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  • Li Shangyin;Lei seungyan.
李商隐 [lǐ shāng yǐn]
  • [Li Shangyin] (约813-858) 唐诗人。字义山,号玉谿生,怀州河内(今河南沁阳县)人。曾任校书郎、弘农尉、秘书省正字等职。有《玉谿生诗》,现存;文集已佚,后人辑有《樊南文集》、《樊南文集补编》。李商隐与杜牧齐名,人称小李杜,以别于李白和杜甫。又与温庭筠齐名,称为温李。身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通、春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干,均为千古传诵的名句。李商隐的诗继承和发展了我国古典诗歌的艺术技巧,成就很高

  1. 雏凤清于老凤声。(李商隐《韩冬郎即席为诗相送因成二绝》)

    A young Phoenix sings better than an old one . [ said of a son surpassing his father or of a student surpassing his master ] .

  2. 身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。(李商隐《无题》)

    For bodies no fluttering side by side of splendid Phoenix wings , | between hearts the one minute thread from root to tip of the magic horn . ( the second line is often quoted as meaning a meeting of minds . )

  3. 李商隐诗歌题材取向与艺术表现

    The subject orientation and art representation of Li Shangyin 's poem

  4. 在李商隐无题诗爱情面纱的后面

    Behind the Veil of Love in Li Shangyin 's Titleless Poems

  5. 这是李商隐诗歌朦胧性产生的时代土壤。

    This is Li Shangyin poetry of the era Obscurity soil .

  6. 论李商隐诗的幻象与幻境

    On the Illusions and Phantasms in the Li Shangyin 's Poems

  7. 李商隐诗作的变异心理分析

    The Psychological Analysis of the Variability of Li Shangyin 's Poems

  8. 李商隐诗与自然通合的特征

    On the Features of Combining Poems with Nature by Li Shangyin

  9. 从结尾艺术解读李商隐诗歌

    Understanding the Craftsmanship of Concluding Stanza in Li Shangyin 's Poem

  10. 论李商隐无题诗的情感张力

    On the feeling tension of Li Sangyin ′ s poems without titles

  11. 李商隐爱情诗的朦胧美

    Beauty the obscure prettiness of Li shangyin 's love poems

  12. 李商隐诗歌英译的多元阐释研究

    Multiple Interpretation on English Versions of Li Shangyin 's Poems

  13. 李商隐政治诗的悲剧创作心态

    LI Shang_yin 's Ideas of Literary Creation of His Tragic Political Poems

  14. 咏物诗的情节链与李商隐的《锦瑟》诗

    The Plot Linkage of Existential Poetry and Ornamented Zither by Li Shangyin

  15. 李商隐可以讽刺,可以幽默,可以感伤。

    He can be satirical , humorous , or sentimental .

  16. 李商隐的七律形成了杜甫之后的又一座高峰。

    Lishangyin 's seven-syllable formed another peak after Dufu .

  17. 关于李商隐诗歌的评注式批评。

    Second , comments the note type criticism about the Li Shangyin poetry .

  18. 约翰·邓恩与李商隐之比较研究

    A Comparative Study of John Donne and Li Shangyin

  19. 李商隐尤以其独道的“无题”诗闻名。

    He is particularly famous for his tantalizing " no title " poems .

  20. 樊南文与玉溪诗&论李商隐四六文对其诗歌的影响

    On the Relation between the Rhythmical Prose and the Poetry of Li Shangyin

  21. 物象与诗人的内心世界&浅谈李商隐的几首爱情羁愁诗

    Figure as well as the poet 's inner world

  22. 李商隐生卒年新考

    New Textual Research of the Years of Li Shangyin 's Birth and Death

  23. 谈李商隐诗的英译

    On Li Shangyin 's Poems in English Translation

  24. 李商隐坎坷复杂的人生经历形成了其独特的艺术个性。

    Li Shangyin 's unique artistic personality originated from his uneven and complex life .

  25. 从学仙到倿佛看李商隐的自我拯救

    Seeing Li Shangyin ' redemption himself from learning immortal to the religion of buddhism

  26. 李商隐《无题》诗接受史研究

    The Researches on the History of Acceptance of Li Shangyin 's Wu Ti Poetry

  27. 李商隐诗歌对后世文学有深远的影响和独特价值。

    His poems have profound influence on and unique value to the future literature .

  28. 长歌当哭&谈李商隐诗歌的感伤主题

    Long Poems as Wail & on the Sentimental Theme of Li Shang-yin 's Poems

  29. 宋元明时期李商隐研究冷落之原因

    Reasons for Ignorance of LI Shangyin Study in Song , Yuan and Ming Dynasties

  30. 李商隐&悲剧的人生感伤的诗

    Li Shangyin & Tragic Life , Sad Poetry