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  1. 皮日休是晚唐著名诗人。

    Pi Ri xiu is a famous poet of the late Tang dynasty .

  2. 《皮子文薮》是皮日休自编的一部诗文集,共十卷,一至九卷为文,第十卷是诗歌,本文主要研究前九卷文。

    This work was composed by ten volumes , in which the first to the ninth volumes were prose while the tenth was poetry .

  3. 第二部分从入木三分的政治讽刺、冷静独到的社会批判、睿智深刻的哲学思考三个方面来探讨皮日休杂文的特点。

    The second part researches on the characters in Pi Rixiu 's essay which includes deep political irony , calm criticism of the social fashion and philosophical thinking .

  4. 第四章为皮日休诗风渊源探析,从思想构成与诗学观念、地理因素、对前贤的学习继承三个方面加以阐述。

    In the fourth chapter we will delve into the origin of his poetic styles . We will elaborate on it from three aspects : his thought constitution and poetics idea , the geographical factors , and his inheritance to the late scholars .