
  • 网络implantation energy;Energizes
  1. 计算表明,在不同注入能量下,饱和注入量是不同的。

    The results show that saturation dose is different for the different levels of implantation energy .

  2. 钛离子注入能量对Pb-4%Sb腐蚀行为的影响

    Effect of Titanium Ion Implantation Energy on Corrosion Behavior of pb - 4 % Antimony Alloy

  3. 实验结果表明:系统在注入能量为150μJ,放大输出为109mJ时,系统净增益为1115;

    The results of experiment shown that 109 mJ output energy with a net gain of 1115 is obtained under 150 μ J input energy ;

  4. 分析并实验研究了在不同抽运电流、放大脉冲与放大器LDA抽运时刻的不同延时及不同注入能量条件下,放大系统及光束每次放大时放大特性的规律。

    The characters of amplifying system and each amplification in different pump currents and input energy were analyzed by theory and experiment .

  5. 在以往的研究中,SBS相位共轭镜的注入能量相对较低,无法满足大型的高能高功率激光系统的应用要求。

    In previous study , however , low power intensity was inputted into SBS phase conjugation mirror , that did not conform to the requirement for the high-energy and high-power laser system .

  6. 远远大于TRIM预测厚度的SiC薄膜的获得是高的衬底温度、一定注入能量的碳离子引起的增强扩散以及通道注入效应综合作用的结果。

    The SiC thin films are much thicker than those predicted by TRIM , due to the channel effect and the enhanced diffusion caused by implanted ions with certain energies at high substrate temperatures .

  7. 给出了升级后非对称光学速调管的几组匹配磁参数,用于在HLS储存环注入能量和可以运行的最高能量下进行谐波FEL实验。

    Several HG FEL experimental groups of matched parameters of the upgraded OK were listed at the HLS injected energy as well as the maximum experimental energy .

  8. 结果表明,脉冲电晕等离子体作用于CH4/O2双组分体系时,较高的注入能量,适宜的气体总流量和O2/CH4的比率,是获得C2烃高产率的必要条件。

    The results show that under pulsed corona discharge , high power input , suitable total flow rate and moderate ratio of O 2 / CH 4 are advantageous to improving C 2 yield .

  9. 用分子动力学方法研究了C60与吸氢的金刚石(111)表面碰撞特性与注入能量的大系。

    The dependence of collision dynamics between C60 and a hydrogen-terminated diamond ( 111 ) surface on the impinging energy of C60 has been studied by means of molecular dynamics simulations .

  10. 选择主放电电容器容量、电压、混合气配气比和预电离条件等对TEACO2序列带激光输出随注入能量变化的特性进行了研究。

    Dependence of output energy of TEA CO 2 laser on a sequence band on input energy were studied with varying input parameters of electric energies and related conditions , such as the capacitance of main discharge , voltage , pre ionization , mixture ratio of gas .

  11. 以四程+助推放大系统为例,运用蒙特卡罗(Monte-Carlo)法计算分析了放大过程中注入能量、放大增益及损耗单独存在随机变化和以上因素共同作用时对系统输出能量稳定性的影响。

    Based on Monte-Carlo method and the multi-pass amplification model , the stability of output energy of the large complicated laser systems was studied . We take the " Four-pass + Booster " amplification system as an example .

  12. 格兰·泰勒棱镜在电源电压950V,注入能量45J,40次/s的强功率激光作用下能连续工作20min,无自振现象,插入损耗小,透射率高。

    The Glam-Taylor prism worked 20 minutes continuously without self-vibration phenomenon and with low insert loss and high transmissivity when it was irradiated by high power laser with power voltage of 950V arid inlet energy of 45J . 40n .

  13. 其注入能量10~100keV,重复频率10~500Hz,脉宽2~50μs,最大等离子体密度1×10~(11)cm~(-3)。

    The implanting energy is in the range of 10 ~ 100 keV , repetitive frequency 10 ~ 500 Hz , pulse width 2 ~ 50 μ s , plasma density up to 1 × 10 cm ~ ( - 3 ) .

  14. 集成电路静电放电电压与注入能量的相关性研究

    Relativity Research on ESD Voltage and Injected Energy of IC

  15. 无论何时只要你去抱怨,你就在给宇宙注入能量。

    Whenever you complain , you give your power away to the universe .

  16. 碳离子注入能量对硅表面摩擦性能的影响

    Influence of C ~ + - implanted energy on tribological behaviour of silicon

  17. 这将同时让你放松和注入能量,就像是做水按摩。

    It 's simultaneously relaxing and energizing , like getting a water massage .

  18. 电力电容器外壳耐爆试验及注入能量计算方法的探讨

    Investigation on the power Capacitor Case Rupture Test and Methods Calculating tbe pourable Energy

  19. 小信号增益系数对输出能量的影响明显大于注入能量;

    The effect of the small gain coefficient was greater than that of the injected energy .

  20. 我吃东西时,仿佛是往自己的身体里注入能量。

    When I eat , I am putting fuel into my body to give me energy .

  21. 注入能量越低,退火温度越高,发光强度越强。

    The lower implant energy and higher annealing temperature , the higher PL intensity have been seen .

  22. 注入能量对硅片的表面性能影响的研究

    Research on the Effects of Surface Performance of Silicon Wafers Under Different C ~ + Implantation Energy

  23. 最深位阱的位置随注入能量的增加渐渐向系统中心移动。

    The location of the deepest well is moved towards the device center along with the increasing of injection energy .

  24. 研究表明对于较薄的聚合物膜,电容效应影响较小,离子注入能量较高。

    For the thinner polymer , the dielectric capacitance could be neglected , and the incident energy of ion is high .

  25. 研究结果表明:调整注入能量和剂量,可以得到厚度不同的βFeSi2表面层和埋入层。

    The β FeSi 2 films and buried layers with different depth and thickness were obtained by adjusting the implantation energy and dose .

  26. 工作气体气压越高、输出耦合镜反射率越大或注入能量越高,激光输出脉冲能量随温度升高而下降的速度越快。

    With higher mixture pressure , mirror reflectance , or input energy , the output pulse energy decreases more quickly with the ambient temperature .

  27. 每台激光器对其相邻激光器注入能量远大于对其它激光器注入的能量,因此多台激光器扩展时系统运转稳定。

    The injection energy of the laser to its adjacent laser is much higher than that to other lasers , which ensures stable system .

  28. 激光输出能量随注入能量的升高,线性增加,斜率效率分别为0.31%和0.32%。

    With the increase in discharge voltage , output energy of laser linearly increase , the corresponding slope efficiency is 0.31 % and 0.32 % .

  29. 分析认为,长脉冲激光束工作在饱和状态时,输出能量的离散度随着注入能量的增加而减小,直至趋于增益系数的相对误差。

    Moreover , if the gain medium is saturated by laser radiation , the output energy spread reduces with the increase of the input pulse energy .

  30. 幸运的是群星在第五宫的派对依然再为你不断注入能量,他们还会停留的更久哦!

    By a stroke of luck the planets that gathered together in April are still having such a good time , they decided to stay together longer !