
  • 网络LEATHER HAT;Leather Cap
  1. 现代材料使得设计者可以造出轻巧的头盔,这和30年代用吊带固定的皮帽相去甚远。

    Modem materials enable the designers to construct a lightweight helmet , far from the days of leather cap with straps 0f the 1930 's.

  2. 筱田释放后出现在府中,东京西部,戴着太阳镜和皮帽。

    Shinoda emerged from jail in Fuchu , west of Tokyo , wearing sunglasses and a leather hat .

  3. 爸爸身穿绿色套装,头戴羔羊皮帽。

    Baba was wearing a green suit and a caracul hat .

  4. 今年冬天,俄罗斯皮帽在城市商人中很流行。

    Russian fur hats have become quite the thing among city businessmen this winter .

  5. 他转过身,对着麦克风说,他希望这座房子比他的皮帽来得牢靠,人们又大笑起来。

    He turned back to the microphone and said he hoped the building was sturdier than his hat , and everyone laughed again .

  6. 它们在整个冬天就象皮帽和绒靴一样随处可见,式样繁多,它们是街道潮流且极具魅惑力。

    They are everywhere this winter , as everywhere as furry trapper hats and fuzzy boots , in varieties so bountiful as to seem , as a street trend , rather mystifying .

  7. 然后,他碰了碰自己的皮帽,算是行礼,与白背心绅士攀谈起来。

    So , he spelt the bill through again , from beginning to end ; and then , touching his fur cap in token of humility , accosted the gentleman in the white waistcoat .