar Animation Studios .

  17. 如果史蒂夫·乔布斯不辍学的话,就不会有Mac电脑、iPod,甚至巴斯光年(巴斯光年战警是皮克斯最早红遍全球的角色之一,出现于《玩具总动员》系列电影&译者注)了。

    The Mac , the iPod , heck , even Buzz Lightyear probably wouldn 't have existed had Steve Jobs stayed in school .

  18. 乍一看,Jibo长得有点像皮克斯动画工作室(Pixar)创作的《机器人总动员》(Wall-E)里那个主人公的女友Eve。

    At first glance , Jibo looks a bit like Wall-E 's robot girlfriend .

  19. 当他需要推销某样产品时,比如一台NeXT电脑或者一部皮克斯(Pixar)出品的电影,他的个人魅力就会突然间再次聚焦到我的身上,

    When he had something to pitch , such as a NeXT computer or Pixar movie , the beam of his charm would suddenly refocus on me ,

  20. 皮克斯动画公司CEO乔布斯(此时乔布斯已重返苹果公司)在苹果展销会上作演讲,1997年,1月7日

    In this Jan. 7 , 1997 , file photo , Steve Jobs , chief executive of Pixar , speaks at the MacWorld trade show in San Francisco .

  21. NeXT电脑公司总裁兼CEO史蒂夫乔布斯在向公众展示他的新一代NeXT工作站(此时乔布斯已经离开苹果创办了皮克斯动画和NeXT电脑公司),1990年9月18日,旧金山

    In this Sept. 18 , 1990 , file photo , Steve Jobs , president and CEO of NeXT Computer Inc. , shows off his company 's new NeXTstation after an introduction to the public in San Francisco

  22. 第三名是少有的原创电影大片《头脑特工队》(InsideOut),来自迪士尼的皮克斯公司,国内票房达3.482亿美元,全球票房达7.06亿美元。

    Third place went to one of the few original movies to hit big : " Inside Out , " from Disney 's Pixar unit , took in $ 348.2 million ( $ 706 million worldwide ) .

  23. 本月早些时候发生的事情更是验证了迪士尼的担忧,中国推出了一部名为《汽车人总动员》的动画片。该片的多幅宣传图片和迪士尼-皮克斯(Disney-Pixar)的《赛车总动员》(Cars)几乎一模一样。

    Those worries were stoked earlier this month , when a Chinese animated movie called " Autobots " was marketed with images that were nearly identical to characters from Disney-Pixar 's " Cars . "

  24. 这十年里,传统迪斯尼动画起死回生,皮克斯也带来了《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)系列的前两部,革新了动画片这种形式。

    It was also the decade in which traditional Disney animation came back from the dead and in which Pixar , with the first two Toy Story movies , reinvented the form magnificently .

  25. 皮克斯动画公司(Pixar)镜头下的年轻人并不轻松愉快——2006年迪士尼买下了皮克斯。

    Youth through the lens of Pixar , which Disney bought in 2006 , is no picnic .

  26. 随着梦工厂(Dreamworks)和皮克斯(Pixar)等公司强势崛起,后来居上,迪斯尼动画的士气愈发消沉,人才纷纷出走。

    Morale dropped and talent departed as companies like DreamWorks and Pixar took the lead in animation .

  27. 1988年,他们制作的动画短片TinToy赢得了奥斯卡奖。皮克斯得以借此维持生计,更重要的是,这让他们吸引了迪士尼的注意。

    " Tin Toy ", a short animated film , won an Oscar in1988 , and that was enough to keep Pixar alive and , crucially , to attract the interest of Disney .

  28. 这个魔幻王国在“鲍勃大王”(KingBob)的领导下兴旺发展,公司价值翻了好几番,并且收购了多个虚幻帝国,如皮克斯动画(PixarAnimation)、漫威娱乐公司(MarvelEntertainment)。

    The magic kingdom had prospered during King Bob 's reign , multiplying severalfold in value and extending its rule over various make-believe empires such as Pixar Animation and Marvel Entertainment .

  29. 华纳公司重新安排了《木星上升》(JupiterAscending)的上映时间。皮克斯九年以来第一次全年没有发行电影,而是让《恐龙当家》(TheGoodDinosaur)重新开始。

    Warner rescheduled " Jupiter Ascending . " Pixar , for the first time in nine years , did not release a movie , sending " The Good Dinosaur " back to the drawing board .

  30. 在迪士尼皮克斯(DisneyPixar)的电影《汽车总动员》(Cars)中,嬉皮性格的菲尔莫尔(Fillmore)就是一辆涂着迷彩的大众面包车,依靠出售自制生物柴油谋生。

    In the Disney Pixar movie'Cars , 'the hippie character named Fillmore is a VW microbus painted in psychedelic colors who sells homemade biodiesel for a living .