
  • 网络nishio;west end;X-GUN
  1. 将于近日全面动工的西坑尾垃圾填埋场,一期工程占地七到八公顷,有效填埋库容145万立方米。

    The1 st phase of the Xikengwei Refuse Landfill Site is to be started within the coming days and will cover a7 to8 hectare land plot with an effective landfill capacity of145 million cubic meters .

  2. 厦门西港鳗尾沙淤积区的沉积物为孤丘海蚀残积物及粉砂质泥。

    Sediments in Man-Wei-Sha siltation regions of Xiamen west harbour are sea erosion remains of hills and silty mud .

  3. 短尾一种西印度群岛的短尾科小鸟,与翠鸟种属上相关,有多彩但主要是绿色的羽毛,喉部为亮红色。

    Any of various small birds of the family todidae , of the West indies , related to the kingfisher and the motmot and having colorful , predominantly green plumage and a bright red throat .