
  • 网络warring states
  1. 魏国的建立者魏文侯是著名的政治家,任用李悝进行改革。

    Marquis Wen of Wei , a famous statesman , appointed Li Kui to carry out reforms .

  2. 前期法家的代表人物有李悝、商鞅和申不害,后期法家的代表人物是韩非。

    In the early period its leaders were Li Kui , Shang Yang , Shen Buhai and finally Fei .

  3. 李悝改变旧的“世卿世禄”制度,实行“尽地力”与“善平籴”两项农业政策,鼓励农民积极发展生产,稳定粮食价格。

    Li Kui changed the old hereditary system , and put two new agricultural policies into practice , which encouraged peasants to develop agriculture and stabilized food prices .

  4. 周安王二十年(公元前382年),楚悼王任用吴起进行变法,他改革的重点和李悝一样,主要也是在于削弱旧的“世卿世禄”制度,选贤任能,赏罚严明。

    In 382 B. C. , Chu King Dao designated Wu Qi to reform . Similar to Li Kui , he focused his reform on the hereditary system , selecting and appointing persons on their merits , rewards and punishments being rigid .

  5. 各国国君还纷纷聘请谋士,他们都提出了发展经济的成功政策,例如齐国的管仲,魏国的李悝,秦国的商鞅。

    Many rulers of various states employed political advisors who proposed methods for a successful eco-nomic policy , like the legist politician Guan Zhong in Qi , Li Kui in Wei , Shang Yan-gin Qin , and many advisors whose methods are described in the book Lushi Chunqiu .