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zhù wén
  • notes;explanatory note;annotation
注文 [zhù wén]
  • [notes] 注释的文字

注文[zhù wén]
  1. 通过考察注文中所引书目,可以蠡测高诱时代的著书及其流传情况,并探求其在文献学上的价值。

    An investigation into the bibliography of the quoted books in Gaoyou 's annotation can reveal the writing of books in DongHan dynasty , the spreading of books and the value of philology .

  2. 注文,释文重要的或解释性的注释;

    Acritical or explanatory note ; a commentary .

  3. 〔11〕这是朱熹在《中庸》第十三章注文中所说的话。

    11 . The quotation is from Chu Hsi 's commentary on the Confucian Doctrine of the Mean , Chapter 13 .

  4. 义净译著中的注文及其作者之研究表明传统文化思想对作者的影响是形成不同篇章结构的重要原因。

    The study shows that writers are deeply influenced by their cultural environment to use different rhetorical structures in their articles .

  5. 这其中既包含思想上的分析,又包含从不同角度对注文内容的全方位解读。

    It contains not only ideological analysis , but also the full range of interpretation Note the text content from a different angle .

  6. 但由于散注者的目的在于方便阅读,尽管被分拆散置后的注文已非《集解》之原本旧式,然裴注的内容仍基本保存。

    Because the purpose of the notes scholar is convenience for the reader , the original contents are kept though changes are made .

  7. 我们对三篇材料的按语和注文,作了少数文字上的修改。

    We have made a few verbal changes in the editor 's notes and the footnotes to the three instalments of the material .

  8. 该书注解简洁,部分注文精辟且有新意,对后世注解医经产生了一定影响。

    The annotating notes of this book is very concise , in which some of them have influenced the descendents in somed degree both in home and abroard .

  9. 在我国现今学术期刊中,主要采用五种注释规范,即尾注、脚注、文中注、尾注脚注结合注和尾注脚注文中注结合注。

    There are mainly five annotation specifications , endnote , footnote , note in text , combination of endnote and footnote , and combination of all in China 's current academic journals .

  10. 事实上,我们以《释地》及历代对它的注文为例,透过文字现象,发现《尔雅》蕴含着古人丰富的思想,如空间观念、政治观念、地域观念和文化想象。

    Through the Interpretation of Geography and the annotated text of the past dynasties , we found it contains rich ideas , such as the concept of space , political ideas , area culture and cultural imagination .